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Chapter 1115 Token

After the meeting adjourned and everyone formed a working group, each person in charge found their room and began to formulate a work outline.

However, Feng Taoist and He Jizhen did not leave. The former looked depressed, while the latter yawned and sat down on a stool and yawned again and again.

Feng Taoist showed a flattering smile on his face: "Master nephew, old Taoist..."

"Don't be so silly, who is your nephew?"

He Jizhen interrupted cheerfully: "That's right. Junior Sister Ling is your mother. Zhao Baodan calls you Junior Nephew, which is what it should be."

Chu Qing rolled his eyes fiercely: "Don't let it go, my nephew. If I find out that you still want to cause trouble, I will send troops to destroy your three peaks first without having to take action."

"There will be no more chaos, no more chaos, no more chaos." Feng Taoist was happy when he mentioned this: "As long as you destroy Buddhism, the old Taoism will not be in chaos."

"Destroy Buddhism?" Chu Qing's expression changed slightly: "I'm warning you, don't talk nonsense here. When did I say that I would destroy Buddhism?"

"But didn't you say before that you wanted to thoroughly investigate the temple?"

"The thorough inspection of temples I am talking about prohibits loan sharking. There are also officials who snatch people's hard-earned money and put it into temples to make money, including some guys who shave their heads and claim to be Buddhists but do nothing. Check

The question is, what do these people have to do with Buddhism?"

Before Zhao Baodan could speak again, He Jizhen said: "That's alright. Whether it's Buddha or Taoism, they are all trying to persuade people to do good. If you recite the sutra wrongly or recite it crookedly, you will naturally be killed."

"That's pretty much the truth. Regardless of whether Buddhism is a local religion or not, as long as it persuades people to do good, it still needs to be respected. As for destroying the Buddha, don't be careless in the future and want to destroy yourself."

Feng Taoist nodded heavily: "Okay, this is what the old Taoist wants!"

"You are not really planning to assassinate the monk, are you?"

"It's nonsense. The old Taoist is an evil monk who can't see how to make money."

Speaking of this, Feng Taoist still couldn't hold back and showed a slightly treacherous smile: "You must know that this evil monk is not only found in Beijing. There are all kinds of temples in the world, and there are many temples where loan sharks are placed.

There are countless, thousands of cavalry camps, and they should all be investigated and thoroughly investigated."

"I think it's easy for you to say that, but there are so many detective horses in the Qianqi Camp. Besides, many temples, local officials and wealthy families are colluding with each other. I sent the detective horses. What do you mean, I need account books and evidence of guilt.

If ten people go, it would be nice if one comes back."

Feng Taoist's smile grew stronger and stronger: "The old Taoist can help with this matter."


"Yes, as long as we can attack the temple... No, as long as we can stand up for the people, I will leave no stone unturned."

Chu Qing sat on the stool, looking slightly suspicious: "Why don't you spare any effort?"

Feng Taoist glanced at He Jizhen. He Jizhen seemed to be hesitant, with a look of thought on his face. Finally, he seemed to have made a decision. He stood up, reached into his arms, and placed three small objects on the desk.

Chu Qing took a closer look and became even more confused. He saw a copper cast-iron tower the size of his little finger, a pen-shaped pendant, and a copper coin. These three things looked like a key chain.

"What's the meaning?"

"The tokens of the Three Hidden Sects." He Jizhen, a half-year-old child, rarely showed a serious look: "Do you know what these three tokens mean?"

Chu Qing looked at the desk again and started thinking.

Pen-like pendants, copper coins, towers...

Chu Qing asked uncertainly: "The implication is...if you have money, you will steal the tower?"

"Wenchang Pagoda, you can go to various Taoist temples. This thing has seven floors, nine floors, and thirteen floors. The Wenchang Pagoda in front of you has nine floors. It is a token used by the twelve disciples of the outer sect. It can command our three peaks.

Outer disciples, the Five Emperors' money can be used to transfer money and food from various Taoist temples. As for this Wenchang pen, it can make the difference between life and death, and make the outer disciples do some... do some things that are not allowed by the law but should be done."

Chu Qing's pupils narrowed: "How many disciples do your three hidden sects have in the secular world?"

He Ji really didn't say anything.

Chu Qing's face was filled with alarm: "Do all Taoist temples in the world listen to your orders from the Three Hidden Sects?"

"It's not that, it's just some Taoist temples that have some friendship with me, the Three Peaks. If they take the token, someone will naturally contact the outer disciples."

Chu Qing did not continue to ask further, knowing that he would not say more if he asked the other party again.

"Why are you giving me this thing?"

Feng Taoist said: "Didn't you say that there are not enough men and horses? Give the token to someone you trust and go to each of them to order my disciples from the three hidden sects to secretly investigate the evidence of crimes in those illegal temples."

"Taoist Cha Monk?"

"It doesn't count as an investigation. If there are really evil-doing monks and outer disciples, they must have known about it for a long time and compiled the evidence of the crime and handed it over to you. When the time is right, you will kill him... You just have to deal with it impartially."

Chu Qing laughed dumbly.

Sure enough, the person who knows him best is probably his enemy. He understood what he meant. There are many disciples of the Hidden Sect of the Three Paths in all walks of life in the world, and these disciples know the conditions of the temples in various places very well.

The Taoist priest had nothing to do to learn about the shady affairs of the temple. It is easy to imagine why.


After saying these three words, Chu Qing withdrew his gaze without explaining the reason. The Feng Taoist priest was quite disappointed, but He Jizhen didn't take it seriously: "One day, you will need it."

"It's my first day out as an official, haha."

With a cold snort, Chu Qing pointed at the door: "Get out."

He Jizhen muttered something unknown, and Feng Taoist also had a somewhat unwilling look on his face, and was forcefully pulled away by He Jizhen.

As soon as the two left, Chu Qing sighed silently.

He couldn't tell whether the two Taoist priests, the older one and the younger one, were really ready to give up on causing trouble. He only knew that they couldn't get too close.

In fact, when he was in the academy last night, he had basically determined that Feng Daoren was not a bad person, but had a big flaw in his character, which made him view the nature of things in an extremely extreme way.

But no matter whether Feng Taoist is a good guy or a bad guy, Chu Qing only knows one thing, that is, he can't get too close, he can't get too close to these two Taoist priests, and he can't have any contact with the Three Hidden Sects, at least not in a personal way.

He did this because he cherished his relationship with Huang Laosi, whether it was friendship or family affection.

This is also the reason why he still doesn't give Feng Taoist a good look. The waist is on the one hand, and the main reason is that he is afraid of being misunderstood.

For example, what would the emperor think if King Chang Chengke of Wu got very close to the Taoist priests of the Three Hidden Sects, and even had a token like "If you have money like a pen, steal the pagoda" to order the outer disciples of the Three Hidden Sects?


I don’t know what Huang Laosi will think, but he will definitely kill Chang Chengke. After the killing, King Wu Chang Chengke may not even leave the palace in this life, let alone leave the capital.

"Three Hidden Doors...Three Hidden Doors..."

Chu Qing muttered to himself, what is going on with this sect that has been inherited for countless years?

This chapter has been completed!
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