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Chapter 1549 Border Army Archers

People of the Hu Nu tribe are good at fighting and good at close combat.

The veterans of the frontier army were equally good at fighting and even better at shooting.

More than 500 frontier troops and more than 40 veteran wolf-catchers ran up the city wall with long bows on their backs, replacing the veterans of Lake City.

Half of Hucheng's soldiers went down, and the other half used wooden shields to protect the soldiers.

The difference between professionals and non-professionals can always be seen at a glance.

Xiao Zhi is a veteran of the border army and the commander of the Xiaoqi Battalion. This does not mean that he does not know how to defend the city.

In fact, the generals and deputy generals of the frontier army are all powerful. The generals of the Xiaoqi battalion can dismount their horses and command the Guoyi battalion to engage in infantry combat. They can also mount their war horses and command the Ma Gong battalion to fight against the Liang Rong on the grassland.

"Be prepared!"

At the sound of the word "bei", the veterans of the frontier army moved in unison, drawing their bows and strings.

Xiao Zhi raised his sword high: "Fifty steps, shoot!"

As Xiao Zhi's baton fell, sharp arrows shot from top to bottom, in the same order as the old soldiers, and staged a textbook volley for the Japanese thieves.

Even the most picky general had to admit that more than five hundred sharp arrows almost shot out a rectangle.

"Be prepared!"

"Thirty steps, shoot!"

"Be prepared!"


"Be prepared!"


The battle of Blood Thorn Hula, under the command of Xiao Zhi, is like a visual feast, a visual feast of killing.

A salvo, a real salvo.

Neat arrows were shot out.

The neat Japanese thieves fell down.

When Chu Qing was at the border, he always shouted at Ma Rujing, Lao Ma, Lao Ma, jokingly calling Comrade Lao Ma a prophet. This was not disrespectful, but he was treated like an angry elder.

But this elder who is always angry is one of the three commanders of the Dachang Dynasty.

Being able to become the commander-in-chief of Nanguan and the commander-in-chief of Beiguan is a waste of fame.

Ma Rujing only had one adopted son, Xiao Zhi. Comrade Lao Ma taught everything he had learned throughout his life to Xiao Zhi, this arrogant ghost whom Chu Qing called a weakling.

As everyone knows, the more seemingly ordinary a battle formation commander is, the more profound he is.

Anyone can pronounce the words "bei" and "shoot", including Chu Qing. The great thing about Xiao Zhi is his keen insight and judgment.

Thirty steps, fifty steps, seventy steps, this is a university question, and it is the most test of a general's ability to command on the battlefield.

No matter how many steps there are, there is still distance. Xiao Zhi uses the most appropriate distance to continuously cut off the Japanese thieves who are charging close to the city wall.

If the charging Japanese thief has a long knife, then Xiao Zhi will use the distance of the volley to cut the long knife into three parts: the tip, the blade, and the handle.

Without the tip of the blade, the future is weak.

Without the handle, the blade has insufficient impact.

The handle without the tip has no lethality.

In addition, Xiaozhi also needs to consider the energy consumed by the soldiers when drawing the bow, the interval time, etc.

Xiaozhi can even suppress the Japanese archers while repelling the infantry.

Xiao Yi and Qin Qi stood beside Chu Qing with sour expressions.

A Yi wanted to open the city gate, lead the Hu Nu clansmen, charge into the enemy's formation, and kill them all.

Qin Qi wanted to lead an attack on the right wing and kill several enemy generals.

Liao Wenzhi looked at the tide of Japanese thieves, his eyes rolled around, he looked at Chu Qing, and asked tentatively: "Throw some fierce fire oil?"


"Just throw it, don't light it."

Chu Qing's eyes lit up: "If you want it, you must have it."

The third brother turned around and shouted: "Throw the oil!"

A group of Mohist disciples quickly ran up, opened the animal skin bag containing fierce fire oil, sealed it, and threw it outside the city.

Or it could be said that scholars have a lot of eyes, and reading more is still beneficial.

The veterans of the frontier army drew their bows more than twenty times in succession, consuming more than half of their strength. A large number of naval troops rushed to the top of the city, replaced the veterans, and started hand-to-hand combat on the city wall again.

Chu Qing turned his head away and couldn't bear to look at the veterans of the border army who were being carried down.

More than thirty people were hit by arrows.

Liao Wenzhi's eyes were a little red, and he said to the cuttlefish: "Dip the arrows in fierce fire oil!"

Chu Qing became more and more suspicious, suspecting that Liao Wenzhi was not a scholar at all. How could any serious scholar be so bad?

Let alone 80,000 people, there are 80,000 pigs and 80,000 experts. Even if they stand still and are killed, it will take a long time.

The battle continued moment by moment, with the clanging of gold and iron, locust-like arrows, and the sound of war drums that kept pace with the beating of the heart. As time passed, there were more and more corpses under the city, and more and more people inside the city.

More and more Chang soldiers were carried down.

Chu Qing looked over and over again, Heijia, Heijia, Heijia, when will Heijia come?

There is no black armor, but the red armor is here.

Not red armor, but a group of old Japanese thieves dressed in red.

There were about a hundred of them, protected by the sword and shield hands of the Ying thieves, they lowered their bodies and ran over.

When these people appeared, Chu Qing didn't know why. He felt something bad for no reason.

"Young master, you are an alchemist, a Japanese alchemist. Only Japanese alchemists can wear this kind of crane costume!"

Chu Qing was confused. What were the Ying thief's alchemists doing on the battlefield, summoning shikigami?

Squinting his eyes, Chu Qing felt a thump in his heart when he saw these alchemists wearing deerskin gloves hanging medicine bag-like things on their arrows.

"Shoot them!"

Chu Qing instinctively felt that something was wrong. In fact, he didn't need to call out. The navy soldiers were also paying close attention to these sneaky alchemists. It was just the sword and shield men who protected these old guys as if they were their own fathers.


The first arrow with a medicine bag attached to it hit the city wall. It didn't break immediately. It was broken by other ordinary feather arrows after a few breaths.

As the black medicine bag burst, a pungent and spicy smell spread over the city.

"The grass mud horse plays poison?!"

Not far away, Chu Qing almost lost his breath and was furious: "Burn them to death!"

Chu Qing didn't know what was in these medicine bags, but for some reasons that only he understood, he was extremely afraid.

The rocket wrapped in kerosene was shot out. It was just an ordinary rocket, not a kerosene or gunpowder crossbow.

There was a lot of fire oil under the city, and many arrows were soaked in fire oil. Almost instantly, a fire broke out under the city, making a crackling sound.

If the wind was against him, Chu Qing would not do this. Standing at a high place, if the wind was against him, he would be choked to death.

Shunfeng had no worries about this. As the fire oil on the ground and the corpses was ignited, Chu Qing could not see how many of the so-called alchemists had died.

After fighting non-stop for nearly half an hour, Chu Qing needed to give the troops some breathing space, and was too lazy to wait that long, so he issued another military order.

The Mohist disciples threw the flying wings filled with fierce fire oil.

Fire snakes were swallowing and spitting, and as more and more flying wings fell to the ground, the fire became more and more intense.

The screaming Japanese thief struggled in the fire, with only an outline in the thick smoke, like dancing in the flames.

This chapter has been completed!
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