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Chapter 1575 common people, common people

Chang Yu was so smart, he understood what Chu Qing meant.

The Chamber of Commerce is similar to a brand guarantee and brand effect.

A load of rice should be sold for two cents, but the Chamber of Commerce only charges one cent for it. If you don't sell it, fine, then you have nothing to do with the Chamber of Commerce. Since it has nothing to do with the Chamber of Commerce, you are the most impressive person among scholars, farmers, industry, and merchants.

Disdainful "business".

Chu Qing turned the "Shang" of the Chamber of Commerce into a respected businessman. If he did not join the Chamber of Commerce, he would still be a humble "Shang".

You don't go through the Chamber of Commerce and don't let us charge at a low price. You sell it yourself. Then why do you sell it so cheap? Is it old rice? Has it been bitten by a hamster? In short, there is something fishy. Otherwise, why not go through it?

Chamber of Commerce sales!

The first group of people to join the Chamber of Commerce have already started to form a group. They pay the commercial tax in full and are even willing to pay more. However, the money they make is by taking advantage of the Chamber of Commerce's brand and the information gap to take advantage of the Chamber of Commerce's status.

What really made Chu Qing angry was that the merchant was too smart.

They knew that because of the Zhang family stone incident, Chu Qing led Qianqiying and Jingzhao Mansion to crack down on the practice of setting high prices in the market. Such high prices were specifically designed to squeeze the people.

Therefore, these smart merchants no longer exploit the common people, but exploit the lowest level merchants. Businessmen who are not even considered merchants are at best small businessmen and hawkers.

Once the rice is collected, it costs two cents and sells it for three cents.

Since price gouging is not allowed, then the purchase price should be lowered. The chamber of commerce will charge one penny for the rice that should be charged for two cents, but it is still sold to the people for three cents. No one can find fault. We did not gouge up prices and paid in full.

Taxes are legal and reasonable.

"It seems that the merchants are exploiting the merchants, but it still concerns the people."

Chang Yu, known as the wise prince, quickly saw through the nature of the problem and frowned: "Those small merchants also collected goods from the people, including grain, rice, silk, and ironware, and sold them to low prices.

Big merchants will naturally have to collect goods at low prices. When the price is low, the wages of the people working in the workshops will also be low, and the grain sold by the people working in the fields will also be low."

"Price remains unchanged, but people's incomes are low. This is the problem. This is the same as people's income remains unchanged, but prices are too high."

Chu Qing showed a happy smile: "So in the end, it is the people who suffer, and the only ones who make a profit are the big businessmen. Not even the court can count as a profit, because the people suffer. You have to remember, as long as it is the people who suffer,

It always means that the imperial court is also suffering."

Chu Qing handed the snow ball to Chang Yu and said seriously: "There is a saying in the tyrannical Han Dynasty, which is that wherever the sun and the moon shine, and wherever the rivers reach, it is Han land. The strength of the Han Dynasty is the strength of the soldiers and horses. Huo Qubing seals the wolf's home

Xu and Wei Qing swept through Monan. After Chen Tang defeated the Xiongnu, he said that those who openly invaded the powerful Han Dynasty would be punished no matter how far away they were. Emperor Xuan of the Western Han Dynasty defeated the Xiongnu and forced the Xiongnu to call Hanxie Chanyu to surrender.

Incorporated into the territory of the Han Dynasty, the north and south of the Tianshan Mountains belong to me, China. All the achievements, everything, besides those amazing and talented heroes, there is one biggest support, do you know what it is?"

Chang Yu looked a little strange and said uncertainly: "Master Chu, are you going to say that one hundred... national power?"

"Yes, the people, not because the people are living well, but because the people are not living well. After the establishment of the Western Han Dynasty, the founding emperor Liu Bang issued a policy of light corvee and low taxes, cut a large number of taxes, and advocated the development of the domestic economy, but the head tax still did not happen

Changed, ordinary adults were charged 120 yuan for tax next year, and women who were over 15 years old and did not get married were charged 600 yuan for tax every year. At that time, the people did not have enough to eat and were very poor, but the Han Dynasty was still strong and strong.

, everyone is praising the heroes and cheering for the good news, but no one turns around, no, no one lowers his head to look at the people, so the people of the Han Dynasty are gone, the princes are divided, and the people have no life, how do they win over those princes?

How do the common people win over the army? Because they give more than the imperial court and treat the common people better than the imperial court. These are many and these are good things that the imperial court should give to the common people. There are many reasons for the demise of the Han Dynasty, but you have to remember that any

The demise of dynasties is all related to the people, at least, at least part of it is related to the people."

Unknowingly, the friends also followed and listened.

Chu Qing didn't notice that there were more and more people behind him, and said to himself: "Look, Beijing is also very prosperous now, the East China Sea Three Roads are on the right track, and the Beiguan border troops have endless meat.

, our Dachang Dynasty is getting stronger and stronger, but there is always something we can’t see and are unwilling to see, and that is the people. The people who are most easily ignored are not only merchants, but also government affairs, government decrees, and in fact everything.

, Anything related to His Highness and His Majesty is related to the people. Therefore, when you issue decrees or approve memorials, you must develop a habit of not ignoring the people. When the country is prosperous, everyone sings praises.

, because prosperity is built on the people, this kind of prosperity may be just a castle in the air or a moon in the water. When we are obsessed with prosperity again and again, we ignore the people, and in the end, it will be like the Han Dynasty."

Chang Yu suddenly took two quick steps, turned around, straightened his clothes, and shouted: "Second brother, we stand shoulder to shoulder with Gu."

Changxian ran over and stood next to Changyu.

The two brothers bowed together and saluted, saying in unison: "I sincerely follow Master Chu's teachings."

Chu Qing smiled slightly: "I am not a qualified teacher or a qualified master, but you must believe me. When I talk about the people, I must be serious, because I have seen it with my own eyes. Although it may not be right, it must not be true.

It's like making a big mistake. Just like in the East China Sea, when I led my soldiers on an expedition, it was also to defeat the enemy and conquer the enemy country. I didn't dare to tell the good news, because the people in the East China Sea were still very poor. When the people had jobs,

, all have food to eat, and are all looking forward to tomorrow. Only by doing these things, I will send back good news when I conquer the enemy country, instead of the good news coming one after another. I have conquered countless enemy countries, but the people are getting poorer and more miserable.

, be sure to remember that if prosperity and victory are all based on the suffering of the people, prosperity and victory will become castles in the air."

More and more people came around to both sides. Third brother, Tao Ruolin, Liao Wenzhi, Xiao Yi, Dajun brother and Eryu stood behind Chang Yu and Chang Xian from both sides and saluted in unison.

Chu Qing laughed sarcastically: "I'm sorry for what you did to me. Let's go back home. We'll have a good drink tonight. I won't come back until I'm drunk."

Tao Ruolin smiled sweetly, looking at Chu Qing's face as if it was the most handsome face in the world.

Yes, the people, the people are everything and the foundation of everything.

People always think that bricks and stones are used to build sewers, while reinforced concrete is used to build walls.

As everyone knows, the people are neither the bricks and stones used to build sewers, nor the reinforced concrete used to build copper and iron walls. They are the earth and the people who pave the earth under their feet. Everything, no matter how tall the pavilion or the solid copper or iron wall, must be built.

Built on the earth.

The pavilions are the court officials, rising from the earth.

The copper wall and the iron wall are the army, and they also rise from the earth.

The pavilion collapsed, it just collapsed.

If the copper and iron walls are broken, they are only broken.

But when the earth cracks and falls apart, everything will be gone.

Chu Qing held the arms of Chang Yu and Chang Xian one by one, and walked into the Chu Mansion in front of him.

"Remember, in any matter, such as business affairs, the first consideration must be the common people who are most likely to be ignored. Whether all links are related to the common people will form a habit. When you develop this habit,

I will become a wise king and a wise king. I don’t know anything about governing a country, economics, or even military affairs. I only understand one truth: the people are everything. Apart from heaven and earth, the most important thing is the people, and they will always be the people.


On the first night back in the capital, Chu Qing taught the prince and King Langya a lesson. It was the first time he taught them a serious lesson. This was the only lesson he could teach.

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