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Chapter 1739

Not to mention that Liu Chengfeng, who had turned into Zhao Baodan again, continued to climb the ship with great difficulty, and more Goguryeo warships sailed out of the darkness.

Chu Qing on the Donghai didn't have much surprise on his face.

Just like the Dachang Navy, the warships did not sit on the shore with moss growing on them every day, but spent most of their time cruising outside.

The brains here have been knocked out, and the warships on the periphery must return to join the battle.

Be confident and fearless.

Not to mention the Donghai, any warship that can be dragged to the battlefield is rough and thick-skinned. As long as it is not photographed by the gangsters, it can be shot at random with arrows, in the face, anywhere.

Punch me ten times, that's fine, but don't take one punch from me. One hit from me is real damage, and it's a critical hit. Except for that idiot Cao Hu, no warship has been sunk yet.

As the battle became more intense, Chu Qing calmed down and noticed that more and more Goguryeo warships were unknowingly following the Donghai.

Liao Wenzhi was very happy. He stood at the stern of the ship and personally controlled the cannon. He had already sunk two warships, one large and one small.

Cuttlefish is very proud of it. The Mo family brand is hard. Whether it is a gold gun or a silver-like wax gun head, you will know if it leaks out with real ammunition.

Judging from the performance on the battlefield, except for Cao Hu's Silly Que x2, all other warships have made gains. Even if they are hit by rockets on the deck, they will be extinguished immediately.

The devil is in the details. The Mohist disciples can be said to be both offensive and defensive. In addition to attack methods, the wood and sails have also been treated to a certain extent. Not to mention whether they can be ignited or not, at least rockets dipped in kerosene cannot be ignited quickly.

Some were happy and some were sad. Chu Qing was scanning the battlefield with his hands behind his back. The warships under his feet were rushing like giant beasts. But the other commander, Li Zaixun, who was on the building ship, was hoarse from shouting and wanted to jump into the sea to help push the ship.

, there is no way to catch up with the Donghai.

Some warships saw through his intentions and tried to block the Donghai, but the outcome was the same. It was not like using a mantis as a chariot, but it was like Guo Xiaosi trying to steal Dayao, and it would be more difficult for the Sea Cucumber Team to break into the World Cup.

Donghai did not use gunpowder crossbows and cannons to sink several ships, but they were all sunk by ramming.

After being chased for a long time, Chu Qing became impatient, stretched out his head and shouted at Cuttlefish: "Can you find a chance to turn sideways and confront the enemy? This bastard is not over yet."

The cuttlefish didn't even bother to speak.

Chu Qing didn't need to tell him that he knew how to adjust the side of the hull to align with the building. The problem was that the other party was not Lord Ji, so how could he give him such an opportunity.

At this moment, Liao Wenzhi suddenly shouted: "It's on fire, the building is on fire, and the fire is soaring into the sky!"

Everyone on the boat craned their necks and looked back. They were overjoyed at this sight.

Sure enough, the boat was on fire, and the fire was pretty big. I just didn’t know who lit it, and there were no other boats nearby.

"Dong dong dong" Chu Qing ran to the stern of the boat and laughed loudly: "The rocket must have ignited those broken oil barrels. Isn't this stupid art?"

The third brother picked up the telescope and took a closer look: "Master, if that's not the case, is it Zhenren Dan?"

"Ah?" Chu Qing took the telescope and looked over. When he saw it, he took a breath: "This guy didn't go to Wen Ya's ship?"

Zhao Baodan, who was covered in blood, was killing everyone on the bow of the ship. He was surrounded by the corpses of Goguryeo sailors. The ship's hull was on fire. It was obvious that he had set the oil barrels on fire.

Seeing more and more sailors rushing past, Zhao Baodan shouted without knowing what he was saying, and jumped deep into the sea.

"Go back, go back and catch that idiot!"

Lee Jae-hun, the famous Goguryeo general and the first person in the peninsula's naval battle, is not dead, but his current state is worse than dead.

The ship was very big, with more than 2,000 sailors on board, and Li Zaixun was on top. How could Zhao Baodan rush up and kill the enemy general?

He said he was lucky because he was discovered after he climbed onto the boat.

But he was unlucky, as there happened to be oil barrels all around him.

He stabbed several people to death, grabbed torches and threw them into the oil barrels, killing those who lit the fire, and kicked down many oil barrels. Then the deck of the ship was set on fire. The fire was so strong that the sailors were afraid and endured it.

Suddenly, the fire got bigger and bigger, and the spare sail was ignited, which happened to be hung on the main sail. When the flames jumped up, the main sail was also ignited.

By the time the Donghai turned around and went back, Zhao Baodan had already been fished out. Lin Hui's boat had done nothing. He had just fished out Cao Hu and ran over to fish out Zhao Baodan.

Zhao Baodan acted like a lunatic. When he saw that the building and the ship had stopped moving, he didn't even shake off the water on his body, so he lit the gunpowder crossbow and fired more than ten times.

This is not the first time that Zhao Baodan has done this kind of thing. Many people say that when a large army fights, it can only rely on one or two people's misunderstanding to turn the tide of the battle. Zhao Baodan has proved with facts that not only can this be done, but it can often be done.

Everyone in Goguryeo knew that the building was Li Zaixun's vehicle. When they saw that it was targeted, they were not in the mood to fight, so they all surrounded him.

The originally scattered battlefield continued to shrink, which actually gave Changjun's warships more room to perform.

Cuttlefish finally found an opportunity. He stabilized his side and fired cannons at the approaching ships one after another.

Chu Qingduo was so bad that he ordered that no one should continue to attack the ship. It could not be sunk. If it sank, other Goguryeo warships might not be able to come over. This is good. Half dead, just waiting for those Goguryeo warships.

The boat ran over to die.

The warships of Goguryeo gathered together, and so did the warships of the Dachang Navy.

The battle finally came to an end. The navy's warships opened fire, and one Goguryeo warship sank to the bottom of the sea one after another.

"Hahahaha, you are still the best in the world, let you brag."

Chu Qing stood on the deck, pinching his waist and laughing wildly: "Trash."

Liao Wenzhi patted Cuiyu on the shoulder: "The Moh family is indeed worthy of its reputation. You, the Moh family, should be the first to contribute."

Cuttlefish smiled slightly and said nothing.

Yes, the Mohist family should be the first to contribute.

War depends not only on the bravery of soldiers, but also on the weapons used in their hands. The same is true for warships.

The warships built by the Mohists were so fleshy that they made the Goguryeo sailors despair.

Coupled with cannons, gunpowder crossbows and strong fire oil, the only victory the Goguryeo people had in this battle was the stupid Cao Hu x3.

The Goguryeo sailors did not want to die, but they had to die.

But there is still a group of people who do not want to die, but come here to do so.

That is Chi Cheng's reinforcements.

Countless cavalrymen rushed to the coast, looking at the Goguryeo warships that were set on fire or sinking one after another, with expressions on their faces as if they were married to their second uncle.

"Blast them to death!"

Chu Qing made a decision immediately. The war had already begun. Since they were in different camps, there was no mercy at all. Killing one more Goguryeo sergeant might save the lives of one Dachang army. On the battlefield, there were only enemies and friendly forces.

There was no need for a semaphore. When the Donghai attacked the coast again, the other free warships followed suit.

The flames of purgatory connected the sea and the land. The Goguryeo people in the fire dedicated their lives to the last dance of life. Accompanied by screams and wailings, the ending of the battle of Chicheng was composed by Donghai Zhoushi.

This chapter has been completed!
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