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Chapter 1342 Eating Farts in a Dream

After Qiu Baoyu experienced the Chu Qing gang's special circle kicking, her nose was bruised and her face was swollen, and then she was tied up by her third brother, just like Yumi Kazama who had just successfully lost weight.

Chu Qing waved his hand: "Catch the people in Zhizhou Mansion!"

Qiu Baoyu was like a trapped animal, his eyes were bloodshot.

"You are Chu Qing, you are Chu Qing!"

Chu Qing shook his head: "I'm not."

Pointing at an old cousin from Hucheng, Chu Qing shrugged: "He is the one."

Chu Qing was not stupid. He never reported his real name during battle, and he felt that shouting out who I am as soon as he entered the battlefield was a mistake.

You're the general in the first place, but if you still sign up after it's over, how about just shouting "shoot an arrow at me" and you'll die faster.

"Brother, I see that your excellent bones and your marksmanship are at least 30% as powerful as mine back then. Follow me from now on."

"Dream, I would rather die than surrender!"

"How about ten thousand guan."

"I would rather die than surrender!"

Qiu Baoyu didn't hesitate at all, he just stared at Chu Qing, very unyielding.

Chu Qing was surprised: "Didn't you just say that Di Qinhu gave you half a thousand dollars to protect his relatives?"

Qiu Baoyu sneered again and again: "If you don't kill me, I will definitely kill you!"

The third brother blocked Qiu Baoyu's mouth with a piece of rag because he thought the guy was noisy.

Qiu Baoyu was so unafraid that he used his tongue to poke out the rag. Then he got two big dicks from the third brother's pocket and stuffed the rag back. After that, Qiu Baoyu didn't use his tongue to poke the rag out.

, very real.

The sound of crying and howling was heard, and a group of women and children were brought out, with looks of horror on their faces.

This group of people seemed to be begging for mercy, but what they said was not in Chinese.

Chu Qing frowned: "Japanese thief?"

Looking around, I saw a few people wearing traditional costumes from Yingdao.

"Di Qinhu, how dare you raise thieves in our land of Dachang?"

Chu Qing narrowed his eyes and became even more angry.

In the garrison camp, from the general Qiu Baoyu to the soldiers below, they are all brave, adept at fighting and fearless of death, but in the end they were sent to protect a group of Japanese thieves!

"Kill all the men and send the others outside the city. Qiu Baoyu and the garrison troops are also tied up and handed over to Wen Laoliu and others who will come for support after noon."

Fu San hummed, picked out a hundred or ten men, and took these people to the rear.

The screams were endless, and Chu Qing and his group had seen blood in a real sense.

Without entering the Zhizhou Mansion, Chu Qing organized his troops and led them to the east of the city.

Just now Brother Dajun said that the naval division has assembled its troops in the east of the city, and the east of the city is the main battlefield.

Without stopping, he shuttled through the city, while the people hid in their houses and shivered, closing the windows and doors.

This is how warfare was fought in ancient times. During the siege and defense of a city, the army was extremely unfamiliar with street fighting. As soon as the city was broken, morale would plummet. There was almost no such thing as street fighting, and there was no way to practice street fighting in daily drills.

The original plan made by Tao Ruolin was to conduct a night raid, seize ships or attack the city, which would have a great advantage, but the plan did not change quickly. The sea fog was too thick, which delayed a lot of time.

However, Tao Ruolin also considered that time would be delayed, and day and night would not play a decisive role. She could just perform her duties according to the plan.

If you want to seize the city, the best way is to set fire, set fire at night, but no one mentioned it, because Chu Qing's purpose is not only to defeat the navy commander and seize the ship, but if the navy commander is really as bad as the rumors, he will be weak on land.

If it's a shrimp, then it's not impossible to recruit all the boat divisions by the way.

Of course, this is the best result, but if a fire is set, it will affect the peace of the people in the later period.

When Chu Qing led his people to the east of the city, Sheng and Chen had already occupied the city wall.

Chu Qing hurriedly climbed up to the city wall. Chu Qing couldn't laugh or cry.

Captain, you are so bad!

This is a very strange thing. It is so strange that even a layman like Chu Qing thinks that he can beat the boat master with the same force.

Logically speaking, Guocheng's miscellaneous army is the party attacking the city. Even if they can break through the city gate in a short period of time, they will encounter a large force of naval forces in the city, and then engage in a hasty fight.

If the naval division was a little more professional, the miscellaneous troops would not even have a chance to fight in the city. They would be forced back, the space for movement would be compressed, and they would even be driven out of the city, and they would conduct a second siege and engage in conventional siege warfare.

Then the boat master will become the defender of the city.

But looking at it now, the situation is very strange.

In less than half an hour, a miscellaneous army occupied Youcheng.

The motley army of siege troops, like the defenders of the city gate, gathered in the east of the city. However, the boat divisions who were supposed to defend the city were outside the city. They did not enter the city immediately to take back Youcheng, but gathered their forces.

Instead, they became a party attacking the city.

"Is the imperial court so blind that it allows such an idiot to be the commander-in-chief? The one who should be defending the city becomes the one who attacks the city?"

After climbing the city wall, Chu Qing took a quick glance and saw that two miles away, the navy and sailors of the navy were gathered together in different directions, with more and more soldiers and horses.

"That's not the case." Sheng Zhaojun looked around with his clairvoyance and said in a deep voice: "There is no city gate at the east gate, and the city wall is in ruins. It doesn't matter whether we capture the city or not. Instead, we were allowed to defend the city. After being attacked,

It’s detrimental to morale.”


Because of the sight problem, Chu Qing couldn't see below, but when Brother Dajun said this, he understood.

As Brother Dajun said, the east gate of Youcheng is just a decoration. Even if you occupy the city wall, there is no advantage. On the contrary, once the enemy forces rush in, it will damage your own morale.

Of course, this does not include Lake City veterans.

However, one problem can also be seen from this: Di Qinhu did not care about the people in the city, including his few wives who were Japanese thieves.

This is indeed the case. If there were other generals, the enemy would definitely not be allowed to occupy the city. After all, the people are still in the city. What the army needs to protect is not the city wall, but the people in the city. Di Qinhu, on the other hand, is just the opposite.

Regardless of the life and death of the people, they just buy time to gather troops.

Chen Dinglan rubbed his hands and wanted to borrow his clairvoyance to take a look, but Brother Dajun didn't want him and handed the clairvoyance to Chu Qing.

Through his clairvoyance, Chu Qing began to observe the enemy's situation, but the more he saw, the more something was wrong.

"There are six general flags and camp flags, the numbers match up, but why are there three handsome flags too?"

Chen Dinglan sneered and said: "Di Qinhu is just fearless. I feel that even under the three flags, there may not be Di Qinhu. He is really a coward."

The third brother couldn't help but glance at Chu Qing, who blushed.

"Then what, start an offensive and defensive battle?"

Chu Qing asked, and Brother Dajun and Chen Dinglan shook their heads at the same time.

Brother Dajun said slightly unwillingly: "If we fight in the city, Mr. Mo and the others will have a chance to seize the ship, 10%, 80% chance. If we fight below the city, Mr. Mo will have a 50% chance to seize the ship, 10%, 50% chance. If we go out of the city,

Land battle, ten percent, less than one or two."

"The Lake Girl Warrior is good at land warfare. She is good at fighting head-on, but not good at defending the city. But if she leaves the city, Mr. Mo and others will not be able to seize the boat. Di Qinhu will definitely send people back to defend the ship. But if the battle starts under the city, the Lake Girl Warrior

Then there are no advantages.”

After finishing speaking, Chen Dinglan looked at Chu Qing: "What do you think Dudu should do?"

Chu Qing shrugged: "I want the Lake Girl Tribe to exert its maximum combat power, and I also want to seize the ship. It would be best if there are no casualties on our side, and it would be better if the other party's ordinary troops also have no casualties."

Chen Dinglan looked into the distance: "I still want Di Qinhu to commit suicide now."

Brother Dajun scolded angrily: "Why doesn't Chen Shuai eat farts in his sleep?"

Chen Dinglan smiled instead of being angry, and glanced at Chu Qing slightly: "Who says it's not the case?"

Chu Qing: "..."

This chapter has been completed!
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