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Chapter 1440 small head

Supplies of supplies, porcelain jars filled with fire oil, and gunpowder crossbows wrapped in oilcloth were all prepared.

Six hundred and twenty people embarked on a new journey and officially participated in the Japanese invasion of this island!

The thick smoke from the fishing village cleared and the flames were extinguished. After the sun rose, the huddled corpses that had been burned to black coal were exposed to the blue sky and daylight.

His breath was filled with the smell of burning, and Chu Qing walked at the front and strode forward.

While the troops were arranging their armaments on the shore, Bao Dan and A Yi took advantage of their free time to go deep into the fishing village. The fishing village was connected to the foot of the mountain. Sure enough, there were fish that slipped through the net.

Baodan didn't say how many fish slipped through the net. It's meaningless to say that. Just shake off the blood on the sword.

Compared with when they first went to sea, the eyes of the soldiers were more determined.

These carefully selected warriors have mastered all the skills to kill the enemy and save their lives in battle. Now they have set foot on this island and made up for the last shortcoming of the army, which is to know why.


The sun stopped rising and hung high in the sky. Six hundred and twenty warriors arrived at the foot of the mountain.

Putting up the awning with his hands, Chu Qing raised his head and cursed secretly.

mountains, mountains.

Trees, dense forest blocking the view.

The most fearful thing about marching is this kind of terrain. Climbing over mountains and ridges consumes physical strength very quickly.

"Rest on the spot for a stick of incense." Chu Qing made another meaningless gesture: "Check the weapons, check the armor. After climbing, except for the palms and head, no skin should be exposed."

Many veterans of the frontier army and the fleet division have gone into the mountains and forests, and they know that there are many dangers in the mountains and forests, especially those seemingly inconspicuous insects and snakes. It is not impossible for them to die on the spot after being bitten by them.

The beauty of nature always contains countless dangers, and Chu Qing still understands this basic common sense.

Everyone followed Chu Qing's instructions and protected their exposed skin before continuing their journey.

Chu Qing was walking at the front, feeling a little annoyed. He had known that it had been brought to A Hu and the Hu Nu tribe.

If the Hu Nu tribe were there, there would be no need for more than five thousand people. Fighting in this kind of mountain forest, ten thousand soldiers would be crushed by the Hu Nu tribe and reduced to ashes.

Involuntarily, Chu Qing began to sigh again.

Plans always fail to keep pace with changes. In Beijing, China, border areas, and the East China Sea, nothing seems to go as smoothly as expected.

Zhao Baodan, who was addicted to Tan Ma Dang, ran back: "I found the traces of the march of the Japanese bandit army."

The traces of the march of the army that Zhao Baodan mentioned were actually the roads that were trampled many times after all the blocking trees were cut down.

The "road" is not wide enough to accommodate five people walking side by side. Traces of marches, debris, feces, etc. can be seen everywhere on the road.

Once you go up the mountain and enter the forest, your clairvoyance has no effect and you can only rely on detecting horses to get ahead.

Chu Qing didn't need to explain the details. Wang Tianyu was quite reliable, and the arrangements for exploring the horses, marching speed, rest time, etc. were in order.

After marching for almost an hour, we finally arrived at the winding mountain trail, and everyone's hearts, which had just calmed down, began to turmoil again.

There are more "road signs" on the road, and these road signs are all heads, small heads.

"Calm it down."

Chu Qing stopped and sighed slightly.

He had long since given up trying to figure out the motives of the Japanese thief. He was afraid that even the most ferocious evil spirits in hell would feel inferior in front of the Japanese thief.

The essence of war is killing and killing.

To conquer by killing.

No one denies that war will destroy human nature. The purpose of war will never change, killing and conquering. In this process, some people will retain their humanity, some people will lose their humanity, and there is another kind of people, Ying

A thief, thus possessing extra humanity.

The nature of the war between Japanese thieves seems to be unchanged, killing and conquest, but the world will be suspicious of their killing methods. What the Japanese thieves seem to want is not conquest, but to satisfy their inner desires under the guise of conquest.

, this kind of desire brings together the most cruel evil in the world, naked, extremely bloody, and extremely cruel evil thoughts.

Just like the skulls of these Aboriginal children.

When they first met Qiu Baoyu, the two sides fought fiercely, but because of a crying baby, the Marine Division garrison troops put down their bows and arrows, and the miscellaneous army stopped attacking without Chu Qing's order.

War is cruel, but human nature will never be completely wiped out.

The Japanese thieves seem to use war as a method to release their nature. They use the most vicious means and the most cruel way, and then blame the "war" for all this, hoping to prove to the world that they are also human beings, not

"Devils" are just those who were forced to become demons by the war.

The war just turned the table over. Damn it, I won’t bear this responsibility!

The devil is also anxious. This is the worst time I have ever been hacked!

Most of the soldiers were illiterate, but they were as gentle as mother's hands, with tears moistening their eyes, as they picked off the heads stuck on the wooden stakes and wiped away the stains on them.

The soft cloth tied around the hands and ankles, originally to prevent snake and insect bites, was untied by them and wrapped around these small heads.

The eldest uncle shed tears and looked at the little head in his palm, which was no bigger than a fist. His heart was as sharp as a knife.

Women and children should stay away from war. Who would have thought that there would be a race in this world that would specifically attack women and children.

There were too many heads. As I walked forward and saw them, my heart became heavier and heavier, and my hatred became stronger.

From this moment on, everyone's hatred for the Japanese thieves has nothing to do with the camp or the country. On this isolated island, this lone army is just fighting to kill the devil!

"There are too many heads." Chu Qing had to slow down his march again: "Dig a deep pit to bury them."

The reason why Chinese culture has been passed down for more than 4,000 years is precisely because even if we experience the most cruel things, we must try our best to retain humanity and retain some traditions worthy of heaven and earth, and worthy of conscience.

One of them is that the dead are great. God has never appeared, and heaven and earth seem to be eternal. However, Chinese people believe that even after thousands of years, they still believe that people are doing it, and heaven is watching. People are born in heaven and earth.

We need to be in awe of time, awe of heaven and earth, and awe of conscience.

Everyone shoveled a handful of soil and covered it up. A total of 467 heads, small heads, were buried six feet under.

It should have been buried three feet, but Chu Qing ordered an extra three feet.

God is watching every part of the earth. He has seen the grievances of the children, so Chu Qing appeared. These children who died tragically do not need to expose these sufferings to the world. Six feet, they can sleep peacefully. Next

Just leave the matter to this lone army.

Looking at the majestic mountains, Chu Qing waved his arms: "Keep moving forward, chase the thieves, and kill the thieves."

The Feng Taoist rushed out again like a ghost.

This old Taoist hopes to soak the long sword on his back with the blood of the Japanese thief, but no amount of blood will be enough.

The Ying thieves built a winding mountain road, which apparently goes around the middle of the mountain or the top of the island to the inside of the island, which also saves everyone a lot of trouble.

More than 600 people moved forward in silence, each one eagerly hoping to encounter thieves around the corner. Only by catching up with these thieves would the anger in their hearts diminish a little.

This chapter has been completed!
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