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Chapter 1433 Landing on the Island to Attack the Camp

Chu Qing has discovered that Wang Tianyu is not reliable at all, and the children of the Mo family are no match for him.

Ryukyu Island is very big. Yuzai has explored it, the Mo family has lived there, and Qin Qi has taken over it.

It is precisely because of its size that the three groups of people are not familiar with this island at all.

Qin Qi stopped talking and came to pick him up. Not long after he stayed, the Mo family's Revenge was built and taken away by all the children of the Mo family.

As for the Mo family, who are considered to be half-land households, they are recuperating on a mountainside and have hardly left the mountains. They don't know what's going on outside.

Wang Tianyu once chased a privateer and came to the other side of the island. Finally, he marked it on the chart. He said he had explored it, but in fact he had never been to the island.

In fact, this is also Chu Qing’s fault, it’s a matter of concept.

This island can be called a land without an owner. There is no transportation and no official roads. The Mohists want to take a stroll, but there is no way. There are only mountains and woods, and the plains are endless without a hair.

Nothing to stroll about.

It's like throwing a modern person directly into a primitive forest. It's completely whimsical for you to ask him to walk through the entire primitive forest. He will have to find a place to live after walking for two days, and there is no way to leave.

Finally, Chu Qing gave the order for the Mo family's Revenge to put down all the boats. He personally led the team, a total of fifty people, to check the situation at close range. The other crew members were ready to respond at any time. The second-generation Anti-King and the supply ship approached the fishing village to provide cover.

, be ready for long-range fire support at any time. The largest ship is cruising around the periphery to check if there are other warships. If there are, once you hear the explosion, they will be sunk immediately. The same is true for the other two warships. Let's fight.

After that, the five ships docked at the pier were sunk immediately.

Under the cover of darkness, Chu Qing took the people in a small boat and approached the beach.

I didn't dare to bring more people. They were all elite soldiers. In addition to Third Brother, Bao Dan'er, and Yu Zai, there were also forty-six veterans of the frontier army, making a total of fifty people.

There was no way to carry the fierce fire oil, twenty divine arm crossbows, fifty gunpowder arrows, no armor, and a standard long knife.

After everyone landed, Chu Qing was extremely nervous. He squatted down, grabbed two handfuls of sand and wiped it on his face, then made a gesture that no one could understand, like a second stroke.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, wondering what Chu Qing meant.

"Brothers, I have named this operation the Beheading Operation: Chop off Cai Dog's Head..."

Chu Qing was halfway through speaking. When he looked back, he found that he was squatting alone. Everyone was standing and not talking, staring at each other. There was no atmosphere at all, and there was no sense of ceremony.

Standing up, Chu Qing was a little embarrassed. He was about to wave his hand and say "let's go, brothers" when he suddenly realized something was wrong and slapped his forehead fiercely: "Damn it, he even forgot to bring his secret weapon for such an important operation."

There was no need for Chu Qing to tell him what kind of secret weapon it was. Fu San turned around helplessly: "So and so, go back to the boat and bring Mr. Tao here."

A veteran of the frontier army, who was the least senior and worried, ran back into the water, got into the boat one step at a time, and rowed towards the warship.

Chu Qing became even more embarrassed: "It's not necessary to prepare at all. Let's take a rest."

It was only half an hour later. What they knew was that Chu Qing had been forgotten by his uncle. What he didn’t know was that he thought it was just for the sake of water.

Or maybe it's because the whole family doesn't go into the same house, but my uncle actually put on night clothes, and I don't know where he got them from. As long as he didn't open his mouth, he almost merged with the night.

"Brother-in-law." My uncle said with joy, "I know you can't let go of Brother Yu and can't live without me."

The third brother glanced sideways at his uncle, feeling that this boy was more or less seriously ill. Was this because he couldn't bear to part with him?

Feng Daoren also looked at his uncle and found that the "peach blossom" look on Tao Shaozhang's face was even more obvious.

He had chatted with Mo Yu about this before, and Lao Mo said it might be Tao Shaozhang's seasickness.

The trump card is here and everyone can finally take action.

But only Chu Qing acted like a thief, walking in an S shape, as if someone was trying to snipe him.

No one understood it, only Chu Qing himself knew that this was the awakening of his bloodline.

When he was still in primary school in his previous life, he visited the Martyrs Cemetery, and his fathers told him about the tragic wars in China and how hateful the Japanese thieves were. At such a young age, he wished he could just swim and sneak to Yingdao to kill several Japanese soldiers.

After resolving the hatred in his heart, he later regarded Lu Junsheng as his lifelong idol and the real God of War in his heart.

Who could have imagined that he would live another life, and his dream from the previous life would actually come true. He would lead a group of young men to the territory of the Japanese thieves to cause trouble. Even though it was only in the garrison area, it was enough to make him excited.

Under the moonlight, everyone did not dare to light torches and walked forward in the dark.

Using a telescope on the boat, I felt that the landing point was not far from the fishing village. It was nearly ten miles, or five kilometers, before we could move forward at full speed. It took more than half an hour.

Chu Qing's excitement had passed, and he was shoulder to shoulder with Tao Shaozhang.

Tao Shaozhang was very happy.

He has discovered that whenever something important happens, his eldest brother-in-law will be particularly close to him. What does this mean? It means that he is the harbor of his eldest brother-in-law's soul, and his generous arms are his support...

Seeing that there was still less than a mile left, Chu Qing made another gesture that no one could understand. Fu San turned around and whispered: "Have a rest for a while, replenish your strength, eat some dry food, and hide yourself."

Chu Qing gave a thumbs up to his third brother.

He himself didn't even know what the gesture he just made meant, but the third brother actually knew it.

Tao Shaozhang took a deep look at Fu San and secretly felt lucky that fortunately the third brother was a rough old man.

As they got closer, their line of sight became much wider. Only then did everyone see that the fishing village was larger than they thought, extending to the foot of the mountain behind, with the faint light of torches dotted here and there.

"The cauldron, I'd say it's the plug of the military camp."

Chu Qing nodded. Yuzai was really mistaken. It was a military camp, but there was no tent.

There are horses outside those thatched and brick houses and a few simple courtyards. Horses are tied outside almost every residence, instead of using larger stables and stables to corral the horses together.

In addition to fighting, there are also some tools placed outside the door, including axes for logging, etc. No matter what farm tools they are, there are wooden guns or straight knives next to them.

If it were just ordinary people, it would be impossible for every household to have horses and weapons. This means that this unstructured fishing village is actually a "peasant and soldier". It may not be under military management, but it is 100% owned by every household.

The army is ready to fight at any time.

"Strange." It was the third brother who was still the first to grasp the key point: "Ryukyu Island is deserted, why does every household have war horses and weapons?"

The eldest uncle smiled and said: "How can an army be without weapons?"

"Not just weapons, these houses are connected to the foot of the mountain, the east side is at the foot of the mountain, and the south side is connected to the dock. It is not due to the terrain, it seems..."

Chu Qing's expression changed slightly: "You can advance to attack, retreat to defend, fortifications?!"

"What the young master said is that I think so too. It seems to be a deliberate construction of this structure to prevent the enemy. It seems to be without any rules. If the enemy attacks, you can fight and then retreat."

Qin Qi asked in confusion: "Didn't Mr. Mo say that there are people on Ryukyu Island?"

"Old Mo said there was no one because they weren't watching."

"That is to guard against enemies at sea. If the warship is sunk, then retreat to the mountains?"

"No." The third brother shook his head and said: "It's not far from Yingdao, and I feel that Chang Chao's warships can't attack. In addition, there are not many guards on the five ships..."

After a pause, the third brother looked towards the foot of the mountain: "Is the person they want to guard against another attack from the mountain?"

The eldest uncle is a pure layman: "Isn't it to protect against wild beasts in the forest?"


Chu Qing was also confused. If it was just to deal with wild beasts, there wouldn't be many bows and arrows outside these houses, but instead there would be many large shields.

This chapter has been completed!
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