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Chapter 1563 I don't ask much

There are countless examples of a war changing its course due to a local battle.

The Battle of Changping was finalized and Qin unified the world...

The Battle of Chibi established the situation of the Three Kingdoms...

The stupid dog's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor caused the mainland to suffer the hottest heat weather in history...

In the battle of Xiaye, it was decided that hundreds of thousands of Chang Xie's troops would fight back and lay the first tomb for the destruction of Yingdao.

Because one person and one thought can determine the life and death of countless people, too numerous to mention.

For example, the young minister of Dali Temple in the Dachang Dynasty had no time to do anything to chase the war ship, which caused the honest man who traveled across the ocean to find his son to want to reason with the Goguryeo people.

For example, Liu Chengfeng should be remembered in history and be written down in a special book.

For example, Liao Wenzhi, a scholar, should also be famous... He does not need to, because the "history" about Chang's army's attack on Yingdao was originally written by him.

After receiving the military order, the other three armies that went deep into the hinterland of Yingdao transformed into a pagan expeditionary force. They had a statue of Amaterasu in their left hand and a butcher knife in their right hand. They either kissed the statue or had their heads removed.

Holding high the statue of Amaterasu, the four-pronged army marched with unstoppable momentum. The ranks were getting bigger and deeper. A large number of Japanese soldiers acted as coolies to establish supply lines and transported various weapons to the front. The direction of the war became more and more obvious.

The Japanese thieves were everywhere in the city and had little resistance.

Exciting good news continued to be transmitted back to the East China Sea through supply ships, and then back to Changjing. Good news came frequently.

These good news were all written by Mr. Liao himself. The general meaning was that the Emperor Yingdao was not in the right position and the people were miserable. In addition, the Emperor always sent people to the East China Sea to quarrel. Chu Qing, the commander of the navy, could not bear it anymore and did not

The other meaning is to take people over to ask the emperor what he meant, and then found that the emperor was not embarrassed at all. In desperation, the commander led his troops to Yingdao. Who knew that fighting against Japanese thieves was just a trivial matter, and it was meaningless.

That's roughly what it means.

Almost all the people in the three East China Sea roads were mobilized to build ships, recruit troops, and provide supplies. Ships were built, soldiers were recruited, and supplies were provided. Warships went to sea one after another, supplies were delivered to Yingdao, and battalions of troops followed in the wind and waves.

The captain of the fleet stepped onto Yingdao.

The Changjing court did not expect that Chu Qing would play such a big role and really go to destroy the country.

In fact, except for the Three Roads of the East China Sea, other state capitals, including the capital, did not have much concept of Japanese thieves.

Empathy is a very nonsense thing. Without experiencing the pain of others, how can we understand how much the people of the East China Sea and the Three Roads have lost and what they have experienced.

Tao Ruolin did not tell any tragic stories. She knew that pain could not be exchanged for anything. Pity was just a limited basic emotion, just like seeing a beggar on the roadside in winter. The beggar had the most miserable life experience. After hearing this, would she still sell it?

Do you sell your sons and daughters to give money to beggars? Of course not.

So the clever Tao Ruolin blocked the mouths of the courtiers with real money and silver, and asked the courtiers to raise their hands in support of the Donghai Marine Corps, and asked the aristocratic families and big shots to clap their hands to cheer for the Donghai Marine Corps.

The supply ship did not return empty. It sent soldiers and supplies, and brought back shiploads of silver ore and shiploads of rare treasures. 70% of them were used in the East China Sea and the other 30% were transported to the capital for those who had no money.

People who have seen the world open their eyes.

Those aristocratic families and courtiers were very happy. If I had told you earlier, I thought you were avenging the people of the Three Roads of the East China Sea. If you had told me earlier that you were going to plunder, wouldn't we have supported this matter a long time ago?

In the blink of an eye, autumn is here, with autumn rain and cold.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, wearing a unicorn robe, sat at the threshold of the Jingyi Hall, with a slightly embarrassed Qiu Wanshan next to him.

Mr. Qiu had just taken office and became the Minister of Rites, and Cao Wu withdrew.

Lao Cao didn't know. Chang Yu didn't misunderstand at that time. He knew that Cao Wu just didn't want to be responsible for the imperial examination. Lao Cao didn't want to retire, but the prince really wanted him to retire.

It's not that Lao Cao is bad, but that the position of Minister of Rites is responsible for the imperial examination, and the imperial examination is of great significance to Hanmen Academy. Whether the Chang Dynasty can take on a new look depends on the students of Hanmen Academy.

The prince didn't know Lao Cao well, and he didn't know Qiu Wanshan very well, but he trusted Chu Qing, trusted anyone Chu Qing trusted.

"Master Qiu, just sit down." Chang Yu raised his head and said with a smile: "I always ask Gu to raise his head to talk to you, Guguai is tired."

The embarrassed Qiu Wanshan smiled bitterly and sat on the threshold.

"I haven't thanked Mr. Qiu yet."

Qiu Wanshan even said he didn't dare.

The two of them had a tacit understanding. The so-called thanks were about the departure of the Supreme Emperor and Huang Laosi from the capital. It was true that the courtiers and the aristocratic families did not dare to make a big fight, so there was inevitably a lot of discussion.

The emperor just left, and the emperor also ran away. This is obviously irresponsible. Such a big country just says it doesn't care and just doesn't care. Is it true? Is it true? Is it true?

To put it simply, this is just the fourth child's willfulness.

To put it more broadly, it means that the old Chang family is unreliable, and the royal family is unreliable. Isn't it a bit inappropriate to let the unreliable Chang family be the royal family, and successive emperors have to choose from the unreliable Chang family.

Chang Yu was fairly good at handling government affairs, but he obviously lacked experience in dealing with courtiers and the few remaining aristocratic families in Beijing.

Chang Yu didn't need to worry, Chu Qing's support team in Beijing took action.

The first person to take action was not Qiu Yidao, but Ma Rui, the governor of Jingzhao Mansion.

Ma Rui tried every possible means to cover up for Mr. Huang in the court, and fought back and forth with some courtiers who were not afraid of death. They could have delayed it for a while, but something happened, and it happened to Ma Niu, Ma Rui's wife.


A few days ago, Ma Rui had a quarrel with the two inspectors in the court. There was no quarrel. When they left the palace, the two inspectors were still chattering there. Ma Rui got into a fight with them in a hurry.

Ma Rui, who was originally big and round, could win the fight, but for some unknown reason, he pushed him and fell to the ground. He was kicked by two supervisors.

The inspectors were literati and didn't want to take action, but they couldn't stand it. Ma Rui kept talking. While being beaten, he greeted his female relatives. The descriptions of various postures were unsightly. The two inspectors became more and more angry as they were beaten, and finally they were thrown into the house.

He was in jail, and the one he was thrown into was the Jingzhao Mansion Prison. There was no way to complain, and once they cried out, Ma Rui might tell him who in the hall was suing me.

Ma Rui went to the hospital after being kicked. Anyway, it was announced that the injury was serious, but anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that Ma Rui was trying to blackmail others and was starting to become shameless.

At this point, it can basically be determined that Lao Ma is the victim.

But the mistake was that Lao Ma didn't tell his wife in advance. After Niu Ma learned about this, he took his aunt and uncle to the house of the two supervisors and beat everyone on sight.

Now, let’s reflect at home.

Lao Ma is off the field, and Lao Tao is on the field.

It stands to reason that Old Tao is also very capable, but for some reason, he is too lazy to write any memorial. In a hurry, he calls his uncle Chu Qing, and in a hurry, he calls the Qin family Chu Wensheng.

It's a rogue thing.

Qin Gang was also one of the support team. After all, he was a mature and prudent general of the Zhu Kingdom. He saw that it was not a problem for Tao Yao to act like a rogue, so he rolled up his sleeves and started fighting, also at the entrance of the palace. As soon as he made a move, Tan Zhongping also followed.

It ended up being a fight between military commanders and civil servants. Anyway, that's what the prince decided.

As for how a group of sub-healthy civil servants fought with the muscular generals, no one knows.

In the past few days, the civil servants have realized that something is wrong. Why has the situation reached this point? It has once again become a situation where the civil servants and the military generals are facing each other. Moreover, the military generals are evenly matched with them. The civil servants cannot suppress the generals at all.

These were all intentional actions by Mr. Qiu. After seeing that the generals once again had the right to speak in the court, they began to take the stage.

Mr. Qiu went straight to the core of the problem, not to give an explanation to the ministers and aristocratic families, but to give an explanation to the people.

In Mr. Qiu's words, there is only one word for Huang Laosi's behavior - filial piety!

The fourth child is the Son of Heaven, the king and father of everyone, but he is also a son, the son of the Supreme Emperor.

Because he was worried about the old, frail and dying Emperor, he chased him out of the capital, because he was his son, because he was an extremely filial son, with a sense of filial piety to the world.

This is roughly what it means. Anyone who says that the fourth child is wrong is not in favor of filial piety.

I don’t know what the civil servants and aristocratic families were thinking. The people were so moved that they had to be filial. If a person doesn’t even care about his father, how can he be expected to be good to the people?

After two months of ink-writing, no one finally mentioned the fact that the fourth child left the palace, and everyone also discovered that there seemed to be no big difference between having the fourth child and the fourth child. Prince Chang Yu could also do anything that the fourth child could do.

But in fact, many people have overlooked one thing. It has nothing to do with Huang Laosi leaving the palace. Under Mr. Qiu's intentional manipulation, the generals and civil servants have achieved a perfect check and balance. They still dislike each other, but they still don't like each other.

No one will overpower anyone else. The purpose of doing this is just to pave the way for Chang Yu.

Neither side can defeat the other, so they can only seek arbitration, that is, Chang Yu, who oversees the country.

"I would like to thank Mr. Qiu, Master Chu, my father, and the soldiers who are fighting on the front line..."

Chang Yu propped up his chin and looked to the east, with the corners of his mouth raised.

The Chang Dynasty is getting better and better, the people are getting better and better, and the country is getting better and better.

"The excerpt from the Ministry of Rites has been ignored."

Qiu Wanshan's pupils narrowed: "There is no need to wait for His Majesty to return to Beijing to discuss this matter?"

"Father will agree. Father always shields you from the wind and rain. Now, let me shield you from the wind and rain."

Qiu Wanshan stood up and bowed deeply to Chang Yu, with a look of emotion on his face.

Seven hundred and sixty-two people were selected for their talents through scientific examination, 70% of whom were students from poor families. After winter, they will go to the counties and towns of various states to take charge of government.

Starting from the end of the third year of Zhengxing, once a year, various officialdoms will be inspected to evaluate the performance of high-level officials, regardless of their origin or family background, only their political performance.

The so-called political achievements include population increase, tax increase, whether the people under the rule have someone to rely on when they are old, have a house to live in, food to eat, children to learn, etc.

There are only three criteria for evaluating political performance. First, if you are under twelve years old, you can attend a poor school for free. Second, each state capital must have three medical clinics. The government will allocate funds and people can receive free medical treatment. Third, the price of land allows people to live in the city.

It can be extremely remote, but it must have land and a house.

Regarding people's livelihood issues, officials from all over the country only have these three assessment standards. If you don't succeed in three years, it will take five years. If you fail to succeed in five years, it will take ten years. One day, the children of the common people in the Chang Dynasty will be able to read and write, and the common people will not have to grit their teeth when they are sick.

When the wind and rain come, there will be a place to stay.

This is the extravagant hope of the people. Extravagant hopes will turn into hopes, hopes will turn into expectations, and expectations will eventually turn into reality.

The people don't want much.

It's always like this, don't ask for much.

This chapter has been completed!
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