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Chapter 1507 Three Strategies for Killing Thieves

The second young master of the Fu family began to tell everyone about the middle and best strategies. Chu Qing had just figured out the worst strategies.

This tactic is just like Brother Dajun and others said, a plan within a plan, a series of plans.

The siege of the island was just a strategy, not a purpose. The purpose was to allow the Japanese thieves to negotiate peace.

According to the behavior of Japanese thieves, the family was surrounded like a bastard, so they must try to negotiate peace.

On this point, Chu Qing felt 80% sure.

Once the peace is negotiated, the Chang people can appear on Yingdao in an open and honest manner, conducting a large number of scouts to inquire about the deployment of troops, the status of the forces of all parties, surveying and drawing maps, etc.

This is not the purpose either.

Asking Yingdao to cede a piece of land, station troops, or find any reason. This request is neither excessive nor excessive. As long as you can endure the temper and act realistically, you can indeed get a piece of land.

By that time, the Japanese thieves could basically feel at ease, because they had benefited from the Confucian scholars of the Dachang Dynasty.

Confucian scholars, among other things, are tough on credibility. As long as they say what they say, they will do it even if they sell their sons and daughters. The Ying thieves are convinced of this.

When the Japanese thief is basically at ease, everyone can turn their backs.

The garrison on the west side moved towards Kyoto, and at the same time set fire to the mountains and forests on the right side of Kyoto, destroyed the mineral veins, and used gunpowder to blow up the mountains.

Lighting a mountain on fire and blasting a mountain with gunpowder do not require too many manpower. Hundreds of people can do it.

This is not the purpose. The purpose is to create the illusion that the Japanese thieves want to attack Kyoto and that Kyoto is not easy to defend.

They destroyed the mineral veins, garrisoned the troops on the west side, burned the mountains, and were surrounded by the island. The Japanese thieves had suffered a lot, so they needed to carefully consider where to retreat.

In this location, there are relatively close mineral veins, but it cannot be too close to the sea, and there cannot be mountains and forests nearby, making it easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Then there is only one location that can be chosen, Kawana Castle.

Kawana Castle is big enough.

It's close to the mountains and forests, but not so close that it can't be reached by setting fire to the mountains.

It is also far from the sea. Even if you want to land on the island, you have to cross mountains and ridges, making it difficult for a large army to move.

The surrounding area is empty and unobstructed.

What the second young master of the Fu family said was actually to create a psychological self-suggestion for the Japanese thief.

Arson, destroying mountains, landing, infantry combat, etc. were all involved, but the aspect of "polluting water sources" was not thought of, because the Chang people had never used this trick, and this trick was a trump card.

The terrain of Kawana Castle is very low, and there are continuous mountains around it, but there are water sources, and the water sources flow directly into the city, and as far as we know, there are three water sources.

Then just transport the fierce fire oil up the mountain, pour it into the water, and light it halfway up the mountain, and you can light it for Kawana Castle.

Doing this would be much less troublesome than going to Kyoto.

Relying on gunpowder crossbows and strong fire oil, it is easy to attack the city, but once the Japanese bandits outside the city engage in guerrilla warfare, they will definitely cause trouble to the army. The most important thing is that no matter where they attack Kyoto from the four directions, they must

Passing through many cities, the roads are even more man-made. If the ruling class of the Ying bandits are forced to Kaannai Castle and they are directly attacked, the Ying bandits will be a group of thieves without a leader, and the next battle will be easy to fight.

"I understand, I finally understand."

Just when Chu Qing was about to laugh wildly, Wang Tianyu suddenly shouted: "If the strategy is right, then hit the strategy!"

Brother Dajun said loudly: "No, this is a good strategy. The next strategy is just to kill those high-ranking officials. The best strategy is to destroy their clan!"

Wang Tianyu shouted: "The middle strategy is good, the middle strategy is all about arson, so the middle strategy is the best."

The crowd began to divide into two groups, those who supported Brother Dajun and those who supported Yuzai.

Chu Qing no longer wanted to speak.

I just figured out the next best strategy, and then I figured out the middle strategy and the best strategy.

Either the third brother knew Chu Qing well, knew that this guy didn't listen at all, and even if he did, he couldn't understand. He organized the language and explained the middle strategy and the best strategy in the simplest way.

Let’s talk about Zhongce first. Zhongce was thought up by Fu Baobao, the second child.

This middle strategy has almost no technical content, but the advantage is that there may be no battle damage at all. The disadvantage is that if all the Japanese thieves are killed, the island will be destroyed.

These four words "scorched earth tactics" can basically sum it up.

There is no need to build any outpost camps, let alone transport many troops, only ships are needed.

In the first step, the warship docked on the shore, used a trebuchet to smash out the fire oil, and smashed it onto the land. After the smashing, it was lit, no matter if it was a tree or a person, no matter if it was grass or an animal, it didn't matter if it was a tree or a person, it didn't matter if it was grass or an animal.

Burn it once.

After lighting the fire, everyone waited on the boat to eat and drink until the fire went out.

All the living creatures must have been burned to death, and the land was completely ruined. That’s true. Scorched earth tactics, let alone the Japanese thieves, couldn’t live in this place, and even the Chang people couldn’t farm the land, as long as carbon-based organisms

, there is no way to live in this place.

After the fire is extinguished, push the catapult off the ship, and fire oil is continuously transported from behind. Continue to throw it, continue to burn it, and then go back. When the fire is extinguished, the fire is extinguished, push it forward, continue to throw it, and continue to burn it.

The general meaning is that the four-pronged army will burn the entire Yingdao, constantly compressing the activity space of the Japanese thieves. When the thieves come, they will run away and be directly destroyed by the catapults without fighting. If you dare to chase them, the warships will shoot them.

If you don't chase us, we will burn the front. No one wants this miserable place.

Chu Qing was dumbfounded. Who would have to come up with this plan?

This strategy also has disadvantages, that is, it is too time-consuming. The biggest advantage is that as long as it is burned, it does not matter whether the Japanese thieves are destroyed. Anyway, the Japanese thieves will definitely not be able to survive. They will not be able to go to the sea and the trees will be burned.

, not to mention building ships, even small boats can't be built. They can only continue to shrink and gather on this small island, watching their land turn into flames, leaving only scorched earth, and eventually they will become scorched corpses.

It's time-consuming, but there are indeed many mountains and forests on this island. In many places, setting a fire can burn down the entire mountain!

This successful strategy was enough to shock Chu Qing. After the third brother told him the best strategy, Chu Qing wanted to go directly to the second young master of the Fu family.

The best policy was proposed by Fu Yongkang, and it was for "infighting".

He brought Uchigami Shichiro, the envoy of the Japanese thief in the capital, to rebel, saying that he wanted to overthrow the emperor's rule. Changchao and "Goguryeo" supported him.

Of course, Goguryeo was also disguised as a Chang Dynasty. In short, it was to let the Japanese thieves know that Uchigami Shichiro was going to be the boss. Chang Dynasty and Goguryeo had joined forces to help Uchigami Shichiro become the emperor.

Then all the forces of the Japanese pirates must be dumbfounded. The island is besieged. If the two countries want to kill them, there is no way to fight. Since there is no way to fight, there are only two choices, either support Uchigami Shichiro, or continue

Follow the emperor.

This is also similar to the siege of three towers in the art of war. If Dachang troops directly land on the island and say that they want to exterminate the Japanese bandits, the Japanese bandits will definitely mobilize all the people to resist together, but if they want to support a puppet emperor, there will definitely be

The wall is broken, even if they are puppets, at least they are Ying people, let's just wait and see, life is more important.

There is no nation where all members are hard-core, and the same is true for Japanese thieves.

At that time, the drama is here. The Chang people and the fake Goguryeo people have to lead the Japanese thieves who have taken refuge with Uchigami Shichiro, and whether they have taken refuge with Uchigami Shichiro or not. Whoever has a big fist is the father, and whoever has a small fist is the son.


The Chang Dynasty and Goguryeo people had big fists, while the Ying thieves who took refuge with Uchigami Shichiro had small fists. The former was a father, and the two fathers were actually one father, while the latter was a son, just one son.

The father asked his son to beat one of their own, but the son could only hold his nose and admit it.

When both sides have almost killed each other, dad, then kill your son. Anyway, it is just a treacherous trick, letting the Japanese thief dog bite the dog, and finally the winning Japanese dog side slaughtered them all, saving more than half of their energy.

Chu Qing hesitated, really hesitated.

"Buy one group and beat another group, dog bites dog, and after the beating, they will fall out..."

"Pretending to negotiate a peace, the high-level officials of the Ying thieves will be thrown into the pot, leaving the group of thieves without a leader..."

"The fire attack turned Yingdao into a scorched earth, with no life left..."

Chu Qing sighed: "Commander...it's hard to choose, they all taste good."

This chapter has been completed!
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