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Chapter 1204 The call of Lake City

If it were anyone else who went to "quell the rebellion", I would have wished to make a 200-page ppt, a 20,000-word word document, and a feasibility analysis report to show off in front of the emperor.

But for Chu Qing, just one sentence, the first half of the sentence, talk about it after you go, and the second half of the sentence, take it step by step.

This was his plan from beginning to end.

If it were a common emperor in the market, he would definitely be a big-eared melon seed without saying a word.

Even if it's the common Zhuguo generals and prime ministers in the world, they will definitely have to have a mixed doubles match between men. It just depends on whether they can tie you up or not.

However, no matter it was Lao Si, Lao Qin or Lao Nangong, there was no strange color on the faces of the three of them.

Because they knew that this was what Chu Qing thought, and they would wait until they got there, taking it one step at a time.

People always ask about plans, regulations, and how to do it. In the end, the parties concerned just say, "Oh, the plan can't change as fast as it does."

With the current virtue of Dachang Dynasty, how can there be so many plans?

Chu Qing has always done things like this.

When he wanted to fuck the aristocratic family, he said he would do it one by one.

When he was going to the border, he said he would save one person after another.

Well, this time I went to the East China Sea. Let’s talk about it after going there. Take a step and see if there is anything wrong with it. No, there is nothing wrong with it at all.

Chu Qing left the Jingyi Hall. Although he was taking a step at a time, he still had a lot of preparation work to do, and he was anxious to go back to the Qianqiying Yamen Office to make some arrangements.

When he was about to leave the palace, Sun An chased him out and gave Chu Qing a letter, which was written by Chen Yan to Huang Laosi.

Outside the palace, he met Fuzo, who was chatting about the mountains with Niu Ben. After getting on the carriage, he opened the letter.

He read it word by word, reading each word very seriously. Until the last word, Chu Qing raised his head and closed his eyes slightly.

"Master, what's going on? What is this letter about?"

Facing Fu San's inquiry, Chu Qing was silent for a long time before he uttered a sentence.

"If we go to the East China Sea, we will definitely wipe out the Japanese thieves, even if we use my power to make the world prosperous."

It's not about destroying the country, it's about destroying the roots. You can imagine what's in the letter.


Donghai, Shangyun Road, Hucheng.

Lake City is backed by mountains. The so-called "city" is not actually a city, but a high wall erected right at the foot of the mountain. If you want to enter "Lake City", you can only pass through this high wall on the north side, unless you go around it.

It takes more than a hundred miles to climb over mountains and ridges on both sides of the southwest, and the terrain is also extremely steep. If three to four thousand people can go around and get out of the mountains and forests, the remaining half will be good.

Behind the high wall and in the mountains and forests, it is considered the territory of the Hunu tribe. It was not a land assigned to them by the imperial court, but no outsiders set foot here at all.

At this time, Chen Yan was sitting on the top of the wall, which was about seven meters high, like a savage, with his upper body bare and his originally fair complexion now tanned, longing for blood connection... He joined the stage.

At this time, Chen Yan's image was indeed not very good. He didn't even look like a normal person, let alone a prince. He had a beard all over his face and his hair was very long and was not tied up. When the strong wind blew, it would flutter in the wind.

Seaweed Seaweed is like seaweed, swaying in the wind.

The lower body he was wearing was still a pair of cropped pants, which were almost swollen. They were so black that I didn’t know what color they were.

Cao Hu was sitting next to him, also with his upper body bare and his two hairy legs dangling, with a look of resentment on his face.

"I can't believe it, I can't believe it. I can't believe it." Chen Yan bared his little white teeth and was very happy: "This kid is actually my cousin, hahaha, no wonder, no wonder we kissed each other when we saw him. If I rebel, he will definitely be there in advance.

Come here, my two brothers can be reunited again."

Cao Hu, who was quite resentful at first, immediately smiled when he heard this.

"I miss my boss too. Come here as soon as possible. When he comes, you can go back to the capital as soon as possible."

This time it was Chen Yan's turn to be unhappy: "What are you talking about? Isn't it just that I can't get you money?"

"Hucheng is short of everything but money and food." Cao Hu said seriously: "My boss is not good at anything, but he is rich, so I miss him and he should come quickly. I hate you, please hurry up."


Chen Yan said hey, he is used to being disliked.

After being granted the title of Queen of Qi, the fiefdom was allocated next to Lake City. Logically speaking, she could use the money allocated by the court to build a palace. In fact, the court did allocate some money and food, although it was not much, but it was enough to hire some people to build a Qi.

The Prince's Mansion doesn't have much of a problem. Let's get some staff to put up the sign for Prince Qi's Mansion. It will be a good time to help the Hucheng Watch and take care of them.

But in fact, Lao Si and Chen Yan, who had never been to the East China Sea, simplified the problem.

There are mountains and forests behind Lake City, and mountains and forests next to it. Going forward, there are still mountains and forests. There is a broken road in front of the high wall, and there are mountains and forests on both sides.

Regarding the map of the East China Sea, especially the map of Hucheng, just think about it. Hucheng is not even marked, so how can it be detailed? This map was drawn when the Chang Dynasty first came into being.

Then I changed the size of Chen Yan and arrived at the place. When I saw it, I was immediately confused and thought in my heart, wow, there are so many trees.

Isn’t there a lot of trees? The old maps were drawn for almost a hundred years, and the terrain near Lake City has not been updated. It’s impossible for the big trees to stop growing because you want to build a fiefdom here. Who do you think you are?


Then the actual situation is that Chen Yan's fiefdom is in the mountains and forests. He can either cut down trees and encircle a piece of land and become the king of Qi, or he can directly go into the mountains and forests without cutting down trees and become Simba directly.

Chen Yan didn't want to be the Lion King, but he definitely couldn't become the King of Qi. Later, he simply went to Lake City with a hundred or so younger brothers and ate and drank with Cao Hu.

Originally, Cao Hu was very welcoming because Chen Yan came with money.

Later, Cao Hu stopped welcoming Chen Yan because he had run out of money.

In short, these big guys from the Lake Girl Tribe are quite realistic.

In addition, Cao Hu also brags with others every day b.

Hey, my dreamy boss gave us meat to eat and strong liquor to drink, fat meat with a mouth full of oil, and strong liquor that made us dizzy after just one sip. In those days, the emperor of the Han Dynasty probably also

This is the standard of living.

At first, everyone didn't believe it. How could such an unjust person get so much money to feed others and drink alcohol?

But not long after, another group of people came to Hucheng, and each one looked like a sick man. After asking, he found out whether they were Han people from Jingzhong or something else.

After a short exchange, everyone understood that the Dong family in Cao Hukou was not the unjust family, but the parents of these marmalades, because the Dong family cheated these jams every day, and then took their money and gave it to the people, and returned it to the people.

The tribesmen who went to Beijing to spend time.

When Chen Yan said that Chu Qing was coming soon, everyone was excited. They thought about their "client" day and night. They hoped that their "client" would also take them to eat wine and meat. They also heard that they would be given money for fights. If they couldn't do anything else, they would be good at it.


A tanma who also looked like a wild man climbed onto the wall.

"Your Majesty, Qin Qi set sail yesterday, the ship was given by the Tao family."

"Okay." Chen Yan scratched the itchy back of his head: "As long as we find the location of those islands and capture those wretched family members, we can take advantage of it."

Cao Hu still looked at the blue sky: "My boss, my boss, come here quickly, I miss you so much."

After finishing speaking, Cao Hu wiped his saliva.

This chapter has been completed!
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