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Chapter 1105 Layman and Expert

Huang Laosi regretted a little, regretting that he ran to the wooden platform so impulsively.

Just now I was so excited that I ran up. I was only thinking about the three bastards who harmed the people in Border Gate, but I forgot that there was an abbot sitting in the corner.

Now seeing that Chu Qing is going to fight Master Huide to the death, the fourth child wants to leave early. He doesn't want to get involved in this matter. It's not that even the emperor can't afford it, but it's not worth it.

Abbot and abbot are not the same concept, but two positions. They may or may not be the same person.

The abbot is a position, similar to the CEO of a temple, and is also the top manager of the temple. Regardless of the size of the temple, there will be one or more abbots, depending on how many "courtyards" and "halls" there are. For example, the Shaolin Temple has the abbot of Luohan Hall.

, abbot of the Discipline Academy, etc., responsible for managing all affairs in the temple, promoting Dharma, practicing, temple affairs, money, etc.

As for the abbot, the temple has an abbot, but not necessarily an abbot. The abbot is similar to a spiritual leader and does not need to manage the specific affairs of the temple. However, he has the power to rule on the abbot's resolutions. He can make suggestions or even reject them, and he can also directly give advice to the abbot.

The abbot persuaded him to retreat.

In layman's terms, the abbot can replace the abbot and exercise the power of the abbot, but the abbot cannot replace the abbot.

To put it more simply, the abbot can only manage one temple, while the abbot can manage multiple temples.

The abbot of Dapu Temple is not famous, but Master Huide, the abbot, is not famous. In this three-acre area of ​​​​the capital, everyone who believes in Buddhism, even ordinary people who do not believe in Buddhism, knows that there is such a person.

He is an eminent monk, and the status of Master Huide in the hearts of the people can be seen from the way the people quickly gave way.

Not to mention the common people, even the court officials, even if they don't believe in Buddhism, must be polite to Master Huide when they see him.

Huang Laosi has never heard that Chu Qing understands Buddhism, so he is very afraid that this kid will use the usual tricks to cause trouble for Master Huide. If this is the case, it will make everyone laugh, and it will also cause the rejection of countless people.

Even disgusted.

From ancient times to the present, anyone who says religion is bad will basically be unlucky, either scolded or fucked.

But Huang Laosi didn't know that what Chu Qing wanted to deal with was not Buddhism, but monks.

In fact, judging from the scene, Chu Qing has already fallen behind.

Because Master Huide is too "indifferent". From "being invited" to come alone, to allowing Chu Qing to arrange to sit on the stage cross-legged and sit cross-legged in the corner, from the beginning to the end, he is too indifferent, as if he has a state of indifference.

A state that is not disturbed by external objects. It even makes people feel that Chu Qing is looking for trouble. He asks people to come and sit down, and makes trouble for others. He also says that they want to rebel. Looking at this eminent monk, he is neither happy nor sad.

Just sitting like that.

Huang Laosi wanted to leave but couldn't. The courtiers wanted to come up but couldn't. Zhai Xiu and Ma Rui also had bitter expressions on their faces. Tao Shaozhang was eager to try.

No one knew what Chu Qing was going to do, but they all felt that he would humiliate himself.

"Master." Chu Qing rubbed his waist and smiled playfully, just like the common drunken and drunken family members on the market, with image but no image, no temperament, and he slowly sat down in front of Master Huide.

"You speak first, I speak first?"

"I have no words, so how can I explain it? If layman Chu has any confusion in his mind, I may be able to explain it."

"Okay." Chu Qing cleared his throat and slowly calmed down: "Our Chinese nation and culture are originally a nation that worships heaven. Is this correct?"

Master Huide smiled slightly: "Principal Chu thinks it is, that is, yes or no, it is all in Chu's thoughts. It is useless for me to say more."

Chu Qing raised his eyebrows, but he didn't expect that the first blow would miss.

If the other party says yes, it means that he has fallen into his own "trap". If he says no, it means that he does not agree with the divine right of kings. It is equivalent to not recognizing the imperial power!

"Okay, I think so." Chu Qing slowly raised his voice: "I, Chu Qing, am a descendant of the Chinese. The Chinese culture worships heaven and earth and conscience. But now, many people worship clay Buddha statues.

The people of Chang should abide by the laws of heaven and earth's conscience, strive for self-improvement, and be virtuous. We should take the scriptures as the official scriptures, which are the Bagua, Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements. Do you think that's right?"

"Of course it's right."

Chu Qing frowned, as if he had been punched on cotton.

The two fell into silence. In fact, it should be said that Chu Qing fell into silence.

Tao Shaozhang is indeed a pig teammate. He obviously has nothing to do with him, let alone a field he is proficient in, so he insists on speaking out.

"Then I would like to ask you, since we should offer sacrifices to heaven and respect heaven, why should we worship gods and Buddhas? Should we respect gods or gods and Buddhas?"

Chu Qing sighed. Sure enough, Ma Rui was right. The problem with letting Tao Shaozhang participate in the jury was that he allowed Tao Shaozhang to participate in the jury.

"Buddha advises people to do good. The Five Elements do not advise people to do good. Bagua does not advise people to do good. Yin and Yang do not advise people to do good. Amitabha."

When Tao Shaozhang opened his mouth again, Chu Qing gave him a sharp look.

"Okay, master, please tell me, those who uphold the pure precepts are not allowed to sell or trade, set up fields or houses, raise people, slaves, or animals, and keep away from all planting and treasures, such as avoiding fire pits. They are not allowed to cut down vegetation, cultivate soil, or dig the ground.

Mixing decoctions and medicines, fortune-telling, looking up at the stars, pushing steps forward, making calculations, but nothing should be done. Do you think this is wrong?"

Master Huide's lowered eyes suddenly opened, and his originally indifferent expression became a little fluctuating.

Without waiting for Master Huide to speak, Chu Qing asked loudly again: "Greed, anger, ignorance, and the three poisons are to eat once a day and stay under a tree. But what you say in Buddhism, I understand that Buddhists should

A person with a pure heart and few desires should not care about external things, let alone money. But why did I hear that Dapu Temple gave us usury money to the people, and it can also be used to pawn common goods. A cart of cloth can be worth a hundred coins, but if you want to redeem it,

When you come back, you need to pay one hundred and fifty coins, why is that?"

Still before Master Huide could speak, Chu Qing suddenly grinned and spoke in a low voice.

"Master, I have argued with Buddhists and never won, but you are not an ordinary Buddhist, you are a master. Please, please, never say anything to me like those unconventional Buddhists.

I don’t understand Buddhism. I need to read hundreds of thousands of Buddhist scriptures to get started and understand. Not to mention, I have no wisdom. Tell me, it’s useless to talk too much. Don’t tell me, I’ve read all the true and apocryphal scriptures.

It's an apocrypha. Also, don't tell me about distinguishing three different theories of Buddhism. If you say that, I will definitely laugh at you. If it is beneficial, it is true. If it cannot be explained, it is false. Say no.

If it is clear, I will say that I have not read the Buddhist scriptures. If I have read it, I will say that I do not understand it. Please spare me these words."

"Amitabha." Master Huide smiled kindly: "I finally understand why Master Chu is so aggressive."

"Really? Then tell me."

"I dare to ask the donor, why are the four elements empty?"

"I am relatively dull and have never read Buddhist scriptures, so I think I just don't care about anything, not family, friendship, or love."

"The four elements are all empty. It is not about being free from worries. It is about restraint, restraint of inner demons, restraint of desires, and a heart of compassion. If you don't even have a heart of compassion, you cannot achieve the four elements. Only by universally liberating all living beings and making all living beings equal can the four elements be empty.


"Okay, you are compassionate, right? Master, tell me, in your eyes, what is the difference between Liangrong in Beibianguan and my prosperous people?"

"No different."

"Okay, it's no different, just no different. What's the difference between the army over there, the people in Wangyuan City, and the people in the capital?"

"No different."

Chu Qing stared at Master Huide: "If there is no difference, why is there a temple in the middle of the capital and a temple in the southern suburbs, but there is no temple in Wangyuan City?"

"There are countless places without temples."

"Maybe, do you know what I think?"

Master Huide smiled and shook his head: "It's all nonsense. I don't want to think about it. But if Master Chu wants to say something, I just listen."

"What I think about is that the border army and Wangyuan City are our Dachang frontier, a barbaric land, a savage land, but there is the oldest culture and tradition of our Chinese people, that is, martial arts are common, and they are persevering.

The fierce and unafraid of death, the Eastern Dragon, is just like my Chinese clan, the dragon that stands in the East..."

Upon hearing the word "dragon", Sun An coughed lightly.

Huang Laosi glared angrily: "Shut up!"

Chu Qing continued: "But if there is a temple there, and the Buddhist disciples persuade people to do good, persuade the people in the original city not to kill, persuade the border troops not to kill, persuade everyone to put down their weapons, no, in your mouth,

That's called a butcher's knife, not a weapon. If you put down the weapon, according to your opinion, wouldn't it turn me, the dragon of Eastern China, into a vegetarian rabbit? If a rabbit can resist foreign enemies, the cool thieves will break through and wreak havoc.

What do you think about massacring the people of Chang Dynasty?"

"Principal Chu, it seems that you have a profound prejudice against me, Buddhism."

"No, you can't represent Buddhism." Chu Qing stood up suddenly and looked at the people in the audience: "I have no prejudice against Buddhism, and I maintain awe of any religious belief, but for some Buddhist scriptures, and

Monk, what the hell... Bah!"

Sitting down again, Chu Qing smiled slightly: "Master, it must be your lifelong wish to promote Buddhism. I am not talented. There is a way to make countless people believe in Buddhism and serve the Buddha. Do you want to listen? As long as you nod, a

Within a month, at least tens of thousands of people will believe in Buddhism. Within a year, Zhongzhou will have at least one hundred thousand more believers. Listen, do you dare to nod?"

This chapter has been completed!
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