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Chapter 1479 The Battle of the East China Sea (3)

Originally, these soldiers who knew they were going to be beaten were troubled enough.

Chen Yan also wanted them to pretend to be powerful.

They have never heard of anyone who knows that in order to be beaten, you have to be vigorous in advance, and you are not mean.

That's all. A group of fast horses passed by. The leader was a half-year-old child, waving his riding whip and looking disgusting.

"Wait to be slaughtered, you losers, hahaha, I will kill you in a moment!"

Changxian is changing his voice recently, and he has reached an age that makes him look like a dog. Many soldiers would have shot him to death if they hadn't heard this guy calling himself the king.

Chen Yan's whip crackled loudly: "Shout louder, Dachang Wansheng!"

More than 10,000 troops grinned and shouted.


With this look and tone, it's not like Dachang Wansheng, it's like Dachang went bankrupt and Huang Laosi ran away with his sister-in-law.

Uchi Shendai on the Tianguo had a worried look on his face: "It seems like they are an elite force!"

Ding Mocun listened carefully and felt that something was wrong. It didn't sound like they were coming to attack the city, but like they were going to a funeral.

The Japanese thieves on this ship, and all the Japanese thieves on the warships, did not know that their expressions could be seen clearly by Chu Qing.

Originally, according to Tao Ruolin's plan, Bihua and Xiang Lin were asked to cooperate and capture Lan Renshan.

In the end, no one expected it to be so easy. Lan Renshan didn't bring too many people back. Bihua, a crow, took a plane and got under the bed with the old lady. The two moves were seamless. Lan Renshan lay on the ground and stretched out his body. Xiang Lin simply didn't do it. Didn't make a move.

When Lan Renshan was carried back, he was still awake. Bihua handed over the mission and retreated with Tao Ruolin, but Xiang Lin stayed behind.

Seeing the big boss observing the enemy's situation on the observation deck, he ran up to Xiang Lin, looking like a coward.

"Sir, the little one can lip read."

"You can also lip-read?" Chu Qing was pleasantly surprised and quickly handed Qianli Mu to Xiang Lin: "Quickly show me what these bastards are talking about. Are they secretly criticizing me for being handsome and handsome?"

Xiang Lin bowed down and took Qianlimu, feeling extremely excited.

After hanging out with Tao Ruolin, he realized that his position was too small, too damn small.

In the past, I was in the business of killing people with my head and hands. I couldn't open a few tickets throughout the year, and I couldn't save much money after making money.

As a result, now that I have abandoned the bright and dark, I realize that I have wasted my time completely.

Not to mention other things, those Mohist disciples have one apartment per person and a separate courtyard. That courtyard alone is enough to cultivate several acres of land, and it is also in the suburbs of Beijing, Dachangchao Capital!

Nowadays, Donghai’s banknotes are worthless. Chu Qing’s gang won people’s hearts without using banknotes. Instead, they used land deeds and gave them in piles. In future generations, it will be regarded as the company giving out bonuses at the end of the month but not paying any money, and directly giving them to Beijing’s Second Ring Road. Real estate certificate.

Xiang Lin, who was eager to show off, was almost stunned by Qianli Mu, who stared at him unblinkingly.

"That Tianguo ship, the biggest one, the one on the bow is called Uchishinder. It looks like the three-pointed fork in the hand of the fucking Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Did you see it? The traitor next to it is a very dark Nabi, and Jean It's like they're on fire, just the two of them, let's see what they say."

Chu Qing was very anxious. Thousand Mile Eyes could see the expression but could not hear the voice. He really wanted to know what the state of the Uchi God Belt was now.

As a result, after waiting for a long time, Xiang Lin looked a little embarrassed and his forehead was sweating.

Chu Qing asked: "What am I asking you? What are you talking about? Do you know lip reading?"

"I understand, little one understands."

"Then you are the translator."

Xiang Lin put down Qianli Mu, his face was covered with sweat and cold sweat: "It's just, there's just a little thing."

"What's up."

"The little one understands lip reading, but..."

"It's just your uncle, please tell me quickly."

"The little one doesn't understand Ying dialect."

Chu Qing: "..."

Xiang Lin knelt down with a plop. He felt that he might not be able to see the sun tomorrow.

Chu Qing grabbed Qianli Mu and kicked Xiang Lin on the butt.

Xiang Lin was trembling all over and pressed his head against the wooden platform. After waiting for a long time, he suddenly raised his head and looked at his third brother: "Is this... is it over?"

The third brother, who was also holding the Thousand Miles Eye, frowned: "What's the end?"

"Don't kill the little ones?"

Chu Qing kicked Xiang Lin again: "Am I a pervert? I kill people when nothing happens?"

Xiang Lin was confused.

Isn't it? Then why is there less than a hundred aristocratic families in the East China Sea? It's so strange.

He couldn't figure it out, but Xiang Lin kowtowed three times, with a look of luck on his face. He felt that people in the world were really spreading lies. Didn't they all call him a living beast? This was not a beast at all.

The third brother suddenly threw Qianlimu to Xiang Lin: "Just try your best and your pronunciation will be perfect."

Chu Qing also reacted: "Yes, yes, read the sound, third brother understands Ying dialect, hurry up."

Xiang Lin did not dare to neglect, so he could only try his best.

While observing, I am not sure about "simultaneous translation".

"That bitch traitor said... that you can wipe it off?"

"Damn it." Chu Qing raised Qianli Mu and said, "What did they two do? They just wiped out anything."

"Again, natto?"

The third brother nodded: "What do you mean by waiting?"

Xiang Lin: "My heart is dumbfounded...My heart is dumbfounded after Nayi."

Third Brother: “It’s best if we all die?”

"Chukuwa... No corner of Selu, I will kill you Leo."

The third brother was still not sure: "Chu Sang, leave and get off the boat!"

Xiang Lin looked at his third brother and was astonished.

Chu Qing murmured to himself.

Wait a minute, it's best if they all die. Chu Sang leaves and gets off the boat?

"Understood." Chu Qing raised his clairvoyant eyes again: "The Yuzhi God Belt can't wait any longer. The traitor said wait a minute. They both hope that all of us and the army will die. If I leave Guocheng with my people, they will

Get off the ship and find a way to capture Guocheng?"

The third brother is not sure, and Xiang Lin's translation is not accurate, but the meaning should be similar.

"Pestle corpse, pestle corpse." Changxian ran up in a hurry: "The army of the rice bucket is coming soon. It's less than three miles away. Can the students accept the challenge?"

Chu Qing waved his hand without looking back: "The body is ready, it will be over before noon."

"Then the student will go now?"

"Fuck you."


Changxian ran down the observation tower.

It has to be said that Tao Ruolin unintentionally fulfilled Changxian's destiny.

No wonder Chang Xiaoer was excited. When he was growing up, Lao Si often told him about things in the army, especially the time Lao Si went to the battle to kill the enemy, and how he carried a three-legged war horse and fought alone.

Chang Xiaoer's heart was filled with excitement when he heard what Bailiang Thieves were doing.

This also led Chang Xiaoer to dream that one day he would be in charge of the Chang Dynasty army and defeat the foreign races.

Tao Ruolin, the mentor who makes dreams come true, can be considered as a dream come true for Chang Xian. The only good thing is that the people Chang Xiaoer will lead are aliens, and those who will be defeated are Dachang's army.

The wind in the East China Sea was getting stronger, the war drums were beating, and a battle that Chu Qing didn't even want to watch, but the Japanese thieves were extremely nervous, was about to begin.

Chu Qing still looked at the Uchi God Belt through his clairvoyance.

"When we were closest, the distance between me and him was only 0.01 centimeters. Six hours later, I will kill him. Sixty days later, I will kill more Japanese thieves."

At this moment, Chu Qing wished he could have a pair of sunglasses of the same style as Lao Wang: "I don't know when, everything has a date on it, saury will expire, canned meat will expire, even plastic wrap will expire.

Expired, I began to wonder, is there anything in this world that will not expire?"

Chu Qing put down Qianli Mu and still said to himself: "That is the hatred for the Japanese thieves. Hatred, this feeling is uncomfortable. In order to prevent more people from experiencing this painful feeling, please die.


This chapter has been completed!
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