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Chapter 1179 meaningless

In the main hall, all the friends had gathered, Chu Qing was sitting at the front seat, and Tao Ruolin was holding a small notebook in her hand.

He Jizhen also came, following behind Moyu, calling Mr. Mo one by one.

Old Cuttlefish didn't care about him at all, knowing that this kid wanted to steal his master.

Sheng Zhaojun was very nervous: "Master, what's the matter? Your Majesty agreed?"

Chu Qing smiled slightly and nodded.

The friends immediately beamed.

Only Fu San glanced at Chu Qing slightly, because Chu Qing didn't mention "three times the return".

In fact, there is nothing to talk about. For Chu Qing, even if he doesn't return the money three times, the fourth child can't do anything to him. He has always had such a character, so there is no need to worry or worry about it.

"Although His Majesty agreed, it was only half the battle. The next step we have to convince is the group of civil servants and military generals in the court. They must agree with their hands, feet and limbs, but the civil servants will definitely be gibbering. Tomorrow

, let’s all come together, with full firepower.”

Everyone nodded repeatedly. Many of them were completely different from Chu Qing. Most of them were educated. They were really Yunwen and Yunwu. Although I dare not say that they could outshine civil servants in political debates, they could at least deal with a few.

Next, coupled with the fact that the emperor will definitely pull the strings, and Chu Qing's reputation, this matter is possible. If Qiu Wanshan, a top court debater, helps everyone, there is a 70% chance of this matter.

Chu Qing looked at everyone: "Let's list the suspects now... No, let's list the civil servants who will be screaming tomorrow. I really can't argue, so I will stand on the commanding heights and criticize morality."

"Master Chu." Nangong Ping said in a deep voice: "When talking about the army, weapons will inevitably be mentioned. The border pass and the Zhechong Mansion near the border pass have never been supplied with weapons in sufficient quantities. If you want to correct this shortcoming, you can

It will offend the Ministry of Industry. Mr. Liu Xun, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, no matter how good his personal relationship with you is, may object to this matter on the grounds that the Ministry of Industry has no money or food."

Chu Qing looked at Jiang Yuesheng, who thought for a while and said: "Although Liu Xun has little ability, his personal ethics are impeccable. His children and sons have all achieved military exploits and died in battle. There is also a son.

The injured leg will never heal. The girl is married to an ordinary family, and she is not arrogant or domineering."

Chu Qing sighed.

He knew about this matter that if Liu Xun really came out to oppose it, Qianqiying's methods to deal with other aristocratic families would not be applicable. To be fair, although Liu Xun, the minister, had not made much achievements as a minister, he could not fault him personally.

"However, Liu Xun, the Minister, should not speak too fiercely. If he uses the excuse of lack of money and food, he will definitely provoke the Hu Bu. You have the best personal relationship with the Chu Master, but you can't spare any face, Mr. Wei.

Both Mr. Qiu and Mr. Qiu are extremely smart and will not refute you... I think I will blame the Ministry of Rites and say that most of the annual taxes are used to calm the people and provide disaster relief."

Tao Weiran was quite helpless: "After all, with this money, it is a matter of justice to treat the military well. I think the reaction of civil servants will not be too drastic, but if the issue of land distribution is mentioned, there will be endless noises.

, I feel that we should discuss things one by one, rather than go to the palace and talk about everything."

Chu Qing nodded, deeply convinced.

Things that can stimulate the nerves of civil servants and aristocratic families should be put last. The food should be eaten bite by bite. First, let these civil servants agree to what they can accept, and then spray it bit by bit.

Regarding the land distribution mentioned by Tao Weiran, it should be the most difficult thing.

In fact, the army of the Dachang Dynasty also distributed land, but the threshold was very high. One person had military merit and the other had a job rank. Not even one person in a thousand people would receive land entrusted by the imperial court.

It’s not that Dachang Dynasty’s achievements are difficult to establish, but that there is no chance.

If it is a small-scale conflict, there are not many enemies, and beheadings are not enough, then in a big war, ordinary troops will not be able to make much contribution.

War is not about a few people fighting a few people, but thousands or even tens of thousands of people fighting each other. It is impossible for one of them to kill dozens of people by himself. If it is so fierce, it cannot be unknown.

This is how Xiao Yi climbed up the ranks of the ordinary army, but how many Xiao Yi are there in the army?

Whether it is opening up territory or guarding the frontier, it depends on the grassroots army, not on dozens of generals who are particularly capable of fighting, even if there are hundreds. It will be the ones who charge into the battle, leading the ordinary troops to charge into the battle.

He has a strategic vision, but he is not as good as a handsome man. A handsome man is responsible for taking charge of the overall situation. Even if the court appoints commanders and generals, it still cannot solve the fundamental problem. What supports the pyramid is the base, the lowest level. If a country wants to prosper, it cannot be done by a few people.

A famous general and marshal will suffice, but the grassroots army must be able to fight well.

People in the Chang Dynasty valued land most. First of all, land has no property rights. It doesn’t mean that it will be taken back after sixty or seventy years or that you have to pay for renewal. It is given to you now and will always be yours. You can keep it.

To children and grandchildren.

If the threshold for grassroots military personnel to obtain land is lowered, many problems will be solved and the people will definitely join the army actively. This is something that civil servants are least likely to agree to. Civil servants come from aristocratic families, and most of the land in the world belongs to them.

in hand.

Even if some land is not in their hands, these people are still trying to take it for themselves. There is only so much land. If the army takes more, they will take less. How can they nod and agree.

Jiang Yuesheng made a list, and among the courtiers were representatives of many aristocratic families.

After Chu Qing saw it, everyone began to discuss how to deal with these people when they jump out tomorrow, how to spray them, and whether Qianqiying has a handle if they can't. If there is a handle, how should they use it?

Everyone was talking enthusiastically, while Tao Ruolin covered her mouth and yawned repeatedly.

Chu Qing noticed Tao Ruolin's appearance and smiled: "Go back to sleep when you are sleepy. You don't have to wait for me."

Tao Ruolin rubbed her eyes: "I never wait for you on weekdays."

Chu Qing: "..."

Tao Ruolin suddenly showed a sly smile and lowered her voice: "I can wait for you."

After finishing speaking, Tao Ruolin looked at Chu Qing's waist.

Chu Qing rolled his eyes fiercely.

When I had a clue, I told him not to do strenuous activities or strenuous activities.

Yawning again, Tao Ruolin stood up and said, "If you are tired, you should rest early."

"Why are you resting? You can't be fully prepared for such a big event."

"Why do you always do meaningless things?"

After saying something haphazardly, Tao Ruolin left with Bihua and Qingyang, who was also yawning again and again.

Chu Qing was confused.

Why is this meaningless? Going to the palace tomorrow involves the army of the Dachang Dynasty, and there is a battle to be fought with civil servants. Why doesn't Tao Ruolin pay attention to it at all?

Everyone was still discussing. No amount of preparation for this kind of thing can be too much. The discussion lasted until late at night, and then we had a rough charter. However, we didn’t dare to say that we were absolutely sure. Let’s give it a 50-50 shot.

It is definitely indispensable. When the time comes, it will depend on whether the Arbitrator Huang Laosi dares to completely break up with the civil servants together.

After asking everyone to go back to the house to rest for a while, Chu Qing, who looked tired, rubbed his waist and went back to the house.

Chu Qing felt that today might be the most important day in his life. If he performed perfectly and could convince civil servants, just by this incident alone, he would feel that his life was worth it. It was extremely worth it.

Fu San followed Chu Qing back to the backyard, looking thoughtful.

Chu Qing couldn't help but turn around and asked: "What are you thinking about? Why didn't you say anything just now? It was you, third brother, who took the lead in this matter."

"Master, I have been thinking about what Miss Tao said when she left."



"The devil knows what she means. Why is such a big thing meaningless? Don't think too much, cheer up and spray them to death when you go to the temple!"

Fu San hummed absentmindedly, his intelligent eyes lurking or appearing. He had a rough idea of ​​what Tao Ruolin meant, and he had a bold guess in his mind.

This chapter has been completed!
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