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Chapter 1414 twists and turns

Chu Qing already has a rough charter.

To put it simply... In short, it is similar to Lao Chu's routine. The strategic purpose is the same, using the strength of skills to attack the enemy's weaknesses.

In the northern pass, the Liang Rong were good at cavalry but not on foot, so they fought in the city.

As for the Ying thieves, who are good at naval warfare, they will fight on foot and in the city.

If everything goes well, the East China Sea will be divided into two battlefields.

On the first battlefield, the navy division formed an alliance with the Japanese army, and fought against the army. The boat division retreated, with the Japanese bandits in the middle, and then they attacked from both front and back.

The second battlefield is the ships and cities on the coast. Qin Qi led people to seize the ships. The cities are no longer needed. Whoever wants them wants them. They will blow up the sky directly. A city is only worth a few dollars. It will be rebuilt by then.

Once the boat is built and the thieves are killed, all this is just a matter of sprinkling water.

The idea provided by the Second Young Master of the Fu family is actually three steps. First, open the refrigerator door and remove the elephant... No, the first step is to form an alliance with the Japanese thieves. The second step is to fight against the official army with the Japanese thieves.

Three steps, join the officers and soldiers to kill the Japanese thieves, and find out who the thieves are.

But all this is based on the premise that the Japanese thief was fooled, but in fact, instead of being about to be fooled, the Japanese thief became suspicious and alert.

The discussion on Chu Qing's side was in full swing, but little did he know that the Uchi Divine Belt had already begun to look for trouble.

As soon as they left the tent, Tao Shaozhang had already chosen a candidate to perform hara-kiri.

He had a fat head and big ears, with a frightened face, and was tied up by other guards who were as close as brothers.

It's not that these guards were careless, but that if they didn't tie him up, it would be easy for Tao Shaozhang to have others commit seppuku.

Yuzhi Shendai smiled slightly: "I'm a little dizzy, just take a walk, Mr. Tao is busy."

From the beginning to the end, Uchi Shendai did not take a second look at his guards, as if the lives of these people were nothing to him.

Tao Shaozhang was so stupid that he snorted and didn't take it seriously at all. He forced the bodyguard to commit hara-kiri. When he refused, his uncle helped him do it.

Pretending to be walking aimlessly, Uchishen brought him to the beach.

Ertong had been following secretly with Tanma, but Yuzhi Shendai noticed it, but did not reveal it.

Unexpectedly, the Uchi god belt actually came to those cross piles.

Ertong in the distance and the detective horses beside him looked at each other in confusion.

"This bitch seems to want to see Di Qinhu. Is that okay?"

The scouts were not too sure either. One of them said uncertainly: "The old dog doesn't know anything. Just see it when you see it. Let's just keep an eye on it."

"No." After all, Wang Tongtong has been imitating his third brother and has made some progress. He frowned and said, "Go and ask the commander... No, the commander arranged for Mr. Tao to accompany him. Go quickly and inform Mr. Tao."


On the highest cross stake hangs Di Qinhu.

The person on duty today was Lin Kui. His friends were all discussing matters in the military tent, so Lin Kui forgot to put this guy down. According to the usual rules, if the wind is strong after dark, Di Qinhu will be put down and escorted.

I went to the military camp to take care of him, not to give him any preferential treatment, but because he was afraid that the old guy would freeze to death again at night.

The weak Di Qinhu heard the footsteps and slowly opened his eyes.

"Five...Fifth Highness?"

Yuzhishen took a look around, and when he saw no one, he raised his head and wrote a blank check: "Marshal Di, I can save you, but if you don't want this chance of survival, I will save you."

Di Qinhu blinked his eyes hard, fearing that it was an hallucination, and nodded repeatedly.

The desire to survive has been completely wiped out by the wind and sun in the past three months. I can neither survive nor die. Now I suddenly met the fifth prince of Yingdao, and hope was rekindled in my heart.

"Don't make any noise, I have something to ask you."

"Why did you let me go? Why are you here? Has your fleet arrived? It was my men who escaped to find you..."

Uchi Shendai interrupted: "You answer first, then talk too much, and I will leave."

"Okay, okay, you ask, just ask."

"How did you lose."

"Sneak attack, attacking in the east and west, Chu Qing sent people to attack Youcheng. He had ships and warriors, and captured the boat master's ship."

"Founding in the east and attacking in the west?" Yuzhi Shendai looked suspicious: "How much damage was done in the battle?"

"There are almost no battle losses. His men are all fierce. He is surrounded by a cloud of masters and there are countless fierce generals in the war."

"Oh?" Uchi Shendai said with a somewhat solemn look on his face: "But why when we arrived, the troops we saw were all empty bags and rice bags."

"It's all pretense, it's all pretense, and it's all pretentious."

"But we came suddenly. From the time we saw the ship to the time we landed and entered the camp, in less than half an hour, the troops were fighting, the generals were disorganized, and the military camp was in ruins. In just half an hour, how did he arrange it, and the governor of Youcheng was stupid.

Because he is fat, the people curse him endlessly..."

"Don't believe what you see and hear." Di Qinhu's eyes were filled with deep hatred: "That boy Chu Qing is the best at this. Did you know that he has a sharp weapon that sounds like a loud bell and shoots it into the military formation?

It is like the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and there is also a kind of fire oil, which burns black smoke and burns on the water surface. It only takes one barrel to destroy a warship and the army of the navy..."

Even if he didn't want to admit it, Di Qinhu had to admit: "Under his command, the Marine Corps troops have already become warriors on the battlefield. Your Highness, Fifth Prince, please let me go and take me away. I am useful. I have

Dayong, I know everything about Chu Qing and the boat master. Sooner or later you will need me."

Chu Qing and his friends were still careless. They were all busy acting, but they forgot that there was Di Qinhu hanging here. Of course, this was mainly to blame Lin Hu, who had no brains at all. No one thought that Yu Zhishen would lead him.

Can you come and ask Di Qinhu?

"What you said is completely different from what I saw." Yu Zhi Shendai's face was uncertain: "If you didn't lie to me, then Chu Qing was showing weakness. Why did he do this?"

"I don't know. I just know that you were fooled. He must have done it on purpose."

Yu Zhishen looked at Di Qinhu. Although he couldn't figure it out, he was sure that Di Qinhu had not lied to him. He had seen many liars. Di Qinhu's appearance did not look like he was lying or cheating.

Without speaking any more, Yuzhishen turned around and left. He wanted to go back and think about it carefully.

Di Qinhu shouted: "Your Highness, Fifth Prince, save me. You must not go back on your word. I am of great use. I am of great use..."

Uchi Shendai turned a deaf ear and just kept his head buried in walking forward.

All the way back to the tent, he happened to see the body of a samurai who had been "forced" to commit seppuku. He was filled with hatred, and his instinct told him that he had been tricked!

Back in the tent, Uchi Shendai's face was as gloomy as water.

"Your Highness, you..."

"It's all intentional. That person named Chu has bad intentions."

In a few words, Yu Zhishen told Di Qinhu the situation. Ding Mocun was full of doubts: "Why do they pretend to be so miserable?"

"Perhaps..." Yu Zhishen's expression suddenly changed: "Perhaps he already knew that we were going to send troops and did it deliberately to make us mistakenly think that the boat division was incapable of fighting. When the time comes, he would catch us by surprise. Maybe, or

A serial plan!"

It has to be said that this is what happens if Tao Ruolin is not around. The military camp is too big, and the sudden arrival of the Ying Dog will inevitably lead to loopholes. Under a strange combination of circumstances, Yuzhi Shendai "peeped" the secret, and the plan has not been finished yet.

Well, the Japanese dog is destined not to be fooled.

Chu Qing's motto is no accidents, and then accidents happen.

Accident, late but arrived.

The goddess of luck covered Chu Qing's skirt.

At this time, on the beach, there was a man who couldn't even restrain the goddess of luck and even wanted to retreat. He was walking on the beach.

Tao Shaozhang just went to find a place to pee, so he didn't see Yu Zhi Shendai.

Tao Dashao saw the disembowelment he had been thinking about for a long time. As he thought, it was all nonsense. The Ying dog who was forcibly disemboweled cried for father and mother in pain and couldn't do it. In the end, his uncle helped him disembowel him a few times.


"Hey, didn't you say that the dog thief saw Di Qinhu? Where are the people?"

Tao Shaozhang looked at it for a long time and found that Di Qinhu was still hanging there and there was nothing around him.

After thinking about it, my uncle felt that it was quite boring, so he walked over slowly.

From this moment on, the fate of the East China Sea and the two countries, Chang and Ying, took a turn for the better again.

This chapter has been completed!
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