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Chapter 1410 Ridiculous Tradition

As soon as the upright uncle uncle opened his mouth, the camp was completely silent.

Uchishen stood up suddenly, his eyes almost bursting with fire.

From the moment he landed, he felt that his uncle was looking for trouble again and again.

"Why are you standing up?" My uncle asked with a serious face, "Are you going to cut it yourself?"

"You..." Uchi Shendai gritted his teeth and said, "Those who insult me ​​will die in pain."

The uncle curled his lips.

The death of someone who threatened me in front of my brother-in-law was quite painful.

Chu Qing had begun to hesitate, otherwise he would stop acting and have them all hacked to death and hung on cross stakes.

Feng Daoren's face was full of excitement.

It’s my turn, it’s my turn, it’s my turn, is it time for me, Liu Chengfeng, to appear?

"Okay, okay." After thinking for a moment, Chu Qing persuaded: "I'm a guest from afar. Don't make such rude requests. You have to commit hara-kiri. If you do it, you'll die. It's half the point to ask them to do it. That’s all I want.”

Uchi God Belt: “…”

Chu Qing's face was full of smiles: "We Han people are very particular about courtesy and reciprocity. Dancing is no problem, but you also have to do the whole thing. How about we dance and you perform seppuku and cut into half?"

Tao Shaozhang: "One person cuts it in half."

With a "pop" sound, Yu Zhishen slapped his hand on the table and pointed at Tao Shaozhang: "I remember you, tell me, what is your name!"

The uncle took a sip of tea and said, "I am Tao Shaozhang."

"Tao..." Yu Zhishendai's face froze, his expression changed, and he asked suspiciously: "Tao Shaozhang, the young minister of Dali Temple?"

"Why, have you heard of me?"

A magical scene appeared. Uchi Shendai was not angry anymore. Not only was he not angry, he even smiled: "So it's you."

The elder brother-in-law frowned, and Yu Zhishen sat down again. Even Ding Mocun, who looked a little gloomy next to him, showed an expression of sudden realization. Then, the two of them stopped looking at Tao Shaozhang and stopped getting angry with the uncle-in-law.

Instead, the eldest uncle showed a confused look. He just wanted to humiliate the other party. As a result, when the two of them heard about his name, they acted calmly as if nothing had happened, and then they never looked at each other again. Take a look yourself.

In fact, Tao Shaozhang was very famous, not only in Changjing, but also in various circles.

Everyone in the family knows Chu Qing, and of course they also know Chu Qing's team, so it is inevitable to get to know Tao Shaozhang. The same is true for Yinggou, so the two of them don't want to talk to Tao Shaozhang.

Seeing that he was completely ignored, Tao Shaozhang continued to brush up on his presence: "Is it still relevant?"

The two Ying dogs still didn't like him, but Chu Qing was a little disappointed. He really wanted to see it. He felt that Ying people liked to brag, and there were many fools in later generations who also liked to help Ying people brag.

In fact, Chu Qing really knew about seppuku.

This tradition cannot be said to be stupid, it can only be said to be... stubborn.

The Japanese thieves were cruel, but not so cruel to themselves. The so-called tradition of seppuku was a big joke if you go to the root of it.

Who was the first person to commit seppuku on Yingdao? Chu Qing didn’t know. He just knew that in the official history, the first person to commit seppuku in Japan was a villain. He did all kinds of evil and had nothing to do with any kind of warrior. He had no honor or dignity at all. Dip.

In the first year of Yongzuo, that is, 989 AD, there was a powerful family in Japan called the Fujiwara family. The first person to commit seppuku came from this family, and his name was Teng Yuanyi.

This guy is a hell of a pervert. He acts like a nobleman during the day and a villain at night. He pretends to be a human being during the day and commits all kinds of crimes including murder and arson at night.

Nobles have been practicing martial arts since childhood. They are well-fed and have strong bodies. This guy is better at martial arts. He committed evil for a long time before he was discovered by the Japanese government in Kyoto. Before he was exposed, he had committed numerous murders and horrifying methods.

Extremely bloody.

In any case, this guy is quite capable of fighting, so the government led many officers and soldiers to surround Fujiwara Yoshi's house.

Fujiwara Yoshi knew that he would not be able to escape, so before he died, he performed a ritual. He opened the door, lit all the torches, and then sat cross-legged in the yard with his arms bare, preparing to perform two talents.

After the officials rushed in, the guy first played a flute, a flute that could make sounds. After the first talent show, he raised his sword and thrust it into his abdomen, cutting a big gash.

Either way, this kid is very fierce. He just picks out all the messy intestines with the tip of the knife, and then throws whatever he grabs, and throws it at those who are rushing towards him. In the end, if nothing happens, he just hangs up.


Chu Qing found it funny mainly because of two things.

The first thing is that this is recorded in historical records. It is in the historical records of Japan.

Then the funny thing appears. When a person is in extreme pain, the brain will enter a protective state. This is beyond human control. Nine times out of ten, he will faint. To take a step back, even if he does not faint, from the perspective of medicine

Coming from an angle, this amount of bleeding would cause a person to lose most of his body functions in just a few seconds. Using the tip of a knife to pick out his intestines and throwing his entrails at officers and soldiers is simply impossible, at least.

It's not as exaggerated as recorded in historical records. He laughed wildly like a demon and no one dared to approach him.

The second thing is also the funniest thing.

This guy is a thief and a wicked person. Not to mention committing seppuku, even standing upside down to give birth to a child, he is also a wicked person. He commits murder and arson, and his methods are extremely cruel and bloody.

As a result, this guy's behavior before his death actually became the most noble "popular trend" of Bushido, and even influenced later generations, becoming a model of honor, courage, and dignity.

In the era of cold weapons, this method of suicide became a compulsory subject for samurai, hoping that one day they would be so "brave" when they die.

Moreover, this method of suicide, invented by a heinous thief, has developed into a tradition and culture, and has been divided into categories.

If you lose the battle, forget it.

Don't throw it out of the pan and cut it.

Trading your own life for someone else's life, whatever.

What are the first abdomen, chasing abdomen, prosthetic abdomen, discussing abdomen, business abdomen, holding abdomen, angry abdomen, non-thinking abdomen, 30% of the abdomen, 30% of the abdomen in thirty years, etc. Different cutting methods are used according to different situations.

, more delicate than cutting up pork.

There are endless flowers, cross-cut, one-cut, two-cut, three-cut, scumbag cut, etc. There are many types.

Especially after this "traditional culture" was perfected later, the difficulty level skyrocketed. For example, if you hit the wrong person with a last-ditch attack, you would normally have to cut off the head of a seppuku samurai with one knife, but in reality, it requires that the head cannot be completely cut off, so you have to

The head and neck are connected with some flesh, so the person who commits seppuku cannot make a sound during the whole process. If he makes a sound, it is not perfect. He can only learn from the experience in the next life and try to get over it once and for all.

This is why China is an ancient civilization that has been inherited for thousands of years, but some nations are both ridiculous and hateful.

The descendants of later generations of China imitate the ancient sages because of their noble character and carelessness in life and death. For the sake of righteousness, they have courage and height that ordinary people cannot match.

Let’s look at this little life again, imitating a perverted murderer?

If their behavior is simply incomprehensible, forget it. At most, they will be ridiculed, mainly because they brag and are good at putting money on their faces.

The so-called glory of the samurai is laughable. During the Kamakura shogunate period, the name samurai sounded nice. To put it bluntly, it was a mercenary. If you give money, you will recognize the elder brother. If you give too much money, you can kill people. This kind of profession is to get paid to kill people.

, there is glory to speak of.

Especially in the later period, there was also false seppuku. The more famous one is the Ako incident. Forty-seven samurai were ordered to commit seppuku. In fact, it was a false seppuku. They were beheaded directly, but it was declared to be seppuku.

This kind of thing is not too common. At that time, most samurai used wooden knives, bamboo knives or even fans to scratch and pull on the abdomen without breaking the skin. Then they would chop off the head of the wrong person.

This kind of deception is nothing more than a kind of propaganda and self-obscenity.

Even in modern times, they still maintain the tradition of bragging and being tough-talking. The more famous one, Mishima Yukio, failed to commit seppuku. At that time, he was bleeding profusely and rolling on the ground in pain. The wrong person was stunned. He was also a

A master, he swung the knife and slashed, and he slashed five times. The knife avoided the vital points, but he didn't kill him. In the end, he was stabbed to death with a puff of a knife.

And Takijiro Onishi, who was boasted as the father of naval special attack when he was young, did not find anyone to fix the wound when he committed seppuku. He cut and pulled it himself. Before he could make a clear cut, he cut off fifteen pieces intermittently.

For several hours, he finally bled to death.

For this kind of thing, there are no other words to describe it other than pretentiousness and bragging.

Chu Qing respects warriors. The so-called warriors are brave for the country, brave for the people, and brave for the sake of justice. If you are not afraid of death and painful death, you are considered a warrior. There must be half of those death row inmates in the prison who have committed heinous crimes.

Be considered a warrior.

To imitate a beast who does all kinds of evil and commit suicide to create a feeling of reverence. Apart from his childhood, Chu Qing could not think of any other nation that could be more perverted than them. It was both ridiculous and perverted.

After the food and wine were served, Yu Zhishen realized that he could not enjoy the treatment he received when Di Qinhu was in power, so he did not mention dancing to entertain him.

But my uncle's eyes were darting around.

Not only was he a Shaoqing of Dali Temple, he was also proficient in the art of hara-kiri, so he didn't believe it. He didn't believe it. How could a person stay awake under extreme pain and complete such a talent?

My uncle is a stubborn person.

He must see it today.

This chapter has been completed!
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