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Chapter 1347 Shredded Pork

The infantry faced the cavalry, even if they were holding huge shields, they still couldn't stop them.

So, does anyone dare to stop a galloping horse without using a giant shield?

Yes, Bihua has done this before.

Brother Dajun also did this on the grassland. He punched the oncoming war horse into a concussion.

Lao Chu also often did this in the battle formation, using a big bag to push the war horse half a meter away.

Xiao Yi, who is holding a spear, and some silver medal fighters from the T1 team can do this, but they need weapons.

In Chu Qing's team, there are many people who can't stop the war horse. They are playing tricks on their brains. Because they are playing tricks on their heads, they will not do this. But there is one person who is neither a brain player nor can he do this.

But he still dares to do this, that is Brother Pingtou of Changjing, the number one loser in Dachang, aka Son of Destiny, brother-in-law Tao Shaozhang.

There were only seven people left beside Di Qinhu. Including him, there were eight people who galloped straight to the beach and prepared to board the boat.

Tao Shaozhang appeared and ran out of nowhere.

When Feng Taoist came out, Tao Shaozhang saw him. He had never seen Di Qinhu, but he knew that the person Feng Taoist wanted to assassinate must be the commander of the boat division, Di Qinhu.

Now when he saw Feng Taoist sitting cross-legged and catching fish after fighting for a long time, Tao Shaozhang was so angry that he stopped him without even thinking about it. Moreover, he was not riding on a horse, so he just ran out and straightened up.

The arms, with large human-shaped fonts, are very inexplicable, as if the brain is playing tricks.

Tao Shaozhang had never stopped the war horse, but he wanted to stop it because his eldest brother-in-law told him that he was a son of luck and a lucky general. If a miracle happened in this world, it would definitely happen to Tao Shaozhang.

On the body.

Moreover, when he was outside the city just now, Chu Qing said that his luck was gone and he was not allowed to enter the city.

The eldest brother-in-law was very sad and felt that his eldest brother-in-law didn't care about him anymore, so he ran away like this. It's not an exaggeration to call him a mantis.

Tao Shaozhang was right in front of Di Qinhu and his party.

Tao Shaozhang clenched his teeth tightly and muttered something.

I have great righteousness, I have great righteousness...

Suddenly a guy in Confucian robes who looked like a scholar ran out and blocked him in the middle for no apparent reason. Di Qinhu and others were also startled.

But no one is holding the reins. Even if the King of Heaven is here, they can't stop.

Seeing the war horses getting closer and closer, Tao Shaozhang shouted: "I am the uncle of the former army Dudu Chuqing, Tao Shaozhang, the young minister of Dali Temple in the Dachang Dynasty, cultivate Haoran's righteousness and have no fear of evil..."

With a "bang", Tao Shaozhang flew away, and he even heard the sound of his ribs breaking.

Facts have proved that Haoran's righteousness is no match for a galloping war horse.

Tao Shaozhang's eyes went dark, and he felt that the whole world was completely dark. He fell heavily to the ground, but he did not faint. The next second, he felt heartbreaking pain.

Di Qinhu pulled the reins fiercely and looked back at the battlefield where there were no pursuers. His gray brows knitted together: "What did the black-faced boy just say? Who is Chu Qing?"

One of the guards looked strange: "He seems to be some kind of uncle."

"That's right, I also heard it. He said he was Chu Qing's uncle, and he said he was so righteous and upright." Another guard laughed ferociously: "Commander, just kill him to vent your hatred!"

"Wait a minute." Di Qinhu's eyes flashed with an extremely cunning look, and he whispered in a low voice.

Tao Shaozhang, who was lying on the ground, felt an unbearable pain in his chest as soon as he took a breath. His eyes were bloodshot and he had a splitting headache.

A pair of arms suddenly grabbed his neck and lifted him up, quickly tied his hands, and then made him kneel on the ground.

Tao Shaozhang didn't have any strength left in his body, and everything he saw was blurred. He endured the severe pain in his chest and shouted: "I, Tao Shaozhang, the young minister of Dali Temple, I cultivate a great righteousness and have no fear of evil!"

The guard who grabbed the collar of the back of his neck drew out his long knife and pointed it at Tao Shaozhang's neck.

Just as the sword was about to be swung down, an old voice came: "Don't worry about him, just follow me on the boat."

The guard withdrew his long knife, deliberately walked around to Tao Shaozhang's left side, and kicked him to the ground.

Tao Shaozhang lay on his side on the ground, trying hard to keep his eyes open. Even though everything he saw was a double image, he still stared closely at the back of the handsome man in armor, unblinking, his eyes widened to the extreme.

The group of people suddenly split into three groups, one on the left, one on the right, and one in the center. The figure wearing armor headed to the right, in the direction of a anchored flag ship.

Tao Shaozhang couldn't hold on any longer. He was dizzy and couldn't even take a deep breath.

There was darkness between heaven and earth, but Tao Shaozhang gritted his teeth tightly to prevent himself from fainting, with only one thought in his mind.

Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, come quickly, that thief ran away, Brother Yu knows where he ran, brother-in-law, come quickly, come quickly...

I don't know how long it took, but it seemed that God heard Tao Shaozhang's prayer. Just when Tao Shaozhang couldn't hold on any longer and was about to faint, a familiar voice came to mind in his ears.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law... Tao Shaozhang... wake up, wake up quickly!"

Tao Shaozhang opened his eyes, and a very familiar face appeared in front of him, it was Chu Qing.

There were people around him. Chu Qing quickly pulled open his uncle's clothes, only to see a red and swollen patch on his chest.

The third brother squatted on the ground and pressed a few places gently: "If the bone is broken, don't move it. Bring up the wooden frame."

Sheng Zhaojun, who was covered in blood, asked loudly: "Master Tao, where did the thief go, can you see it?"

Chen Dinglan grabbed Qianli Mu and shouted urgently: "The ship has been seized. Mr. Mo and the others have seized the ship. There are three flag ships that have raised their sails and are about to run away!"

Chu Qing's face was full of distress, but he could only ask eagerly: "Brother, did you see Di Qinhu went in a different direction? Which of the three ships did he get on?"

"Look, I saw it."

The uncle looked slightly confused. When he turned his head, he realized that he was somewhat confused about the direction, and everyone quickly moved away from their sight.

"Which direction?" Chu Qing pointed to the sea: "What color!"

Three flag ships are about to raise their sails, with different colors.

It's not that the colors of the sails are different, but the flag batting. The so-called flag batting is hung at the top of the flagpole and is made of silk threads wrapped in different colors into a silk shape.

The filament-like flag wadding on the flagpoles of the three flag ships are black, white, and a kind of dark yellow, representing different flag languages, but they are also distinguished from the other two ships.

My uncle's eyes were a little drowsy, and he still saw some double images.

A group of people were extremely anxious. The Mo Family's Revenge had already arrived, and the crossbow shot off the sails of many other warships. However, Feng Daoist had just seen Di Qinhu and his group heading towards the direction of the three flag ships.

The Mohist Revenge could only stop one ship.

"Uncle!" Chu Qing shouted: "What color is the silk flag? White silk, black silk, or meat silk?"

My uncle was a little confused: "Meat...shredded pork?"

"It's the color of the skin. Tell me quickly, black silk, white silk, or fleshy silk. Tell me now, that old bastard is going to run away!"

Tao Shaozhang suddenly stretched out his arm and gave himself a hard slap. Then he looked around, but only saw two flag ships. He tried to think about it and shouted: "Yes, meat, shredded pork, shredded pork,"

The flag ship on the north side, the ship on the right side, brother-in-law, go catch him quickly, I have great righteousness, don’t worry about Brother Yu, go catch him quickly!”

Brother Dajun shouted: "Run over quickly, raise a flag, and tell Mr. Mo to intercept the flag ship on the north side and capture Di Qinhu!"

The two detective horses pulled out their flags, mounted their horses and galloped away.

Everyone looked over nervously. Tan Ma was still riding on his horse and began to wave the flag, asking the Mohist Revenge to intercept the flag ship on the north side.

Fortunately, there was also a clairvoyant on the Mohist Revenge, who quickly changed course and chased the flag ship on the west side.

Chu Qing also stood up, took the Qianli Mu from Chen Dinglan's hand, and watched nervously.

The goddess of luck seemed to be attached to Chu Qing again.

The flag ship had just set sail and was not far away. The Mohist Revenge had already intercepted it. The bed crossbow quickly fired gunpowder arrows and finally sank the flag ship.

It was a critical moment, because the two flag ships had already run away, and if they had just been delayed for a while, neither of them would be able to stop them.

Chu Qing waved his fist fiercely: "I got it!"

The crowd roared like a roaring tsunami.

Chu Qing turned around and wished he could kiss his uncle: "I stopped it, I stopped it. Fortunately, you stopped that yellow flag ship!"

The eldest uncle's expression froze: "Why... why did you stop the yellow one?"

Chu Qing was stunned: "Aren't you talking about pork shreds?"

"Yes, why didn't you stop the black flag ship?" Tao Shaozhang was confused and glanced at his arm that was blackened by smoke: "Brother-in-law, didn't you just say that shredded meat is the color of the body's skin? Brother Yu's arm,

It's black, not yellow."

Sheng Zhaojun swayed and almost collapsed on the spot without suffering a cerebral hemorrhage. He yelled: "Then why the hell didn't you say black!"

The eldest brother-in-law was very innocent: "I just saw the yellow and white flag wadding. My eldest brother-in-law said that the shredded meat was...for the color of the body's skin...I thought...it was black."

Everyone was dumbfounded,

"Tao Shaozhang!" Chu Qing's eyes burst into flames: "You've made a mistake..."

This chapter has been completed!
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