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Chapter 1363 More than 100 million points

When Chu Qing stretched and walked out of the tent, Wang Tianyu and a group of young pirates were squatting on the ground eating breakfast, everyone talking and laughing.

As soon as Chu Qing came out, he was stunned: "You won't kneel now?"

"No." Wang Tianyu said with a playful smile: "Kneel down after eating. If you are hungry, you will be happy. Um, take a rest after eating. Are you hungry? I will get you some food."

Chu Qing: "..."

For a moment, Chu Qing couldn't distinguish some things.

Can I still eat and rest after kneeling down to beg for mercy?

Isn't it said that you can't afford to kneel down to pray for love for a long time, and you can kneel down for days and nights? This is too confusing.

Too lazy to pay attention to this teasing, Chu Qing also went to find breakfast.

Ah Hu is a person who does business, at least when it comes to banknotes, he can do things and is very reliable.

The boat we just captured last night took people out to sea for fishing at midnight. At dawn, boatloads of big fish were brought back. The breakfast was fish porridge, which was nutritious, healthy, high in protein, and fragrant.

The nearly 10,000 surrendered soldiers were like dead children without a father to love them or a mother to love them. Their armors had all been stripped off, let alone their weapons. The camp implemented a one-on-one paramilitary beating management, with an old cousin from Lake City watching over each one. Who?

I'll beat whoever I want.

The old men in Hucheng are starting to tremble. Chu Qing explained that these naval officers and soldiers are now considered the new army and have no human rights. As long as they are not killed, maimed or killed, there is no need to think about their personality, dignity and face.


If they really have personality, dignity and face, then there will only be two states: bite the bullet and become a real military force, and then regain the lost dignity in the future, or leave the military camp and become ordinary people.

However, Chu Qing did not open the second route to them because he was in urgent need of manpower.

Squatting on the ground and drinking porridge, Chu Qing felt a little worried. While he was worrying, Chen Yan came.

"Old Shi, please bring it to Qingyang."

Chen Yan said helplessly: "Feng Zhenren went to the boat and took a look at Di Cilang, but he didn't see anything. He said that Qingyang had to come."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements after dinner."

After finishing the porridge and water in three gulps, Chu Qing said in a slightly troubled voice: "Now that all the people in Hucheng are in Luo Yundao, there are not enough people in Guocheng. They need to build not only the city but also the coastal defense tower. Just rely on the people left behind."

For the more than one hundred Mohist disciples and the civilians recruited, the construction period will have to be delayed by at least three months."

"Short of people?" Chen Yan looked a little strange: "How many are missing?"

"If there are too many, the more the better."

"Ten thousand people?"

"Where did it come from? You gave birth to it on the spot."

Chen Yan was happy and waved to Cao Hu, who was eating prawns in the distance: "Ah Hu, come here."

Cao Hu ran over in a hurry and looked at Chu Qing: "My boss, did you call me?"

Chen Yan scolded: "I am the king who called you."

"Then I'm going back."

Chen Yan: “…”

Chu Qing roughly understood and couldn't help but ask: "You mean, let Cao Hu bring the old and weak women and children left behind in Hucheng to Guocheng to help?"

"You are old and weak, you are young and strong." Chen Yan said to Cao Hu: "Guocheng is short of people. You send someone back, and then send 10,000 young people to Guocheng to help."

Cao Hu made a sad face: "Where are the 10,000 people from? They are all old and weak."

Chen Yan became anxious: "What the hell, I have been in Lake City for so long. Although I don't know how many people there are, I can dispatch ten thousand young people. There must be some, and you are still pretending."

Cao Hu said angrily: "Have you counted them?"

"Who has that spare time?"

"I haven't counted yet. How do you know there are still ten thousand young men?"


Chu Qing also felt that Chen Yan was thinking too much, and just as he was about to speak, the third brother next to him didn't know what he was thinking of, so he asked uncertainly: "Ten thousand strings?"

Cao Hu's subconscious reaction was general: "Fifty thousand guan, ten thousand people, arrive at Guocheng within ten days, no dry food, but food and accommodation!"

Chu Qing was dumbfounded, and Chen Yan muttered something he didn't know he was swearing at.

Fu San took a sip of porridge and said, "Eight thousand strings."

"Hey Fu San, why are you being unreasonable? You just said ten thousand guan, 30,000 guan, just 30,000 guan, 10,000 guan, it will arrive in ten days, it cannot be less."

Fu San: "Six thousand strings."

"Oh, Third Brother, aren't you bullying me?"

Fu San: "Four thousand strings."

"Okay, okay, okay, Third Master, you can have as much as you want, ten thousand guans, ten thousand people. Whoever regrets it will have a son with eyes all over his body and will be struck by lightning."

Chu Qing: "..."

"Wait a minute." Fu San frowned again and asked tentatively: "Twenty thousand strings... twenty thousand people?"

Cao Hu: "Thirty thousand guan, twenty thousand people, reach Guocheng within ten days."

"Cao Hu!" Chu Qing suddenly stood up and cursed: "Have you said a word of truth?"

Chen Yan looked like "I knew it all."

Cao Hu was very innocent: "What's wrong? Why is there no truth?"

"How many people are there in Lake City?"

"I don't know, I haven't counted them."

"How many people can be at most?"

"I don't know, I haven't counted them."

Chu Qing stared at Cao Hu with an unkind expression: "How about I give you 50,000 guans and 30,000 out of pocket?"

"Hey, Boss, you are making things difficult for me, Old Cao. How can we get 30,000 people? Twenty thousand at most, not that many, really not that many."

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief. He thought there was a different time and space portal behind Lake City.

Cao Hu added another sentence: "Unless my boss you add 10,000 guan, 40,000 guan, or 30,000 more."

Chu Qing: "..."

Fu San suggested: "Master, call Hu Zi and take care of him. There is not a single word of truth in this dog's mouth."

Chu Qing looked at Cao Hu with squinting eyes: "In this case, I will give you one hundred thousand coins, how many people can you give me at most?"

"Thirty thousand."

"What if I give you 200,000 yuan?"

"Thirty thousand."

Chu Qing gritted his teeth: "Five hundred thousand strings!"

Cao Hu chuckled: "Thirty thousand."

Chu Qing nodded. It seemed that there were at most more than 30,000 people in Lake City, and there were probably many old, weak, sick and disabled among them.

Cao Hu rubbed his hands: "Then it's settled, five hundred thousand guan, and I'll find 30,000 people for my boss."

"I want to eat shit, thirty thousand guan, thirty thousand people."

"But you just said five hundred thousand dollars."

"I'm just testing you."

Cao Hu was not happy anymore, and his face was full of resentment: "My boss, you are really treacherous. Okay, okay, let me let you know. The total number of Hu Nu clan members is more than 50,000, but only a little bit more than 100 million."

Chu Qing laughed loudly and left with his hands behind his back.

Looking at Chu Qing's leaving figure, Cao Hu's aggrieved expression disappeared and was replaced by a proud look.

You think I, Old Cao, are stupid and want to pay back half a million guan. The more you give, the less valuable this banknote is. How much grain does Shang Yundao have in total to sell? He smashes 500,000 guan into it at once and spends 500,000 guan.

The thing I bought is probably the same as 50,000 guan. I want you 30,000 guan, which is just right, hehe.

Chu Qing was tricked again.

No one has solved the mystery of the exact population of Lake City.

In addition, Cao Hu actually knew that too much money was worthless. Regarding the issue of value preservation and depreciation of banknotes, Chu Qing really didn't expect it.

This chapter has been completed!
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