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Chapter 125

Before the big fat man could see clearly what was going on, Fu San punched him.

After being caught off guard, Fu San was brought in again by this unlucky man, with a look of evil on his face.

"How many people are there in the backyard!"

The fat man with blood coming from his nostrils knew he belonged to the shopkeeper just by looking at his clothes. He sat on the ground and tried to struggle to get up but was kicked again.

Chu Qing pulled out the short knife that Fu San had stuck on the wall and walked to the fat shopkeeper.

"Damn fat man, you just hit my friend?"

The fat man looked at the dagger that shone with cold light and was frightened: "Master, Master, have you recognized the wrong person? I have no idea what you are talking about."

Fu San kicked the fat man in the face again, and the fat shopkeeper felt dizzy.

Fu San took the short knife from Chu Qing's hand and said with a stern face: "You can answer whatever the young master asks you. If not, the white knife goes in and the red knife comes out!"

The fat shopkeeper knew that he had encountered a ruthless person, so he was tough and growled: "Brother, if you ask around in Bei City, I, Zhou Hu, am also a well-known person. I usually offend people. This is true.

But if you want to take action, you have to give me a good word, why show the knife."

After lightly kicking the fat man, Chu Qing said: "In the morning, a guy with a majestic and upright face lent you five hundred guans and paid interest. Was it you who beat him?"

The fat shopkeeper was stunned: "You mean... Mr. Chu?"

Chu Qing was also confused: "He said his surname was Chu?"

"Five hundred coins, a government house?"

"Yes, that's him!"

The fat shopkeeper suddenly stood up, his face flushed: "How dare you come here!"

Fu San was kicked to the ground again by the fat shopkeeper.

The fat man's eyes were about to burst into flames as he held his stomach: "I and you are incompatible with each other!"

Fu San said: "Master, there is a noise in the backyard. Kill the younger one first. You can slowly deal with this guy."

"Well, be careful."

Fu San opened the curtain, but as soon as his head stuck out, he suddenly retracted it.

"Master, something is wrong."

"What's wrong?" Chu Qing turned around and looked over. When he saw it, he was stunned.

The backyard is not big, and there are some firewood and other things.

These are normal, but what is abnormal is that there are eight or nine people lying on the ground, all with injuries, bruises and swollen faces, lying on the ground groaning in pain.

"This..." Chu Qing looked at Zhou Hu confused: "Who did they... let them beat?"

"You're not that bastard Mr. Chu!" The fat man gritted his teeth: "I borrowed five hundred guan without saying anything. Today I'm going to pay back the interest and I didn't bring a penny with me. He even said he broke his boots. Instead, he wanted to blackmail me for 20 guan."

Go through!!!”

At this point, the fat man's eyes turned red, and there were tears of grievance in his eyes.

It had been five or six years since he had loaned us money, and he swore to God that today was the first time he had seen such a tyrannical master.

Chu Qing and Fu looked at each other in confusion.

"San'er, are we looking in the wrong place?"

Fu San looked at the fat shopkeeper: "Is he the only one here?"

The fat shopkeeper's tears finally fell down and he said: "It's just one person, it's just one person, it's unreasonable. If you don't agree with someone, you'll hit them whenever you see them. It's not lawful. It's unreasonable."

As soon as he started crying, the fat shopkeeper couldn't hold back his tears and grabbed Fu San's thigh.

"We are not allowed to leave. See the officials and ask Jingzhao Mansion to give us justice. We are not allowed to leave!"

Fu Sanyi knocked the fat shopkeeper unconscious with his scabbard.

"Third Young Master, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time."

Chu Qing nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, turned around and ran away, followed closely by Fu San.

After the two of them came out of the shop, Chu Qing saw Chen Yan hiding behind a vendor in the distance.

This guy is looking here furtively, like a thief.

Chu Qing ran over quickly and came to Chen Yan. He looked at the "timid and fearful" nerd from the household department and opened his mouth, but said nothing for a long time.

Chen Yan swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked nervously: "Didn't you tell me your identity?"

Chu Qing shook his head.

Chen Yan asked again: "They haven't reported it to the official yet, have they?"

Well, as soon as I heard this, I knew that those people lying in the backyard where the loan sharks were kept were beaten by this guy. Only the perpetrators would be afraid of being reported to the police!

Chu Qing opened his mouth and hesitated: "Brother, let me make sure. There are eight or nine people and dead dogs lying in the backyard of that shop. The shopkeeper is a fat man. Fu San and I... we found the right place.

Well, it’s that one.”

"Yes, that fat man looks very fierce. He seems to be a good man and a woman of faith. The same goes for his men. Brother Yu is frightened."

Chu Qing: "..."

Fu San looked extremely strange: "Did Mr. Chen beat them all?"

Chen Yan waved his hands repeatedly.

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief, and Chen Yan added: "They also beat me."

Chu Qing stared at Chen Yan and didn't know what to say except calling him big brother.

This guy just had a cut at the corner of his eye, and some dried blood hanging under his nose. Look at that group of people, their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen, lying in the backyard moaning!

"Did you really hit me?"

Chen Yan had an embarrassed look on his face: "I made a mistake, I made a mistake, unintentionally... I accidentally touched them lightly, just once."

"One person?" Chu Qing cupped his hands: "I missed it, accidentally, and touched it lightly. There are more than ten people lying in the backyard?"

"Perhaps... we bumped into each other a few more times, but they are not kind people. Brother Chu Xian, do you think they are just pretending?"


Fu San couldn't stand listening anymore. It was the first time he heard that someone could pretend to be miserable and get his forearm broken.

Chu Qing finally understood.

No wonder Chen Yan didn't want to come. It turned out that this guy was not afraid of being beaten, but was afraid of being recognized by the master of suffering!

Looking at Chen Yan, who was slightly thin, Chu Qing couldn't figure out, could this guy be so good at fighting?

However, what Chu Qing can’t figure out the most is that you clearly owe someone money, and even if you don’t repay the interest, you are worse than a loan shark. You didn’t pay a penny of interest, and you were asked to pay you twenty.


"No wonder you don't reveal your official status." Chu Qing was in admiration: "I would be embarrassed if it were me."

Chen Yan laughed sarcastically: "As a scholar, borrowing money is not something to boast about. We need to save face."

Fu Sanle said: "I can't tell, Master Chen is quite skilled."

"When I was young, my family was well-off, a little well-off, I had good food, good food, and I had a lot of strength."

Chu Qing didn't know what to say for a moment.

Even if I have been eating protein powder since I was a child, it is impossible to beat so many people at once.

What left Chu Qing speechless the most was that this guy had the face of a victim, and it turned out that the victims turned out to be a group of loan sharks!

No wonder Chen Yan didn't let him come just now, no wonder he "didn't dare" to show up, and he didn't brag in the government office. They did hurt each other, but the difference in "hurt" between the two sides was too big.

At this moment, two people limped out of the shop and looked around.

Chen Yan's expression changed drastically, and he whispered: "Scatter away, don't make any publicity, take Longde Square, there will be soldiers looking for the street in a quarter of an hour, go through the back alley, avoid the soldiers, there are many people in the south alley, you can avoid them

"Ear and Eyes, take a detour back to the Yamen Office, and then return to the Chu Mansion from the Yamen Office. We will talk to you tomorrow and say goodbye."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Yan put his hands behind his back and walked into the crowd like a normal person.

Chu Qing was dumbfounded and looked at Fu San.

Fu San's face was complicated: "Master, this Master Chen... is very familiar with the road."

Chu Qing nodded. This bastard is definitely not the first time he has done this kind of thing. He must be a repeat offender!

This chapter has been completed!
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