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Chapter 1291 Ghosts in the Sea

At least two to three hundred people fell into the water, and long ropes were thrown into the sea.

Chen Dinglan shouted: "Save people, save people quickly, we are the people of Dachang!"

Chu Qing was not sure whether the people in the water were Dachang people, but he chose to believe Chen Dinglan.

But what happened next made Chu Qing shaken.

The reason why war is cruel is that it can undoubtedly expose the ugliness of human nature.

There were many women who fell into the water, and many of these women were pregnant.

It is very simple to tell the difference between Ying pirates. The head looks like it has been struck by lightning. There is no hair in the middle but there is hair on both sides. This is definitely a Ying pirate.

Seeing that the rope was thrown away, the Japanese thief also stepped forward to catch it.

As for those Dachang women, the Ying thieves held their heads and dragged their legs. Some Ying thieves knew that even if they caught the rope, the boat master would not let them go. They grabbed the knife and looked as ferocious as a demon.

The expressions struck those women.

The blood, mixed with the blue water, was so dazzling.

There have been many floating corpses on the sea. These corpses are poor Dachang people who did not have time to jump into the water, or who were imprisoned in the cabin and could not escape.

In fact, most Chang women cannot swim. They struggled and sank in the sea. Their helplessness and despair impacted Chu Qing's senses and soul.

"Cum for me, shoot these beasts to death!" Chen Dinglan's eyes were splitting, but he still remained calm, but his clenched fists and trembling shoulders betrayed his innermost feelings.

Xiao Yi stretched his bow and pulled the string, and Wang Tongtong did the same. They all took their bows and arrows and shot at the Japanese thieves who were holding on to their backs until death.

But every second, someone is drowning. People of Dachang, women of Dachang, and pregnant women of Dachang are drowning.

With a "plop", a person jumped into the sea. It was Wen Ya who held a short knife in his mouth.

At some point, a long rope was wrapped around Wen Ya's waist. After diving fiercely into the sea, she grabbed the long rope with her left hand and a short knife with her right hand. She saved people with her left hand and killed people with her right hand.

Following closely behind was the little Bai Biao, also holding a knife in his mouth. Such a small person was so nimble, like a dragon in the sea, he swam quickly to the sunken ship.

Just shooting arrows can only kill people but cannot save people, while Wen Ya would rather not kill people but also save people.

Where there is the first, there is the second, and where there is the second, there is the third.

The third person to jump into the sea was the second young master of the Qin family, Qin Qi.

More and more people jumped into the sea.

Chu Qing had experienced battles, and he thought that the grassland was cruel enough.

But the scene in front of him made him grit his teeth.

"Master, I also want to go into the sea to rescue..."

Chu Qing shouted: "Go, go quickly, rescue those women, everyone get out of here, go quickly!"

He was obviously calling others to go into the sea, but Chu Qing suddenly started running, pressed the edge of the boat with one hand, and jumped in as well.

Chen Dinglan was anxious: "Dudu no..."

Before he shouted "Ke", Chu Qing had already jumped into the sea.

You must know that there are not only helpless people and women on the sea, but also Japanese thieves who have been killed and lost.

"Go to the sea and kill!"

Chen Dinglan yelled out a military order again, and he also yelled out the military order he was least willing to issue.

Everyone has jumped down, and if you fire arrows again, you will easily hurt your own people.

And fighting in the sea is also the most dangerous thing.

Not to mention killing enemies in the sea, but also rescuing people in the sea. If you are not extremely good at water, you will easily be killed by the person you are trying to save.

"Put down the ropes, put down all the ropes, and go into the sea. Those who are good at water will go into the sea and kill those damn Ying dogs."

One after another, agile figures jumped off and swam towards the sunken ship.

The distance is not far, but to the women who fell into the water and to the people of Dachang who cannot swim, this is the distance between heaven and earth. They can see it, but they can never touch it.

After giving the order, Chen Dinglan anxiously looked for Chu Qing.

At this moment, he hated Chu Qing to his core.

This is what it means if one general is incompetent and the three armies are exhausted.

Seeing the people he was protecting being slaughtered by Japanese thieves like helpless lambs in the water, he was heartbroken, angry, and filled with grief and indignation. But he was the commander-in-chief, and in this case, the first thing he should protect was his subordinates.


Rescuing people in the water is not as good as on land. There are thieves in the sea, and the fish will die in the net. Most of the people who need to be rescued do not know how to swim. People will struggle in despair, and this struggle will drag the rescuer into the bottom of the sea.

In Chen Dinglan's eyes, the lives of his men and the lives of the people, regardless of high or low, are both lives. He wants to save the people, but he is not willing to save the people and harm the lives of his men.

Most of the people on this ship were Chu Qing's people. When he jumped, almost most of them jumped off.

Chu Qing jumped in so recklessly. If something went wrong, the battle, even if it was to wipe out all the Ying thieves, would be lost. Moreover, the court would blame him and investigate him, and the boatman's predicament would be even worse.

The most terrible thing is that with so many people jumping down, if another Japanese warship rushed out at this time, there would not even be anyone to shoot arrows or operate the crossbow.

Chen Dinglan searched for Chu Qing's figure for a moment, and his heart was completely cold, because he didn't see Chu Qing. He just plunged into it and disappeared, as if he was drowning and sinking to the bottom of the sea.

"Reckless kid, stupid, extremely stupid!"

After swearing loudly, Chen Dinglan had determined that Chu Qing had drowned and would not be seen alive or dead.

Chen Dinglan had seen too many people like this. He had never seen the sea or even a river in his life. His energy and blood surged, so he jumped into the sea without caring, and then drowned.

But who would have expected that at this moment, Chu Qing would appear. After a fierce thrust, he finally appeared, and the position where he appeared almost made Chen Dinglan's jaw hit the ground.

In one breath, Chu Qing sneaked into the shipwreck area and appeared behind a Japanese thief holding on to a wooden plank.

A short knife, half a head, the light of the sword passed through the Ying thief's throat silently. Chu Qing dived into the sea again and disappeared without a trace, like a ghost in the sea. The Ying thief had already covered his throat,

Slowly sank to the bottom of the sea.

Chen Dinglan was stunned.

Chu Qing, is he so good at water?

Yes, Chu Qing can swim. Not only can he swim, but he can also swim.

When he chased the five goddesses in his last life, one of them was a girl from the Qingdao Yacht Club... In short, Chu Qing mastered a skill that he hardly used in his previous life.

Therefore, a mother’s loving attitude may not allow her child to get admitted to Lanxiang University or Peking University, but a lesson from a goddess can help a man quickly master a life-saving skill.

Chu Qing wanted to protect and kill, to protect the lives of the people of Dachang and to kill the Japanese thieves.

The sea water quickly calmed him down, but it did not extinguish his anger.

After diving into the sea, Chu Qing searched for one target after another. He didn't even need to slit the Japanese thief's throat with a short knife. He only needed to bleed. As long as it was a Japanese thief, no matter where he was stabbed or scratched, he would bleed.

This means that this Japanese thief can feed the fish.

Chen Dinglan's expression was dull, and he subconsciously looked at the second fool of the Fu family behind him.

"Dudu... grew up by the sea?"

Fu Yongkang laughed: "Little brother Chu has been struck by lightning."

Chen Dinglan was confused and didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

Therefore, many times, those who see through the truth may be a group of fools that the world thinks.

This chapter has been completed!
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