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Chapter 1200 without fighting

After Lao Chu agreed to compete, he waved his hand to let everyone disperse.

Everyone didn't move and looked at Xiao Chu one after another. Xiao Chu nodded and everyone vacated the space.

Tao Ruolin was worried and winked at Bihua.

Chu Qing didn't need to wink, but the two Fu brothers, who looked the most like fools, leaned against the wall, pressed hard with their fingers, plucked a few pieces of gravel, and hid them in the palms of their hands.

Jiang Yuesheng, who had his hands behind his back, also made a few gestures to the scouts on the house and walls, meaning that if the Feng Dao people dared to hurt Chu Wensheng, everyone could shoot arrows.

Fu San and Sheng Zhaojun looked at each other. They both saw the little actions of these people and laughed dumbly. In their hearts, they felt a little sorry for Feng Taoist.

In fact, Chu Qing was also a little worried. Fu San said softly: "Master, if not, please remind me."

"Okay." Xiao Chu looked at Lao Chu: "Dad, this old Taoist has many skills, and he is best at using a sword. When fighting, you stay close..."

Fu San interjected: "Master, I just want you to remind me to be gentle and don't kill that Zhao Baodan. Princess Qingyang has to rely on him for her illness."

Chu Qing looked confused, while Qingyang smiled sweetly: "You are so filial."

Chu Wensheng raised his eyebrows: "Your Highness the Princess is sick?"

"Master." Fusan said with a smile, "Just be gentle and let's finish the fight."

"Oh, okay."

Chu Wensheng scratched his chin, looking unconcerned.

Looking at Taoist Feng again, he stood there holding his breath and concentrating, his eyes became extremely determined: "Master Chu, please show your weapons."

After finishing speaking, Feng Taoist came to the weapons rack and took out a wooden sword.

This wooden sword is usually used by Professor Nangong Ping Changxian.

Chu Wensheng shook his head: "No need for weapons."

"You humiliated me again?"

"I'm afraid I'll kill you accidentally."

"No, you have to use it."

"No, I don't have to!"

"You..." Feng Daoist was about to go berserk again: "Then what kind of weapon did you use when you attacked my three hidden sect disciples?"

"I'm your disciple, not mine, and you don't even know it?"

Feng Daoist blushed: "They... they didn't see it clearly either."

"When I teach them a lesson, I use my bare hands."

"You brag."

"Forget it if you don't believe it."

The Feng Taoist was quite persistent: "Then what kind of kung fu are you practicing? Inner or outer kung fu, but horizontal kung fu!"

"As mentioned above, the inner and outer doors only have the strength of one arm."

"You want to hide your stupidity?"

Chu Wensheng's face was full of impatience: "Since childhood, I have only practiced archery and horse strength. Can you compare?"

"Okay, our men will see the real chapter."

Feng Taoist slowly unbuttoned his front shirt, and like a robot cat, he threw a lot of scraps of copper and iron, shortened crossbow arrows, short knives, chain hammers, and iron rulers on the ground, and then pulled out two broken pieces from his crotch.

The iron ball finally took apart the soft armor wrapped with silk threads.

He Jizhen sighed: "Uncle, aren't you looking for death? You've thrown everything away. How can you survive the ten-he period?"

"If you talk too much, my uncle will beat you first!"

He Ji really didn't say anything. He always felt that Feng Taoist was a bit confused.

"It's quite upright." Lao Chu seemed to give Feng Daoren a high look and said with a smile: "Then I don't wear armor anymore."

After finishing speaking, Lao Chu also opened the front of his Chinese uniform. After everyone looked at it intently, their minds went blank.

The armor used by the charging cavalry, Lao Chu, is actually wearing it?!

With a "bang", the armor several centimeters thick hit the ground heavily.

Lao Chu bent down again and smiled awkwardly at Tao Ruolin.

Tao Ruolin quickly asked Bihua to turn around, while Qingyang stared at her with big eyes without blinking.

Lao Chu put his hand into his pants, wiped it for a long time, then shook it, and with two more "bang bangs", two leggings similar to those used by charging cavalry hit the ground.

The Feng Taoist's mouth opened into an "O" shape. Just by listening to the sound, he knew how heavy the armor and the two leggings were.

But what shocked everyone was still behind. Chu Wensheng kicked his legs hard again, and the boots he was wearing were thrown out, and there were still two "bang bangs".

Chu Wensheng is about three centimeters lower than before.

Those official boots have copper plates hidden in the soles.

At this moment, even a layman like Chu Qing could see it.

Armor is normal, but there is no need to hide copper plates in the soles of boots. The reason why Dad wears them like this is not for self-defense at all!

Chu Wensheng shook his arm, and his robe fell to the ground. The two sleeves fell to the ground first with two bangs.

There is also a copper plate in the sleeve!

Xiao Yi and Nangong Ping looked at each other with shock on their faces. They subconsciously crouched down and picked up the copper plate. Their expressions changed dramatically again. It was made of fine copper and was extremely heavy.

Feng Daoren swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "You... you usually... dress like this on weekdays?"

"Oops." Chu Wensheng shook his arm and said nonchalantly: "As I said, it's just that I have gained strength since I was a child. I'm used to it."

"That..." Feng Taoist looked at the various "protective gears" on the ground, his eyes straightened: "Old Taoist... Old Taoist today... Today I suddenly remembered that I am seriously ill. Either... or we can compete again in a few years."

He Jizhen, who was looking straight at the protective gear, sighed silently. He knew that there was no way to recover the three hidden doors in this life, not even Feng Taoist, nor other uncles. Dad, back then

No, not even in the future.

Neither he nor Feng Taoist has noticed anything strange about Chu Wensheng. With so many coppers in his body, yet he is as light as nothing and can move freely, which is enough to say a lot.

Chu Qing was also dumbfounded.

On weekdays, he also felt that his father's figure was a bit weird. When he usually went out, he seemed a bit bloated, which was not too obvious. However, after returning home to take a bath in the evening, he became "slimer" again. He always wears clothes all year round.


Chu Wensheng, who was only wearing his underwear, was completely impatient: "Whether you want to fight or not? If not, what you just said will also count."


Gritting his teeth, Taoist Feng looked directly at Chu Wensheng again: "I can spar with you, old Taoist, and I will die without regrets."


Chu Wensheng just walked over carelessly. Feng Taoist knew that he was 90% no match, but suddenly he suddenly rose up, like a ghost, and stabbed out with a sword, which was extremely fast.

And then... there was no more.

Chu Wensheng just grabbed the wooden sword, raised his leg, and shot out with a kick. The wooden sword was still in his hand, but Feng Taoist flew out.

There was a "boom" and the wall collapsed. Then Lao Chu threw away his wooden sword and went back to get dressed, as he thought it was immoral.

The Feng Dao man in the ruins completely fainted.

Outside the main hall of Qianqi Camp, there was complete silence.

The so-called battle, the so-called sparring, does not even last for a second, from the beginning to the end, in the blink of an eye.

Even though Feng Daoren fainted, He Jizhen, who was lying next to him and fanning the dust with his arms, did not forget to continue to hit him.

"Let's just say you can't hold Shihe, it's a shame."

Chu Wensheng, who was bending down to put on his clothes, bared his teeth in amusement at the dumbfounded Chu Qing: "Qing'er, this old Taoist is really not as strong as a man who has not been beaten."

"Um...that savagery you are talking about, is it because you are all green and always anxious?"

This chapter has been completed!
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