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Chapter 1194 Tianke

Ginger is still spicier.

This was Chu Qing's biggest feeling at the wine table.

He knew that the fourth child had doubted the third child.

Because of the Kirin Stone incident, the fourth child began to suspect that the third child had forgotten his original intention.

Chu Qing also knew that the third child also suspected that the fourth child would not abide by the agreement. Otherwise, he would not have sent the Kirin Stone, which he thought was the most precious treasure of heaven and earth, into the palace to coax the fourth child and make him feel at ease.

Both brothers were afraid that the other would betray themselves and the Supreme Emperor, betraying their family ties and original intentions.

But only the Supreme Emperor never doubted that anyone, neither the third nor the fourth child, would betray themselves, betray their family ties, or betray their original intentions.

Chu Qing raised the cup, first to the Emperor Chang Ao, then to the King of Wu Chang Chengke, and finally to the Emperor Chang Chengyou.

These three people all make him admire.

In addition, Chu Qing knew in his heart that Chang Chengke said so much to him not to make him change his opinion of him. It was better to say it to Qingyang than to himself.

Chang Chengke cared about Qingyang very much, and it was precisely because he saw that the country was slowly getting better. He might have to be a rebel king for the rest of his life, unable to clear his name, so he took this opportunity to let his biological daughter know,

He is not an anti-king at all.

Come to think of it, among Chang Chengke's many children, perhaps only Qingyang will truly understand what kind of person his father is.

Of course, this is also because of Qingyang's condition. Chang Chengke is afraid that if he doesn't speak up, he will have no chance in the future.

As for Chang Yu and Chang Xian, this was the first time they knew the inside story, and their faces were red. After all, in their hearts, the Third Uncle Wang was an anti-king, and sooner or later he would do something detrimental to Dachang Dynasty.

Only Chu Wensheng remained indifferent, drinking wine and bragging with the Supreme Emperor.

It’s not that Lao Chu didn’t have ears and didn’t hear.

I heard it, just don’t care.

Not only did I not care, I felt a little contemptuous of it.

It's just a throne. Anyone who doesn't accept it will be killed. If a hundred people don't accept it, fifty of them will be killed, and the remaining fifty will just accept it. Why go to such trouble and worry about it for all the children?

"Now, my king, can you..." Chang Chengke looked at Chu Qing with a smile: "I can call you Lao Shi?"

Chu Qing laughed: "Third brother."

Chang Chengke also burst out laughing.

The fourth child who was drinking muttered.


Seeing that Chang Chengke was about to become the protagonist, Huang Laosi said sourly: "Speaking of which, I also endured the humiliation and bear the burden. I remember when I first ascended the throne..."

The nth big dick slapped the fourth child on the head, and the Supreme Emperor cursed: "Who are you pretending to be with?"

"Then what should I say? Should I call myself my fourth brother to my uncle, my uncle to Qingyang, or my father to Chu Qing?"


Huang Laosi didn't react for a moment: "I call myself the Supreme Emperor?"

The Supreme Emperor was so angry that Chang Chengke smiled at Chu Qing: "Now you know why the Chang family's back-up man is me, the third brother, and not the fourth brother."

Chu Qing wanted to nod, but was embarrassed.

Not to mention, I am not afraid of comparing goods, but I am afraid of comparing myself to others, all at the wine table. In terms of emotional intelligence, the fourth child is a bit inferior to the third child.

"Oh, you have already abdicated, why are you always pointing fingers? I am the emperor now."

"No matter how fucking emperor you are, how can you still be my son?"

The fourth child scratched the back of his head twice and was too lazy to pay attention to the Supreme Emperor. He continued to say to Lao Chu and Xiao Chu: "Actually, I...Actually, when I came to the throne, I knew what you were capable of, uncle, but I couldn't use it to you immediately after I ascended the throne. This

It's all for my uncle's sake."

Chu Wensheng wanted to yawn, but he was too embarrassed to listen to Huang Laosi farting here. He wanted to continue bragging to the Supreme Emperor.

"You have good friendship with the generals in the army, and among the nobles, fifty-six out of ten are generals in the army. If I take the throne, I will use you in high regard, and suppress the nobles, 80% of them will look for you, so that

You are in trouble."

Chu Wensheng chuckled.

Bing Tao and I are old acquaintances. Do you think I'm being soft?

It has to be said that Huang Laosi still doesn’t understand Chu Wensheng well enough.

It is true that Chu Wensheng valued love and righteousness, but there are pros and cons when a slap is extended. He has been fighting for many years, and he knows the truth of being constantly rebellious. The most important thing is his son. After his son, there is Qin Gang.

After the Supreme Emperor, Qin Gang and the Supreme Emperor, came the military generals.

If he had to choose one of the two, he could kill the generals for the sake of Qin Gang and the Supreme Emperor.

Still, if he had to choose one of the two, he would be the enemy of everyone in the world for Chu Qing.

It's such a simple truth. Chu Wensheng never thinks about any complicated things. If he must think about it, he will turn extremely complicated things into extremely simple things. Which one is important, which one is the most important. For the most important thing, you can abandon the important thing.

There is no need to hesitate. There are very few things in the world that can get the best of both worlds. Even if there are, it will make yourself extremely embarrassed. Just like in a battle, you will take advantage of whatever you want. In the end, nine times out of ten, you will get the best of both worlds.

Both are lost. In this case, it is better to save one and save yourself the trouble. In the end, everything will be in vain.

Chang Chengke took advantage of the opportunity and said: "Uncle, don't worry, if I ascend the throne, I will let you be the Minister of the Ministry of War, no, the Duke of the country. If anyone dares to say no, I will kill him!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Yin Shi..." Not to be outdone, Huang Laosi said angrily: "Uncle, now you know why you and I are the same person."

"Do you think the only way to govern the world is to fight and kill? You are stupid."

"Of course it doesn't rely on fighting and killing, but this fighting and killing can solve most of the problems."

Seeing that the two were about to quarrel again, the Supreme Emperor rolled up his sleeves, and the third and fourth children became silent again.

Qingyang giggled, Chang Yu and Chang Xian pricked their ears, very interested in the fact that their father was deflated.

In fact, logically speaking, this kind of thing shouldn't be said in front of the two brothers, but the fourth child didn't seem to care.

However, Chu Qing knew that Lao Si did it on purpose. This was a kind of "on-site education".

Could the fourth child not know that being exposed would be embarrassing? Of course he knew it, but he didn't stop Chang Chengke. It was precisely because he wanted Chang Yu and Chang Xian to understand some truths, about family ties, about the country, which is more important.

Questions such as which one is less important.

"Okay, don't talk about those old things anymore."

Chu Wensheng poured a glass of wine for Chu Qing, who quickly stood up and was very respectful.

"Hahaha, when you drink with me on weekdays, you are very arrogant."

Or he said that Chang Chengke had a high emotional intelligence and said with a smile: "Today is different from the past. In the past, Lao Shi and my father drank with each other and discussed the country's heroes without any scruples. Today, with the presence of three of His Royal Highnesses, how could it be rude?"

Huang Laosi said angrily: "Is there anyone in this world you don't want to win over?"

"Yes, I have."



Huang Laosi: “…”

Chang Chengke quickly poured another glass of wine for Lao Si, with a serious look on his face: "Your Majesty, this shout of your Majesty comes from the bottom of my heart. I would like to thank you for promoting such talents as Lao Shi and my uncle to Dachang Dynasty."

Huang Laosi was very proud: "That's natural, hahaha, I have always had a keen eye for pearls."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, so that I can have talented people available when I ascend the throne in the future."

Huang Laosi looked at the Supreme Emperor and asked seriously: "I will abdicate now, and the only thing I ask is to break his two dog legs, is that okay?"

Before the Supreme Emperor could say anything, Chang Chengyou smiled sadly and said: "Dad, do you see that the fourth child is a bad student? Even if he abdicates, I will become a disabled prince. How can I be the emperor? It's not up to him to continue to be the emperor."

This emperor, this is all a trick, you can break both of my legs and still be the emperor."

Chu Qing was really convinced.

In front of the third child, the fourth child cannot take advantage at all.

This chapter has been completed!
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