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Chapter 1159 Don't act rashly

The letter was very long, and it recorded in detail what Chen Yan had seen and heard after arriving in the East China Sea, as well as the intelligence collected by leading the Donghai Thousand Cavalry Battalion to explore the local area.

You must know that Chen Yan was responsible for setting up the Qianqi Camp from the very beginning. He was extremely capable in business. Not only did he record the local people's livelihood, officialdom and other situations, but he also wrote the most about the numerous crimes committed by the Japanese thieves.

In the letter, Chen Yan mentioned Chu Qing, saying that Chu Qing had said that the Japanese were ambitious and would fight Dachang sooner or later. Only after Lao Jiu went to the East China Sea did he realize that Chu Qing had said it too tactfully.

Most of the Japanese pirates' plundering ships were "financed" by the Yingdao government, and many of the pirates were even regular troops on the Yingdao side.

The relatively large fleet of plundering ships does not need to land ashore and go deep into the interior of Dachang. The Donghai Family will hand over the "cargo" to these plundering ships on the coastline.

The so-called goods are mostly "population". Many aristocratic families forcibly kidnapped people and took them to these plundering ships. There was even a price tag. The younger they were, the more valuable they were. If they were pregnant women or girls, the value was the highest.

In addition to money, the Japanese thieves gave these aristocratic families "territory", which are some nameless islands on the sea map. It is not an exaggeration to say that these islands are paradise, and many aristocratic families have arranged for their relatives to live on these islands.


The aristocratic family has almost done this openly, and the reason why they are so confident is because they have the support of the Ying people.

Not only were these aristocratic families given many islands by Yingdao, but many of their relatives also lived on Yingdao.

In their words, it doesn't matter what the court wants to do. If you want to eradicate us, you can do it. You have to organize manpower. If there are few people, the Japanese thieves will help us kill you. If there are more people, there will be no trouble. Then we

Just run away, go to Yingdao, continue to live the life of a master, or go to those islands and live freely. In short, there is nothing to be afraid of. The court will leave us alone. We will pay taxes normally and pretend to be very submissive.

Don't force anyone.

As for the Japanese thieves who landed inland to fight, they were divided into two types. One was the regular army, the official regular army of Yingdao. They pretended to be pirates, not even to rob anything, but just to kill people. In the words of the Japanese thieves,

Training troops, training new soldiers, using the lives of the people of the East China Sea to train their new soldiers.

There is another kind, which is the real pirate, such as Wu Yong. In addition to killing people, they also steal property.

It’s not that Donghai Zhoushi didn’t do anything, but he was restrained by the family.

The situation is similar to that at the border. Let’s talk about big ships. Many of the real shipwrights come from the Yu family, and the Yu family has been living with the Japanese thieves for many years. In addition, the local officials are extremely corrupt. Even if there are people in the major camps of the boat division who are willing to protect

A loyal and brave person who defends his family and country is also a wise woman who cannot make a meal without straw.

In fact, the fighting power of Ying thieves is very strong, especially in terms of weapons and equipment, and long knives.

The blade of the young sword is longer than those short and short Japanese thieves.

In land battles, swords are inferior to men; in water battles, ships are inferior to men. This is also the frustration of the boat master. If he wants to fight, the hardware is not strong enough, and there are aristocratic families holding him back. If he doesn't fight, he will have to watch the common people suffer.

If it were just the Japanese thieves who plundered, it would be fine. The main reason was that the aristocratic families in the East China Sea were helping the emperor. Most of the time, the Japanese thieves did not need to go ashore to arrest people and steal things. These aristocratic families captured the people in advance and took the initiative to give them to the Japanese thieves.

You must know that even in the capital, Chu Qing spent a lot of effort and a lot of luck to suppress the family, but in the East China Sea, how could the boat master have this ability and ability.

Qin Gang was furious: "The aristocratic family is rampant, and the Ying thieves are even more powerful. They deserve to die, they all deserve to die!"

Nangong Xi's face was full of bitterness.

In fact, he knew some things, but he had never mentioned them to anyone, including the fourth child, because even if he mentioned them, there would be no way to change them. However, he did not expect that the facts were far more serious than he knew.

In Chen Yan's words, that is the coastal area, where the people are not even one out of ten. Now in the East China Sea, Shangyun Dao can still be stronger. The remaining two seem to be the land of Dachang, but the government decrees are blocked and the aristocratic families cover the sky with only one hand.

, has completely become the back garden of the Japanese thieves, they can come and leave whenever they want.

The most frightening thing is that the people have already complained and are completely despairing of the court.

If you change your future life, for example, in which city you live, you will be beaten even if you go out to eat roasted kidneys. At worst, you will sell your house and live in another city. But this is in ancient times, in the Chang Dynasty, it does not mean that you can just move if you want to.

You have to go to the government to get the information, road guides, registers, etc. The aristocratic family is the government, and the government is the aristocratic family. How can I let you go? Not only will I harm you, but I will also harm your descendants. If you leave, who will have children?

, who will work as a coolie for us, and who will we torture?

Chu Qing also looked at the letter. Even though he knew what kind of devil the Ying thief was, he was still angry and unspeakable.

Qin Gang couldn't sit still and stood up: "Your Majesty, I am willing to lead the troops to the East China Sea to annihilate Buchen. Within five years, there will be no more troubles from Japanese thieves. If we can't do this, I will return to the capital with my head raised!"

The fourth child's words immediately made Qin Gang dumbfounded.

"How much money do you have?"

Qin Gang sat back without saying a word, pretending that nothing happened.

Yes, whether it is guarding the border to fight against foreign enemies or quelling civil strife, it all comes down to one word, money.

Either the army should stay still. Once it does, the money will be spent like water.

Let's just talk about the East China Sea. If you want to bring order to chaos, you must lead troops. As for the soldiers, it is impossible to mobilize them from the East China Sea. They have to be mobilized from other channels, whether it is Zhechong Prefecture from various places or the eight major camps in Beijing. Thirty to fifty thousand people can be randomly mobilized.

Everything costs money. This money comes from the court. The question is where does the court come from?

If Chu Qing hadn't come out of nowhere to establish the Chang Law, and the various Qianqi battalions cooperated with the Ministry of Household officials to collect taxes from various places, the Chang Dynasty would have been unable to make ends meet, and the national treasury would still be in deficit.

Thirty to fifty thousand people, no more, no less. It’s not that the court cannot support these people with food and grass, but it is easy to annihilate a family. What about fighting against the Japanese thieves? Where do the ships come from? Do they have to be built? Does it cost money to build a ship?

Manpower, purchasing wood, and recruiting more sailors all cost money. Today's national treasury certainly cannot afford this money.

Nangong Xi knew Lao Si well and knew that Lao Si had made up his mind. The emperor didn't want to delay this matter any longer, so he couldn't help but ask: "What does your Majesty mean?"

"When we return to the government hall later, the Ying envoy will definitely deny the matter. Now that the cover has been lifted, we will see how the people and scholars react."

Nangong Xi nodded.

Before going to war, you must inspire the morale of the troops and think about it first. There is nothing wrong with this procedure.

The fourth child continued: "If you move, you can't do it rashly. I have to make sure that Nanguan is safe first."

After finishing speaking, the fourth child looked at Chu Qing: "Does Chu Wensheng have a letter to send back?"

Chu Qing shook his head: "No."

"I ordered Qianqi Camp to scout the horses and rush to Nanguan. I want to know whether Chu Wensheng can complete this errand. I will not act rashly until Bing Tao is eliminated."

After Huang Laosi finished speaking, he secretly prayed, hoping that Chu Wensheng would perform another miracle.

But during this period of time, Lao Si had thought a lot. No matter how much he thought about it, he couldn't figure out how Chu Wensheng could seize Bing Tao's military power. Not to mention seizing the military power, even getting close would be difficult.

This chapter has been completed!
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