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Chapter 1331 The enemy is coming

After everyone dispersed, they each took a rest.

Chu Qing straightened his back and got into Tao Ruolin's room. As usual, he was late, and Tao Ruolin, who came back early, lay on the bed with her arms and legs spread out.

Chu Qing was already used to this kind of thing, so he crept into bed and fell asleep after a few handjobs.

In the dark night, there are always people busy.

Cuiyu and a group of Mohist disciples improved the crossbow.

Brother Dajun recently fell in love with using Mo Dao. It took ten days to go from entry level to advanced level. This advanced level is not about using Mo Dao to great effect, but using two swords, one in each hand, and one move.

Get up and spin around, it's scary, there's no man's land within ten meters.

The Feng Taoist sat cross-legged, looking at the copper plate in front of him, as if he was thinking about the truth in the world.

Liao Wenzhi wrote quickly and passionately. In one letter, he scolded the civil and military officials of the entire dynasty with bloody curses. He didn't mention today's emperor in every word, but shuddered in every sentence.

Wang Tianyu walked around the camp holding a torch, always thinking of something to light.

After Lv Zhu, deputy director of logistics, discovered that Yu Tsai was dishonest again, he took a stick and went to cut Wang Tianyu.

Wen Ya is teaching Bai Biao to read the Book of Songs.

Xiao Yi and Tao Qi were sitting on the beach. They didn’t use torches, but their dogs searched.

The third brother squatted on the log and wrote something that Wang Tongtong couldn't understand. The second brother didn't learn arithmetic, he only learned the temperament of the third brother.

In the distance, Bihua and Ma Ying looked at their third brother with eyes full of little stars, like junior high school star-chasers peeking at the school bully.

The eldest uncle hugged the spirit wolf and fell asleep soundly, with an orange raccoon gauze that was neither orange nor raccoon lying on his head.

Lin Shi was dissecting a crab with two knives, while Tao Weiran was waiting to eat the crab claws.

Cao Hu squatted in the corner, showing an old-fashioned smile, and counted the banknotes one by one. This was the fifth time he had counted them tonight.

In Ahu's eyes, banknotes are not banknotes, but food. The more food they eat, the more people they will raise. Only with more people will they not be bullied.

Everyone is asleep or busy.

Ever since everyone arrived in the East China Sea, the shadow of war has hung over everyone's heads.

Everyone knows that Chu Qing's ultimate goal is to destroy a country. This kind of thing, let alone a Qianqiying commander, even to the Chang Dynasty, seems so ridiculous, because the two countries are separated by a sea, and this

Pianhai is a place that Chang people never want to set foot in.

But everyone is still closely surrounding Chu Qing. Everyone has different reasons, but the only thing the same is anger!

Even the most cold-blooded killers on the battlefield have never dreamed of the days when they would be disarmed and return to their fields. Their wives and children were hot on the kang, and they appeared several times in their dreams. However, anger made their blood become colder and colder. The cold blood was mixed with the overwhelming anger.

Anger is what drives them to look to the east of the East China Sea.

Blood debts can only be repaid with blood. Yesterday's blood debts, today's blood debts, and the blood debts that will be committed tomorrow, all these blood debts must be repaid with blood.

Calm sea, calm night, calm people.

The days went by peacefully, and Chu Qing's plan progressed steadily day by day.

Zhu Mingyuan is a person who can do practical things. Five days later, people from the village have arrived one after another. There are not many people, more than 600. They are not from Taizhou, but villagers from several villages and towns near Guocheng.

The first people to arrive were the villagers of Bajia Village. There is no sign of this village on the map. The leader was an old woman in her sixties, with an easy-to-remember name, Qu Chen. She was walking with a stick, and there were more than 200 villagers behind her.

She is not a clan elder, but she is a clan elder. Most of the people in the village are related to her. Her wife is a clan elder, but she is not in good health and did not come with her.

"A good young man." Qu Chen's eyes were a little cloudy. When he was brought to Chu Qing, he opened his eyes and told lies: "What a handsome and good young man."

The villagers behind Qu Chen were all looking at the fat fish on the beach, their eyes glowing green.

"The civil servants from the county came and said it was here..." The old woman Qu Chen asked cautiously: "We are looking for workers?"

"Yes, we are recruiting." Chu Qing saw the skinny villagers and waved his hand: "We will discuss the recruitment later. Let's eat fish first. One person is not allowed to leave the table unless he eats five fish. Ah Hu, hurry up and pick the big one.


In this way, the extremely helpless villagers were almost driven into Guocheng, where they burned pots and cooked fish.

Before he could say a few words, more than 200 villagers came. The leader was an old man. Without opening a word, Chu Qing shouted again: "Add pot, make it!"

The old cousin from Hucheng, like a kidnapper, "captured" the frightened villagers of Bajia Village into Guocheng one by one.

Three villages, Bajia Village, Naizifeng, and Mati Village, all received approval from the county officials. The officials said that Guocheng was recruiting workers and would take care of food, housing, and wages.

Everyone knew that the court could only trust 30% of what they said, so everyone came here with trepidation. 30%, it was best to take care of food or pay wages. However, when they arrived, they were "tied" into Guo City to be chewed without saying a few words.

The fish are gone.

It's almost the end of the year now, it's very cold in the morning and evening, and the fish we caught can be kept there.

There will definitely be endless fish to catch and eat, but we still have to go out to sea every day. Fishing is just one of them. The main purpose is to train everyone's boat driving and water fighting skills.

It was a good sign, at least the people were willing to come over. Chu Qing was afraid of screwing up, so he found Lu Zhu over and asked Lu Zhu to communicate with these people.

This is the benefit of having so many talents. As soon as Chu Qing opened his mouth, someone would break his leg.

Cao Hu, with a fat cat on his head, squatted on a log with a resentful little wife.

This cat brought back from the island has an unknown habit. Other cats are willing to be in people's arms, but this cat is willing to lie on other people's heads. It has to be a brain. It's too small to lie on it.


Now only Cao Huding is moving. After Julisha arrived in Guocheng, it was basically like arriving in paradise. She dived into the fish pile, grinned and started eating, five meals a day.

Cao Hu, wearing orange gauze, muttered.

He talked to Chu Qing about this matter a few days ago. As long as he pays wages, he can hire any people. He has coolies in Hucheng and can do the work of three people. He only needs to pay one person.

Chu Qing explained for a long time. Now it seems that Guocheng has become a stronghold. In fact, the base is still on the Hucheng side. If something happens, everyone can hide in Hucheng, which is not far away. In addition, as Liao Wenzhi said

, heart-breaking, peace of mind, hiring people to work is only one aspect, the main thing is to let people understand something, and to establish Guocheng's "credibility" through the people's mouth.

Lu Zhu is the best at dealing with the people, which is why Chu Qing gave this job to Lu Zhu.

The people are very sensitive, as sensitive as frightened children. They have been deceived and bullied too many times, but even so, it is still easy to gain their trust, because the people's requirements are really very low, so low that they are outrageous.

the point.

Luzhu has never disappointed anyone. The leading clan elders gently touched Luzhu's forehead. It must be said that Luzhu is a fairy in the sky, the kindest fairy in the sky.

More than 800 villagers just stayed in Guocheng. As the officials said, they were in charge of food until they vomited. They were in charge of housing, the houses were solid, and they were paid. The numbers made the villagers mistakenly believe that they might be beaten after a few days of work.


The East China Sea, just like the vast sea, is not always calm.

As the number of people increased, and Cuiyu had already begun to draw the shipyard drawings, Chen Dinglan came, bringing a message, a message that represented life and death.

The camp of Luo Yundao's boat master will come to quell the chaos, quell the chaos of Chu Qing!

This chapter has been completed!
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