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Chapter 1593 Confucianism, Confucianism

This was the first time Chu Qing learned about this.

After the third brother explained it in detail, I finally understood it. It was really a stain on Kong Laoer. It was a big stain. It happened to run counter to some of Chu Qing's core ideas. If it were left to future generations, he would be scolded to death.


Opposing the popularization of law cannot be justified anywhere.

Kong Laoer, known as a saint, strongly opposed this matter because he was the defender of Zhou rites.

There are only two core ideas of Confucianism, one is benevolence and the other is propriety.

Benevolence is benevolent government, etiquette is Zhou rites.

There is no need to talk about benevolent government. The main thing is Zhou Li, which actually means "denying oneself and restoring propriety". Strictly abide by the Zhou Li's code of conduct and hierarchy. To put it more straightforwardly and popularly, it is to maintain the political power controlled by the Emperor of Zhou and the nobles.

Civilians only have the right to make suggestions and have no right to make decisions.

But isn’t the so-called benevolent government aimed at safeguarding the interests of the people? This becomes a very contradictory matter. There is no way that benevolent government and the implementation of Zhou rites are compatible.

Benevolent government should be good to the people. As a result, Zhou Li almost unconditionally supports the emperor and the nobility. This means that the final interpretation power lies with the ruler. There can be laws. The people do not need to know. You just want to know, nobility.

It is also above the law and can be changed at will.

Implementing benevolent government on the premise of safeguarding the privileges of Emperor Zhou and the nobility is like asking capitalists not to cheat the people on the premise of ensuring money making, which is ridiculous.

However, Kong Laoer's words were very accurate, and the implementation of benevolent government highly relied on the moral quality of the nobles and the emperor of Zhou, so he talked a lot about the importance of morality.

The law doesn't matter, as long as everyone is moral.

What Kong Laoer means is that once the law is engraved on the cauldron to let the people know what the law is, it will affect the majesty and credibility of the nobles. The nobles are all moral and do not need the people to understand the law.

What's going on.

To put it mildly, this is fucking fart. It has been proven countless times since ancient times that "nobles" are the best at breaking the law. Murderers can kill only one or two at most, but they can "kill" hundreds or thousands at a time.

Opposing the people to control their own destiny, handing power completely to the aristocrats, and relying entirely on the morality of the aristocrats to govern the country, not relying on laws, but relying on the "morals" of the aristocrats, is almost the same as expecting that the person who wins the lottery will not be a relative of the director's family.

Eating farts in a dream.

If they really had morals, how many people could become "nobles"?

After hearing what was going on, Chu Qing's "impression" of Kong Laoer suddenly dropped by ten thousand points.

Even thousands of years later, you can easily find information about the law on the Internet, but ordinary people are still confused about it, and how many people suffer the disadvantage of not knowing the law.

It would be a good idea for Kong Laoer not to let the people understand what the law is.

"Do it, you have to do it."

Chu Qing became angry: "I originally thought that Confucianism was good and that Confucian students had problems, but now I know that it is fundamentally incorrect!"

"Don't talk nonsense." Liao Wenzhi said with a complex expression: "Confucianism is ultimately about persuading people to do good and letting people know what is good and abandon evil."

Chu Qing shrugged.

He now doubts that these so-called "goodness" are just a pretense, using the guise of good to protect the interests of the nobles.

It can only be said that people have different opinions. Everything has two sides, and the same is true for Confucianism. Although there are good ideas, it also restricts pioneering and people's wisdom. There is also this mean, which is nonsense.

Especially, especially in the imperial examination system, only the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism were used as the examination standard and the eight-legged examination was implemented. This also led to the literati only focusing on the Confucian classics and turning their noses up at the study of other knowledge. In the environment of officialdom, people only studied Confucianism.

If you follow the classics without engaging in other activities, the consequences will be extremely dire.

"That's not right." Chu Qing suddenly slapped his forehead: "We can't recruit Confucian students first. No, it's not that we don't recruit Confucian students. We can't just recruit Confucian students and change the imperial examination while Mr. Qiu is still in the Ministry of Rites."

"Reforming the Imperial Examination System?"

"That's right." Chu Qing pointed to the Mohist disciples who were building a snowman in the distance: "You can test Confucian classics in scientific examinations, but you can't rely solely on Confucian classics."

"Since last year, the content of the scientific examination has indicated the art of governing the people."

"That's not enough. Simple arithmetic, humanities, statistics, civil tax, and commercial tax are all tested."

Liao Wenzhi shook his head and smiled bitterly: "It's easier said than done."

"If it were easy, it wouldn't be my turn."

Scratching the back of his head, Chu Qing sighed: "However, Confucianism cannot be beaten to death with one stick. On the one hand, it has its own essence, and on the other hand, it has indeed imprisoned people's thoughts. We have to take advantage of it."

The essence has been discarded and the dross has been discarded, and we can even introduce the old and bring forth the new on the basis of the predecessors, reform the old and develop Confucianism in a new way."

Liao Wenzhi's expression changed slightly and he looked straight at Chu Qing.

Chu Qing was dumbfounded: "Why are you staring at me?"

"Since I've known you, this is the first time I've heard something from your mouth... and heard what someone of your status should say."

Chu Qing rolled his eyes fiercely.

It's not that he doesn't speak human words, it's that there are many things he can't say that are too shocking.

There are too many schools of Confucian thought, with different changes in different periods and dynasties.

If you study Confucianism solely as a philosophy and use the essence of it as a guide for personal cultivation and character improvement, then it will definitely be good.

But if it is used as a means of governance, I will say Pi.

The reason why Confucianism can become the ruling doctrine is because of its firm maintenance of ethical ethics and patriarchal system.

The etiquette formed by this kind of maintenance is deeply loved by the rulers, and gives thirty-two thumbs up, because through this method, the people can be enslaved!

It is quite rare for any ruler not to like docile, numb, ignorant and ignorant people.

They are allowed to be exploited and oppressed at will by the rulers, without any dignity at all, let alone resistance. How can the rulers not like this kind of people, and how can they not like Confucianism?

A century-old dynasty, a thousand-year-old family.

There is something more stable than aristocratic families, and that is Confucianism, the ironclad Confucianism, and the flowing dynasty.

Even if foreigners invade again and again and massacre people again and again, so what? If the Yuan Dynasty comes to surrender to the Yuan Dynasty, the Qing Dynasty comes to surrender to the Qing Dynasty, and the Japanese come to kneel down, Confucianism as a ruling doctrine will always be accepted by the new ruler, even if it is

This is evident from the fact that foreigners also admire Confucianism.

Confucianism definitely has a good side, promoting "goodness and beauty", but without "truth", it prevents people from having a deep understanding of all things, uses a moral framework to imprison people's thinking, and directly draws a circle, you are

Within the circle, you are a gentleman. If you step out, you will be an alien or a villain. Using opposing cognitions to tie everyone into a unipolar cognition is a big mistake. What is it if it is not ideological confinement?

"You can figure it out yourself. It's so profound that we don't dare to say or ask. Teacher Liao, please come and I'll go do my business." Chu Qing rolled his eyes and waved his hand:

"Third brother, let's go and find Lao Ma to study business law."

The matter of undercutting Confucian students is left to Teacher Liao.

It's not that Chu Qing doesn't dare to touch it, it's because he is self-aware. The debate over knowledge has never been what he is good at. It is a truth that everyone can understand in name, but it is so obscure that no one dares to understand it. The common people cannot understand it. Ruler

The readers don't want them to understand, and the scholars don't dare to say they understand, for fear that people will laugh at them, and they are even more afraid that others will ask them, because if they really understand, they will know that this is nonsense.

In terms of knowledge, Chu Qing is too amateur, but in business matters, even if he is not an expert, he is still better than most merchants, and he cares about this kind of thing the most, and is ready to do it with his third brother.

This chapter has been completed!
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