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Chapter 1552 Final Battle

"Even the beasts can't stand it."

Chu Qing, who was on the top of the city, pinched his waist and laughed.

"Master, something is wrong."

Fu San raised his clairvoyant eyes and frowned: "The rebel army is in chaos. The black-armored warrior you are looking for is delivering orders. The front army has changed its formation, the middle army has mobilized, and the rear army has assembled again."

"Then there will be no chaos. When wild beasts come down from the mountain, they will become dog food. It would be strange if there is no chaos. We deserve it."

"No, it's not just because of the wild beasts coming out of the mountains."

"Really?" Chu Qing raised his clairvoyant eyes and observed for a while, but found that something was not quite right.

As the fire decreased, the Japanese front army did not organize a third attack. A large number of Japanese soldiers carrying flags were running back and forth, as if passing orders.

"Could it be..." Fu Yongkang thought thoughtfully: "The old bastard succeeded?"

Fu Baobao nodded repeatedly: "The wild beast comes out of the mountain, a great opportunity. If I were the second master to be the assassin, I would definitely choose the golden opportunity just now to attack."

"It's possible." Chu Qing said with joy on his face: "If the princess dies, the second generals among the Japanese thieves will definitely be panicked."

"Don't be happy too early." Fu Yongkang sniffed: "You are going to be in trouble."

Fu Baobao agreed: "It's us who are going to be unlucky."

"Damn!" Chu Qing looked intently and his expression changed drastically: "Be on guard, bring all the gunpowder crossbows, quickly!"

Yes, Chu Qing was happy too early. He didn't know if he was going to be unlucky. Anyway, the Japanese army launched the third round of offensive. The front army dispersed on both sides and got out of the way. The Chinese army began to advance rapidly.

Compared with the former army, the armor of the Japanese thieves in the Chinese army was extremely sophisticated.

Due to the productivity conditions, Yingdao has almost no standard full-body armor. Even the flag army guarding Kyoto has a variety of armors. The generals are similar to General Yunhui of the Eighth Battalion. They have more or less troops under their jurisdiction and nobles with relatively strong financial resources.

We can arm each battalion of the flag army at our own expense.

The armor of the former army was mostly short armor and hanging armor, with ropes pierced through layers of armor, like a vest with cut sleeves, and the lower body was like a skirt without knee pads. Many Japanese thieves wore straw sandals.

The Chinese army is different, with better equipment. 30% of them are full-body armor, which does not cover the whole body, but has a full set of armor, a helmet to protect the head, a short half-armor to protect the upper body, arm guards to protect the forearms, and waist.

It is exposed, with short armor covering the knees, and there are also armor patches on the calves.

The short armor of the former army was mostly made of leather, while the armor of the Chinese army was made of metal pieces connected together as a whole.

The Chinese troops and horses came like a tide, but did not enter the range of the gunpowder crossbow. They were led by black-armored warriors, banging their weapons and shouting something.

Those despicable Japanese alchemists just now appeared again, and a very funny scene appeared on the battlefield. More than fifty alchemists began to dance.

"Evocational Dance!"

Chu Qing's pupils shrank to the size of needlepoints.

The Ying thieves have this tradition. After the battle, they will dance this kind of soul-calling dance. It is said to be a soul-calling dance, but in fact it is "sending the souls away." It means that those who died in the battle will enter the kingdom of heaven for eternal life and enjoy eternal peace and happiness.

It's just that this kind of dance will only appear after a big battle and victory. If you lose the battle, the performance will be a traditional show, such as self-mutilation and seppuku.

More than twenty warriors wearing black armor walked to the battle formation, took off all their armor, leaving only a pair of crotch pants, sat cross-legged on the ground, pulled out a short sword, and stabbed it into his abdomen.


"What's going on?"

Chu Qing was confused.

No one knows what Ying thief means, but it looks like he wants to commit seppuku.

A ridiculous scene occurred. It was about to commit seppuku, but not completely.

The most elite black-armored men grinned, obviously unable to cut anymore. They endured the severe pain and raised their hands, yelled something, and then fell to the ground.

More than twenty black-armored warriors came out, raised their swords and slashed at the necks of these black-armored men.

The Ying thief's sword is very fast and sharp. With one strike, heads will roll down.

However, not all black-armored warriors are swordsmen, only more than half.

The knife failed to cut down, and then another knife was struck. The scene was extremely bloody, ridiculous and bloody.

More than twenty heads were arranged in a row, and the alchemists were still dancing a spiritual spiritual dance, making it look like a cult ritual.

The dance stopped, the alchemists retreated, and the corpses of more than twenty Japanese thieves were carefully carried down. Then, the front army, the middle army, including the rear army, and all the flag troops launched a charge!

Like a turbulent wave, there was no plan, no battle formation, it was extremely dense, and it just rushed over.

The Chang guys on the top of the city were really shocked.

The fight lasted for half a day, and it was very brutal. Even though a large amount of gunpowder crossbows and heavy fire oil were used, not many Japanese thieves were killed, only five or six thousand at most, not even 10% of the banner army.

No one expected that the Ying thieves would not even leave a reserve team, and just charge forward en masse. This was something that no one in Chang expected. It was unusual and extremely strange.

"The Lake Girl tribe is guarding behind the city gate!"

Chu Qing shouted loudly: "The border troops climbed up the city wall, fired all the gunpowder crossbows and flying wings!"

The Japanese thieves were like crazy. They knew that the gunpowder crossbow would explode into pieces, but they still gathered together and rushed over without fear of death. All the Japanese thieves were like this. Everyone's eyes were red, and they rushed forward one after another, as if they were desperate for their lives.

The fastest ones are those noble black armors with noble status.

The decisive battle came very suddenly, without any warning.

Even Fu Yongkang and Fu Baobao did not expect this situation to occur.

The tidal wave of Japanese thieves rushed towards the city wall without fear of death. The divine arm crossbow fired one gunpowder crossbow at the city wall with a loud bang and the bodies were shattered into pieces, but this did not stop the Japanese thieves from charging.

The gunpowder crossbow shot closer and closer. In the past, the extremely sharp gunpowder could always blast one gap after another. It was the same now. However, the gap was fleeting and was filled up by the Japanese thieves charging from behind. Just like all the Japanese thieves.

Suddenly I was no longer afraid of death.

"Male Gobi Cult!"

Chu Qing came to his senses. No wonder those alchemists danced the soul-revoking dance. It was not that the Ying thief was not afraid of death, but he believed in the evil of those alchemists. He really thought he could enter some kind of bird paradise after death!

Chen Shou wrote in "The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms" that the Japanese were humble, followed ghost ways, and could confuse the public.

In fact, there is a similar situation in Liangrong. People who die bravely will go to heaven, heaven, or wherever.

Many rulers also use this religion of gods and ghosts as their agents to control the people. The situation on Yingdao is even more serious, especially since the gods they worship are not serious gods.

Luo Wanxiang is cold-blooded, mostly creepy and evil.

Chu Qing also didn't know that the soul-awakening dance performed by the alchemist just now could be performed before a battle.

If it is jumped after a war, it means to protect those who died in the war and ascend to the kingdom of heaven.

If you jump before the battle, the general meaning is to ask the gods to watch the battle in the sky and "supervise the battle." Those cowardly, timid, and escaping cowards will fall into the Shura Hell and suffer eternal punishment after death.


Vice versa, if you rush fiercely and die quickly, you will have a ticket to enter the kingdom of heaven. This kind of group buying opportunity is very rare, so just die quickly. After passing this village, there will be no such store.

This also makes people confused. The reason why Japanese thieves are brave and not afraid of death is precisely because they are "afraid of death" and are afraid of dying again after death.

So, are they so brave and brave to protect their home and country, or to enjoy the glory and wealth after death?

This chapter has been completed!
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