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Chapter 1546 Who is the mayfly and who is the tree

Most people simply cannot understand the concept of an 80,000-strong army. An 80,000-strong army is only 20,000 less than a 100,000-strong army.

Wang Tianyu led his men to the upper reaches of the river, and then used his clairvoyance to observe the vanguard sentries of the Ying Thief Banner Army.

There are hundreds of people on the sentries alone, and the army in the rear is a full 80,000, a full 80,000 army, 20,000 more than 60,000, 30,000 more than 50,000, more than 40,000...twice as many!

The long queue stretched as far as Sichuan City, stretching as far as the eye could see.

Wang Tianyu began to think wildly again, how could he burn all 80,000 people to death with one fire.

He is not fat, let alone a little fat guy. This kind of idea can only be said to be whimsical. Tao Weiran or Bai Biao are about the same.

Qiu Baoyu still had business to attend to and quickly ordered the troops to disperse.

The so-called riding sentry is similar in nature to horse scouting. The army walks behind, and the riding sentry is in front to explore the road, including the garrison location, water source, whether there is an ambush, etc., all must be thoroughly checked.

Wang Tianyu brought a thousand people, all of whom were hung with fire oil and filled with animal skin water bags.

Half an hour ago, the thousand people and the Feng Dao people divided into two groups, one thousand people in one group and the Feng Dao people in another group.

The old Taoist borrowed Xiao Yi's big bow. This bow was made by Cuiyu himself. Its range is longer than that of ordinary divine arm crossbows. It would be difficult for people in Changzhou to pull it for half a month, let alone a full moon.

Chu Qing didn't explain too many details. He didn't have time and didn't have the brains. However, Yuzai and Baodan briefly discussed two feasible options on the way here.

First, set the river on fire first, causing the army to panic. Zhao Baodan will see if he can take advantage of the chaos and shoot the Japanese thief princess to death.

Second, Zhao Baodan sneaked into the capital, looking for an opportunity to kill the Japanese thief princess and set the river on fire. Zhao Baodan took advantage of the chaos and escaped.

Both plans are very risky. No matter whether they succeed or not, the chance of escape is not great. Zhao Baodan is better to say that he is alone. As long as he goes up the mountain, it will be difficult for the army to catch him. There are too many people on Wang Tianyu's side.

, more than a thousand people, once exposed, it will be difficult to escape.

Ambushes are just like this. History books advocate a certain general's ingenious plan to set up an ambush, and even reverse the situation of the battle through setting up an ambush. However, the fate of the ambushers is rarely described, because basically all of them died.

Zhao Bao was alone in the shape of an egg, and it was easy to avoid the sentry. After Wang Tianyu and others determined the ambush location, they lowered their profile and ran to the mountain. From now on, it only depends on their luck.

They were lucky. It is estimated that the banner army had not received the news of the fall of Xiaye City. The sentry led the horse through the not dense woods and explored the upper reaches of the river. It was not very competent.

It's normal, after all, these sentries mistakenly thought that Shimoye Castle was still in their hands, and they were just going through the motions.

No one is nervous, no one is excited, it's just a battle in a foreign country, you either win and live, or you lose and die, it's just the fate of the military.

Even Chu Qing, who was on the top of the city on the north side of Xiaye City, looked away.

He cherishes his life very much. It is no longer his own. There are too many people who need him to live. It's not just a few people, it's not tens of thousands of people, it's more. If he really wants to die, as long as he can kill tens of thousands of people,

A thief who even destroys Yingdao is worthy of death.

People always have to die, it depends on whether the death is worth it. If you ask what kind of death in this world is what people yearn for most, then it must be to protect the family and the country. The family is the relatives and the people they care about. The country is the people they care about.

A nation is its inheritance and its future. Fighting to die for your family and country is a life worth dying for.

"Defending a city, defending against an enemy several times larger, it's just an ordinary thing."

Cuiyu stood beside Chu Qing and said comfortingly: "There are countless people in the history books. You have fifteen thousand Xiongzong soldiers under your command and guard eighty thousand Japanese thieves. There is no need to worry."

Chu Qing glanced at Cuiyu: "Yes, not to mention 15,000 to defend 80,000, but 15,000 to defend more than 10, 200,000. Is it a city defense battle? The advantage is great. The problem is that this is a city defense battle.


Chu Qing pointed to the ruins behind him and said angrily: "There is only one north wall left in Xiaye City. Is this a wall-defending battle or a city-defending battle?"

Cao Hu scratched the back of his head. He felt that he should be familiar with this matter. Lake City was just a wall. The only regret was that no one had ever attacked Lake City blindly.

"Take your little brother for another round of inspection."

It was a lie to say that he did not consider the battle damage. Not being afraid of death did not mean that he wanted to die. Chu Qing explained again and asked Cuiyu to check the "escape route".

The so-called retreat means that once the Japanese thieves are unable to resist, they should fight and retreat, using the gunpowder hidden in advance to consume the local strength during the retreat and at the same time hinder the speed of the enemy's pursuit.

Shimoye Castle is not far from the coast, and it is not close. It is an awkward distance. If you come here, it is not too far, but if the war is unfavorable and you have to retreat strategically, it is not close either.

Squid took Cao Hu down the city wall. Chu Qing looked at it with clairvoyance for a while, and shouted downward: "Cut down all the trees on the north side that block the view."

A Yi led the troops away, and Chu Qing continued to observe, extremely seriously, patiently, and cautiously.

As the time he spent on Yingdao became longer and longer, he gradually felt the heavy responsibility on his shoulders. Every decision he made was related to the fate of countless soldiers. Any negligence may cost many soldiers.

Life, this is why he needs to gather everyone together for discussion every time before making a decision.

A wall, 15,000 people, 1,500 warriors, an opportunity that can change the fate of Dachang Dynasty.

The Tanma came back one after another.

Eighty thousand troops have passed through Sichuan City.

There is no vanguard army, 80,000 troops are connected together.

At the beginning were three thousand cavalry, followed by infantry, about fifty thousand.

As the Ying Thief Banner Army gets closer and closer, the intelligence becomes more and more detailed.

The only thing that made Chu Qing breathe a sigh of relief was that the 80,000 banner troops, not the 80,000 official troops, could actually go into battle. At least the number of troops that could be put on the battlefield at the beginning of the war was only about 50,000, and the rest were all escorts.

Food, fodder, and heavy troops.

This is not to say that heavy troops cannot go to the battlefield, but it is feasible in theory but not in practice.

The 50,000 regular troops were all wiped out, and the 30,000 support civilians were completely routed.

This situation is very normal. They often call themselves an army of half a million or one million. In fact, they are for auxiliary soldiers, young civilians, and those who escort grain and grass. And these logistics personnel account for at least 40% or even

Sixty percent.

As for fighting, we can talk about it as much as we can. It's nothing. During the Three Kingdoms period, many generals went out to fight, and the army numbered 100,000, including horses. It was normal.

"The three thousand cavalry are all scouts, or sentries, and the rest are all infantry. Among the infantry, there are only 50,000 regular troops, and the rest are engaged in logistics."

Chu Qing murmured to himself.

Fu Yongkang and Fu Baobao looked at each other.

Who is the logistics person?

Chu Qingguan's third brother wanted to make a calculation, and he made a fuss.

War is sometimes also a mathematical problem.

In cold weapon wars, it is common for the whole army to be defeated after losing two battles.

Chu Qing touched his katana head and muttered to himself stupidly: "If more than 10,000 people can be killed quickly, will these Ying dogs be defeated?"

With more than 10,000 casualties, no one knows whether it will be defeated, but if the battle suffered more than 10,000 casualties and the supreme commander was killed, the probability of defeat is very high.

At this moment, Zhao Baodan felt a little regretful, regretting that he had not learned some Ying dialect. Sitting on a tree branch, holding up his clairvoyant eyes, Dandan began to think wildly.

Would it harm his "prestige" to kill a Japanese thief princess or an imperial concubine? After all, she is a pregnant woman.

This chapter has been completed!
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