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Chapter 1720 Uninvited Guest

The Donghai and the two Hanhai ships, in addition to the troops, also have war horses, but there are not many war horses.

If being cautious also means being as timid as a mouse, then Chu Qing is indeed very timid.

Two hundred war horses were led down. Chu Qing did not dare to ride Ping'er for fear of something going wrong. This girl's temperament is different from other horses. It cannot be said that she cannot understand people's words. She can understand, but she pretends not to understand.

No one was recruited.

Besides Bihua, there is also Cao Hu who protects Chu Qing closely.

Cao Hu is tall and strong, Bi Hua is short and fat, Chu Qing is riding in the middle, followed by two hundred cavalry, all members of the Hu female tribe, and at the end are eight hundred infantry.

More than a thousand people got off the boat and lined up first, wearing the brightest armor, carrying the sharpest long knives on their waists, and carrying the most eye-catching divine arm crossbows and long bows. These were specially requested by Chu Qing, not to scare anyone.

But let people know that the Donghai Marine Corps and Dachang Army are the most elite soldiers in the world.

Silla was very good at getting things done. No matter what mentality those royal court ministers had, they always did an impeccable job of showing off their dignity.

The road was paved with loess, the officials smiled, burned incense and prayed, the horses were muzzled, and the ceremonial swords were covered with red cloth.

Chu Qing didn't expect the standards to be so high. At first glance, he was extremely satisfied. This was the majesty of Dachang Dynasty.

In name, it was not a peace negotiation, nor was it a discussion about anything. It was just a banquet where everyone drank and ate and made friends. It was regarded as the people of Silla welcoming Chang Chao to come and take a stroll.

Or, among the three kingdoms of the peninsula, Silla is the most practical. If Chu Qing snaps his fingers now, the soldiers behind him can draw their swords and rush out 200 meters to kill everyone in one fell swoop. When the troops behind Silla come running, everyone will

Back on the ship.

In any case, the queen is the most noble one. As the drums sounded, the Queen of Silla rode over from the west side, flanked by royal ministers on both sides.

It is worth mentioning that the queen should have a jade chariot, and the reason why she rides a horse is also for show, to appropriately express her "dissatisfaction" with the people of Chang and show it to other ministers.

The ministers who accompanied the driver had different expressions. In fact, if it had been other people from Chang, they would have never been able to run from the royal court to Silla Port. But it was Chu Qing, a famous executioner from the Dachang Dynasty.

Chu Qing actually didn't know that many people in Silla regarded him as a murderer for no other reason than that he had killed too many people.

There are also many merchant ships from Silla going out to sea. From here to the Daechang sea area, they pass by hundreds of islands, of which fifty-six out of ten are skeletons hanging on the beach, which is daunting.

Destroying an island and slaughtering a country are nothing but executioners.

Chu Qing didn't think that his status today was achieved by killing people, but in the eyes of the people of Silla, no, in the eyes of the people of the Three Kingdoms of the Peninsula, he achieved his prestige by killing people, and all those who died under the sword were

The unit of calculation is one hundred thousand. Of course, this is also thanks to the Ying people. They contributed most of the achievements with their families. They can be regarded as kind-hearted. After all, after thousands of years, the sun can reach thousands of temperatures without saying a word about the pain.

Forget it, I still have to hug the beautiful country’s lap and call him daddy.

On the cliff on the west side, Fu San squatted in the grass and observed with a telescope.

"The queen has indeed arrived below. Everyone is at the location indicated in the secret message. The people serving wine and food are all slaves, not worth mentioning."

Just after he finished speaking, the third brother smelled the smell of alcohol and turned back to look at Tao Shaozhang, feeling extremely helpless.

"Master Tao, is the water bag filled with wine?"

Tao Shaozhang's eyes were a little distracted: "Yes."

"How can you drink alcohol for such a big event?"

"I miss your eldest daughter."

Fu San: “…”

Tao Shaozhang's mouth was full of alcohol, and he lay down in the grass with a mournful face: "Missing her makes me feel unhappy. I feel unhappy, so I just drink a few sips. My brother-in-law said that if you drink to relieve your worries, you will not be sad."

The third brother sighed and shook his head.

It's not a sigh, it's just a pity that I can't try this kind of lovesickness.

The third brother has never been lovesick, usually others miss him.

Tao Shaozhang didn't drink too much. He just put the wine in a water bag as a habit, but he still knew the rules. After spilling all the wine on the ground, he looked apologetic.

"Don't be surprised, the wine has been poured."

Fu San burst into laughter: "I'm not allowed to drink anymore. Master Tao came to help me. I can't thank you enough."

Tao Shaozhang smiled: "You still have a sharp eye. You know that although I am not skilled in martial arts, I have a pair of iron fists that I rarely encounter against my opponents. I feel at ease. If something goes wrong, we will kill the enemy together."

The third brother said nothing, feeling that Tao Shaozhang never had an accurate understanding of himself.

Except for Fu San, everyone else also entered their respective positions and followed the wind into the night. The dark night blocked the cold light from the tip of the knife, but it could not block the bright eyes of the assassins.

Fu San took out his telescope, observed, and waited patiently.

His position here is the highest, and he can observe the approximate position of both the target and other friends.

According to the plan, the Feng Dao people were the first to take action, as they had the most time and the most people to kill.

Murder and arson are a natural match. After the Feng Taoist takes action, Wang Tianyu will set fire to the fodder and cloth contained in the carriage and horses. After causing chaos, everyone else will take action.

At that time, the queen will ask the guards around her to catch the assassin, and this is also a good opportunity for Fu San to take action.

The third brother used a rope to get down the cliff, touched it and cut his face with a knife. After the success, Tao Shaozhang ignored Fu San, turned around to the west, changed his clothes, and went to join everyone at the beach.

Of course, it is impossible for everyone to tell Tao Shaozhang that this guy's mission is to be a mascot. What he means is to be prepared. If Fu San fails, Tao Shaozhang will take over.

At the scene that was about to become a "crime scene", everyone had already taken their seats.

The Queen is on top, and Chu Qing is on the left, twenty meters apart.

In Silla, Zuo was respected. Chu Qing was a guest and an envoy from Chang. He had a good reputation. In addition, he was a wild prince, so it was not considered an honor.

The food and wine had been served. Chu Qing didn't move his chopsticks, while Bihua swallowed his saliva. Cao Hu looked around, always wondering if he could bring something back when things got messy.

It's not a private party, just come here to have a chat and brag a bit, then eat and drink as much as you want. Two Silla ministers stood in the middle with books, chattering a lot.

The third brother is not here, so only Tao Weiran understands Silla dialect, which sounds quite difficult.

Chu Qing waved, and Fatty Tao bent over and ran over.

"What did those two people say?"

"A lot of nonsense, the two countries have a long history of diplomatic relations and so on."

"It's really nonsense."

Chu Qing did not squint his eyes. After all, he represented the Chang Dynasty. No matter what happened in the future, he was the envoy of Chang Dynasty now and represented the dignity of a country.

The Queen is also a drama queen. From the moment she sat down until now, she has always looked coldly at her.

Chu Qing always peeked at the queen involuntarily.

A man relies on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. The queen is dressed in gorgeous clothes, not graceful and luxurious, but full of majesty. Her black outer robe is embroidered with gold dragons and silver phoenixes, and she wears an eagle hairpin that reaches the sky. She is extremely heroic.

As for the court ministers, Chu Qing was very disappointed.

The youngest ones are over forty, which is called old age.

What Chu Qing couldn't accept the most was that many ministers put rouge on their faces, but the people around them looked like they were used to it.

After the two Silla people finished inking, the Queen raised her glass of wine, as if she had been divorced without alimony, her face was full of reluctance, she gestured slightly, and then took a sip.

Chu Qing stood up, respected each other from a distance, and said loudly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for the banquet, and thank you for the Silla State banquet. I hope that the two countries will have diplomatic relations from generation to generation."

Chen Dinglan also stood up without saying anything.

The ministers of Silla who were sitting behind the low table also stood up. They were not very good at it, except for the politeness aspect.

When the dishes were served, a group of dancers, dressed as if they were going back to the Northeast for the New Year at the end of the year, came to the venue and started singing and dancing.

On the left are the two tables of Chu Qing and Chen Dinglan, and on the right are all Silla ministers. It is very asymmetrical, but that is the rule. The Silla people on the left speak one by one from beginning to end.




Chu Qing turned around: "What did they say?"

Tao Weiran frowned and listened for a while: "Flattery, you can tell something by the look on his face."

"You see, it's no use, just translate."

Seeing that Chu Qing was serious, Tao Weiran listened for a while and began to translate blindly: "It means long-term admiration, admiration and admiration, majestic breeze, young and young, and then long-term admiration and majestic young."

Chu Qing also noticed that Tao Weiran was not distracted at all. He stood up, picked up the wine glass and paid tribute to the Silla ministers.

"My lords, I wish you good health and a long life."

There was no serious translator on Chu Qing's side, but there was one on the opposite side. After the translation, all the ministers thanked him one after another.

This is not only the card of Dachang Dynasty, but also the card of Chu Qing.

Not to mention in Silla, even if you go to Goguryeo, even if all the Goguryeo people hate Chu Qing to death, they still have to be respectful. There are many generals in the Dachang Dynasty, but the only one who can fight the country's war is Chu Qing, at least

They only know Chu Qing.

He looked like he was toasting, but Chu Qing didn't touch a sip of the wine. He just came out to hang out. If you want to live a long life, just follow your heart.

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting warmer and the dancers began to leave, the queen finally spoke in Chinese.

"I wish that my country would be prosperous and that I, Silla, would be on good terms forever."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. What Your Majesty said is also what I, Dachang, wish for."

Chu Qing stood up with a smile on his face and extremely nervous in his heart.

This is the signal, after one stick of incense, you have to take action.

On the cliff, Fu San noticed Chu Qing and the Queen standing up, held the knife in his hand, and breathed slowly.


Tao Shaozhang, who was lying next to him with nothing to do, suddenly said, "Who are those people?"

The third brother raised his clairvoyant eyes, and his expression changed drastically when he saw it.

This chapter has been completed!
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