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Chapter 1521 The Four Ways Are Different

The third brother bought two to three seconds, and Chu Qing ordered the torches to be extinguished in time. The soldiers instantly drew out their large shields, raised them up, and then retreated.

The most unfortunate beginning, the luckiest ending.

No one was injured except Wang Tongtong, who was pushed to the ground by Liao Wenzhi's good friend Zhao Baodan and beaten, leaving a group of explorers shivering.

Wang Tongtong held his head, very innocent. How could he have imagined that the average height of these stupid Japanese thieves was less than 1.5 meters, and they built the protective wall so high that they didn't even see it when they came.

The army was destroyed.

Chu Qing was so angry that he didn't hesitate to use gunpowder crossbows and fire oil, and flew into the tower with flying wings.

"Kill them!"

Or it could be said that the Japanese thieves were really cooperating. When they saw a lot of unfamiliar objects flying in the night sky, they raised their heads and shot them.

It wouldn't be a big deal if they didn't shoot. Those flying wings would at best fly into the city.

When they fired, fierce fire and oil spread all over the city wall.

"Haha, silly x, big silly x, a bunch of big silly x!"

Chu Qing was so happy that he personally took the divine arm crossbow, lit the gunpowder arrow, and shot it directly.

Cassus, the god of fire, descended to earth and naughtily lifted the curtain of night, causing the flames to illuminate the night sky.

The city wall, which was not long to begin with, was instantly engulfed in flames.

Chu Qing shouted: "Gunpowder crossbow, blow open the city gate, I want Kimura Feita's finger bone fan!"

People always have some hobbies, and many people have a collecting habit, such as original red silk, four-cornered bitter tea seeds, split-thread rabbit ears, etc.

Chu Qing also has it, he wants to achieve full achievement.

After all, it is a fire tactic, so the enemy leader's head is not needed. It's disgusting. He wants the family crests and horse seals of all the Japanese forces. There are seven major families in the south.

He told the troops that as long as they gathered the horse seals of the seven major families, they could summon Emperor Yingdao to make a wish, and three wishes could be granted. However, these three wishes are fixed options: the emperor commits seppuku, the emperor commits suicide, and the emperor is killed.

Everyone was chopped into pieces alive.

In order to help Chu Qing achieve his achievements and summon the emperor, the soldiers threw more flying wings into the city. Gunpowder crossbows were like Romeo who had eaten eight pounds of Viagra.

Juliet refused to return the welcome, but under Romeo's fierce attack, the city gate collapsed and she lay flat.

"Ten crossbow advances!"

Chu Qing was protected by everyone in the middle, and he was careful. Every time he fired ten gunpowder crossbows, he would blow up the house or the assembled enemy thieves to pieces before advancing.

The house was blown to pieces because they were afraid of being exposed.

The Japanese thief was killed because he was afraid of entering the opponent's attack range.

Chu Qing is not a famous commander, not even a famous general. He relies on three things to travel around the world. He is coward, he is coward. He is really coward. He would rather consume more military supplies than rush forward greedy for credit.

However, the achievement must still be achieved. A Feng Dao man dressed in night clothes sneaked into the night with the wind, shuttled through the flames, walked close to the wall, and tracked the enemy leader Kimura Hida.

Chu Qing did not underestimate any Japanese thief, but not all Japanese robbers were worth looking up to.

When the flames swept through the city, Kimura Hiita was the first to run away and jumped directly, almost not breaking his dog's leg.

This kind of thing is difficult for them to understand.

Something just flew over.

My face was confused as to what the hell was going on.

Everything was burned directly.

What's up, this is, what's this, this is.

Many novels may not necessarily have ups and downs, but many unlucky experiences must have ups and downs.

Chu Qing's side was like a demolition team, dodging the flames and shooting gunpowder crossbows into the low houses. The Feng Dao people ran back with disgraced faces.

"Damn, where's my phalange fan? Don't tell me you didn't catch up!"


Feng Daoren passed by hundreds of troops: "The terrain is vast, and there are more than three thousand cavalry. They enter the city from the north and kill them!"


Chu Qing threw the divine arm crossbow directly into Cuiyu's hands, and then ran back.

He comes sneaking in, retreats covered in cold sweat, shoots arrogantly, enters the city shouting, and runs back in a panic.

This is what Chu Qing experienced that night. He didn't kill a few thieves but destroyed a broken city gate. Enemy reinforcements arrived.

It can't be said that they returned in vain, at least...at least they destroyed one city gate.

He was so embarrassed that he didn't even bother to maintain his formation. He was just running anyway. How did he get here? He ran back the way he came.

I don't know whether to say Chu Qing's luck is good or bad.

Reinforcements from Hita Kimura arrived, including 4,000 elite cavalrymen from another general's palace.

Chu Qing had no intention of conducting a sneak attack at all. Safety was the top priority. He would not disembark until the people were burned to death, he would not move forward until the flames were extinguished, and he would not move forward until he was not sure that there were no enemy thieves.

After a few days of waiting, how could the Ying thieves not gather their troops? The first batch to come were these four thousand cavalry.

It is said that Chu Qing was unlucky because he had to retreat before even a single city was burned down, and his retreat was very embarrassing.

He said he was lucky because the Japanese thieves also didn't understand the situation. Four thousand cavalry came, but they didn't dare to go out of the city to pursue them. They first went to Kimura Hiita to understand the situation.

What did Kimura Hita know about the situation? He only knew that a fire broke out in the coastal area two days ago, and then he quickly closed the city gate. The spies did not come back. In the end, more than 600 people showed up. They spoke in Chinese and must be from Changzhou.

He was so courageous that he stood under the city gate, laughing and joking. He didn't even know if these people were enemies, but in the end he was sure that they were enemies, otherwise it would be impossible to kill him.

Chu Qing ran away, and in less than half an hour he ran almost nine miles away, only to find that no one was catching up with him.

At this time, everyone was worried about gains and losses, and the oil barrels were buried, but no one chased them.

Bending over with his knees propped up, Chu Qing took a few deep breaths and looked at Zhao Baodan: "How about you go and seduce them over here?"


Zhao Baodan thought anxiously: "They have cavalry!"

Chu Qing scratched his head, unsure: "Can't you outrun a war horse?"

Zhao Baodan was so angry.

This is not a matter of running away at all. There are thousands of cavalry and there is not much cover. This is too... too exciting!

"Okay, let's go!"

After finishing his words, Feng Taoist ran back again.

"Be safe."

Chu Qing yelled and quickly ordered everyone to pour fire oil on the ground and retreat while pouring. At the same time, he asked the soldiers to knock down some nearby short trees, on the one hand to block the cavalry, and on the other hand.

It ignites for a while and then increases the intensity of the fire.

We don't have much time, and we don't know if the Feng Taoist can attract people here, and we can prepare as much as we can.

Liao Wenzhi, who was holding his sword, had strange eyes, looking at the hurried Chu Qing from time to time.

The more Lao Liao thought about it, the less he gained weight.

A war, a war to destroy a country, how could this be fought... It was so sneaky, like a petty theft.

In fact, this situation only occurred on Chu Qing's side. The other three armies could really be regarded as a battle to destroy the country, which was extremely tragic.

This chapter has been completed!
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