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Chapter 1710 Silla Nobility

This is a very baffling thing.

It is surprising that the Dazai of Silla Kingdom ran to the boat alone, but it is also understandable.

But the king of a country only brought two maids, which was unprecedented. After all, Huang Laosi had never escaped like this.

Such courage and courage made everyone heartbroken.

Only Chu Qing felt that the queen might be a crazy person, otherwise it would be impossible to hand over the national seal.

The three ships spread their sails and sailed with the wind, disappearing on the sea level in a moment. The ministers from the royal court came quickly, blowing their beards and staring angrily.

The three ships were so fast that even if the Silla people got on board, they would not be able to catch up, so they had to look at the ocean and sigh.

Many dissatisfied people took the opportunity to fan the flames.

The implication behind the words is that women are king. Well, everyone has seen it and wants to go.

Of course, some people criticized that Goguryeo was also ruled by a queen.

Well, so Goguryeo is being beaten right now.

On the Donghai, Chu Qing and the Queen stood side by side on the bow, while his friends pricked up their ears next to them.

Either he said that the person who was capable of being a queen was not a good person. When he spoke, Chu Qing was startled.

"My father did not intend to pass the throne to me in the first place. I tampered with the imperial edict."

Chu Qing almost dropped his head into the sea, his face confused: "Who should I pass it to?"

The queen looked at the waveless sea water and said calmly: "I don't know."

"How could you not know?"

"I was the first person to see the imperial edict. Halfway through, I knew it wasn't me. Since it wasn't me, I threw it into the furnace."

Chu Qing was so impressed that this old woman was only in her twenties, so she was quite ruthless.

A country was in charge, and they didn't even look at who it was. Since they knew it wasn't them, they burned it directly.

"But this throne, my father wants to pass it on to me."

Chu Qing was confused: "Didn't Your Majesty say that he knew it wasn't you after only half a glance?"

"Yes, it was not me, but when my father was dying, he only summoned me and handed me the imperial edict."

Chu Qing thought thoughtfully: "Your Majesty means that His Majesty King Wende will let you make a decision?"

"Master Chu is indeed a smart person, that's what I mean."

Chu Qing smiled bitterly.

Apart from a wry smile, he didn't know what other expression he could use to express the complex emotions in his heart.

Not shocked, just confused.

If the old king had followed the normal procedure, he would have passed the throne to other members of the Wen family and established a direct lineage to establish a virtuous person. However, after writing the edict, the king did not give it to the minister or the designated heir, but to Queen Yeongdeok.

This is very thought-provoking. If it were done normally, a group of people, including important ministers and veterans, and designated heirs would be called to ensure that the throne is passed on.

But no one called, only Queen Yeongde.

So if you look at it this way, the old king's meaning is a bit like "you can make up your own mind".

Anyway, I'm not writing about you, but only you know this.

Fu San next to him was thoughtful.

He thought more profoundly than Chu Qing.

The old king's meaning is indeed "it's up to you", but it's not just "it's up to you" whether to be the king or not, but a kind of incomparable trust.

If Queen Yeongdeok feels that the designated heir is qualified, she will announce the imperial edict to the world.

On the other hand, if you feel that the designated heir is not working, you can change it, not only to your own name, but also to anyone else.

In addition to trust, there is also love.

If Queen Yeongdeok does not change her name to her own, but changes it to another member of the Moon family, then the "new king" will definitely be grateful to Queen Yeongdeok. Of course, he does not rule out murdering people after ascending the throne.

This means that the old king did not appoint an heir, but gave Queen Yeongdeok the "right" to appoint an heir, which was not a legitimate right.

She never stops talking without surprising anyone. Every word the Queen of Silla utters scares everyone.

"I hate my country, I hate my country." The queen's calm face said the most shocking words: "Such a country should not exist in this world and should be destroyed."

Chu Qing turned around, looking for Tao Ruolin.

He couldn't control himself any longer. Tao Ruolin should talk to him about this crazy criticism.

For the first time in history, Chu Qing didn't know what to say.

The ruler of a country actually said that he hated his own country, and even used the word "hate".


The queen's eyebrows were thick and straight, without any charm at all. They were slightly wrinkled, as if an earthworm was about to hang itself.

"I don't hate my country, but I hate the nobles who rule the country."

Chu Qing showed an expression of sudden enlightenment and said "I understand".

The queen smiled: "You should be my soulmate."

Chu Qing was embarrassed to speak.

It's okay to have a close friend, but just not to have a close friend.

The queen is really ordinary looking. She is neither ugly nor beautiful. She is just ordinary. Maybe it is because of her status. She is a bit majestic and her appearance is relatively neutral. I can only say that it is just a matter of looking at it. There is nothing wrong with it.

Amazing feeling.

As for her figure, she is ordinary and ordinary, and her posture and temperament are still ordinary.

Such an ordinary person would not feel out of place among the common people, even among aristocratic families. However, if he were a queen, he would always have a nondescript feeling. Anyway, it is far from the image of the queen that Chu Qing imagined.

You may be ugly, but you are a queen after all, so you can even use a whip. You are just wearing a common skirt, and from top to bottom, it is just one word, ordinary.

"I heard that many nobles have disappeared in the Chang Dynasty."

When this matter was mentioned, the queen's eyes lit up and she looked at Chu Qing with great interest.

In Silla, aristocrat is a very general term.

It refers to identity and status.

Silla did not suppress business. On the contrary, it promoted business, and many policies provided good protection for merchants.

For example, Mr. Fu or Bai Jie from Changjing, such wealthy businessmen, would be considered nobles in Silla.

Secondly, there are officials. Once ordinary people become officials in Silla, they can also be called nobles.

This kind of aristocrat does not have any rights on paper, but his status is definitely superior to that of a superior.

Silla also has a system similar to the imperial examination, called talent selection, but it is just a fig leaf. Most officials are "recommended" and many places can be "inherited."

It's like a county. The county master's surname is Wang. The Wang family is a rich family. If Lao Wang's health is not good, then his son Xiao Wang can be made the county master. The premise is that the clan elders can agree, but the clan elders are also the Wang family.

Man, this is a kind of inheritance and hereditary inheritance in disguise.

It's almost the same at the top. Even high-ranking ministers like the Great Chief and the Little Chief are promoted by "recommendation" or "hereditary".

Silla did this very well. In order to consolidate its own interests, it blocked all opportunities for ordinary people to rise to power. All the Chang Dynasty families had to call their experts.

Just like the trick Chu Qing played in Chang Dynasty, it can't be said that it is not easy to use in Silla. It can only be said that it is a dead end.

In the Chang Dynasty, including Nangong Xi, there were various ministers, all appointed by the Supreme Emperor or the Supreme Emperor. Some of these people came from a noble family, and some came from the grassroots. They had different backgrounds, but the only thing in common was that

It is not that family interests are put above national interests. To take a step back, family interests are already tied to the country. If the country is strong and the family is weak, if the country is destroyed, these top wealthy families will also be destroyed.

It is different here in Silla. The nobles in Silla believe that the country belongs to them.

Chu Qing did not respond immediately, not knowing what to say because he was not familiar with the Queen.

"In our Silla, do you know what aristocrats are?"

"I know." Chu Qing nodded. He went to make trouble on other people's territory. How could he not know the details?

"Master Chu, let's see if what I said is right. In my eyes, the nobles rob the people of an acre of land and let the people grow food on the land. Once the rice is grown, they will give 10% to the people. The people should thank the nobles.

, the noble said with peace of mind, without me, you wouldn’t even be able to eat.”

The Queen laughed at herself: "This is my country, Silla Country. All nobles are kind-hearted."

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