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Chapter 1742 The Reckless Old Ten

You have an unobstructed view of the sea without any obstruction.

The strong wind carrying the snowflakes was like a knife. Chu Qing was sitting in a bearskin coat and listened to the detective horse who came ashore to report the situation.

Chang's army captured Bicheng a few days ago. It was powerful for a few days, but it was no longer captured.

Chu Qing was trembling and thinking.

At first he thought that Huang Laosi was using a trick, but now he realized that it might not be the case. If so, there would be no need to rob Bicheng again and again.

In fact, Bicheng's strategic location is indeed important, as half of the material transfers of the armies on both sides pass through here.

"Gao Jiang..."

Chu Yuan's eyes fell on a river on the map, and a very playful smile appeared on his face: "The supplies for the army behind Goguryeo have to be transported by boat from Gaojiang to the front line, right."

"As the adults said, spring, summer, even autumn, these three seasons are fine, but you can take a detour to Longping. If it is winter, it is freezing and snowy, and you have to go around the mountains. It will not only delay time, but also use more manpower. The higher the mountain, the higher the mountain.

This cold wind is getting more and more like a knife. Not only can humans not be able to defend it, but even cattle and horses cannot climb up the mountain."

After Tan Ma finished speaking, Chu Qing snapped his fingers and said, "Okay, the Goguryeo fleet commander is already playing tricks. What else can stop us in Gaojiang?"

Wen Ya looked greatly moved: "Could it be that your Lord means..."

"The warship crossed the river and split the Goguryeo army into two, leaving the vanguard behind the two kings' cities alone!"

Liao Wenzhi and Squid were so excited that they almost shed tears. Chu Qing has grown up and can come up with damaging ideas on the battlefield. God has eyes. This kid finally got the idea.

It is a taboo for the leading generals on the battlefield not to coordinate their operations in a unified manner.

Huang Laosi's plan was finally disrupted by Chu Qing.

The fleet sailed towards the estuary and headed for Gaojiang.

Before entering the river, two more flag ships returned to bring the latest news. The supply ship quickly sent a large amount of gunpowder and supplies to Gaojiang. Warships were also required to escort along the way. This was equivalent to the hinterland of Goguryeo.

The river in the middle of the river has the surname Chu from today. No one can cross it without his nod. You can take a detour and go hiking in the mountains in the winter. If you can deliver three loads of ten carts of grain to the place, it will be considered an explosion in the ancestral tombs of the Goguryeo people.

There are ships in Gaojiang, not warships, but the kind of ships that can only transport supplies on the river.

After entering Gaojiang, Chu Yuan suddenly felt very bored, extremely bored.

There is no need to use gunpowder. The warships form a dense formation and can just crash into them.

The Donghae broke through the ice and also broke through the fragile little hearts of all the Goguryeo people on the Gao River.

"The water in Gaojiang must be very cold."

Chu Qing didn't feel it, but he could see it.

The boat was torn apart, and the Goguryeo people on the boat could only jump into the river. After shaking their arms twice, they gave up completely. They sank directly to the bottom like a heavy weight.

"Cruel, too cruel."

Liao Wenzhi shook his head repeatedly, and then shouted to the cuttlefish: "On the west side, there is another fish that slipped through the net. It's too late to turn around, use cannons to kill them!"

Breaking ice and breaking ships along the way, the giant ship Donghai came into the river, just like the Hulk rushing into the kindergarten.

Chu Qing suddenly felt that the goddess of luck was beginning to favor him again. There were children of the Mohist family riding small warships in front of them to explore the way. Although it was not a deep sea area, it was just enough to allow the Donghai to move forward unimpeded.

But it doesn't matter. Even if the Donghae can't get in, other warships can. Even Goguryeo's proud naval fleet is no match, let alone those river ships that are basically civilian ships.

After entering the river, everyone went to the mainland in a small boat to draw maps as if they were traveling. Qiu Baoyu, a licking dog, even shot a few hares to give Qingyang teeth as a sacrifice.

Qingyang couldn't bear to see it. Half an hour ago, he said the hare was cute. Half an hour later, he started praising the hare for being delicious.

Five days after entering the river, the warships lined up and Chu Qing achieved the feat of crossing the river.

Since then, the supply lines between Goguryeo's rear and front lines have been completely cut off.


Huang Laosi is a professional actor. Anyone who wants to be an emperor must have acting skills, and so does Huang Laosi.

During this rout, Lao Si tried his best to ensure that there were not too many casualties. Not only did he have to perform the show well, but he also had to be willing to counterattack.

Finally bypassing Erwang City, the proud look on Huang Laosi's face became more and more intense.

"Hahahaha, these mere Goguryeo people are nothing more than playthings in the palm of my hand."

The three armies converged, and it was obvious that they were defeated, and all the generals were beaming with joy.

The fourth child could not be said to be a god in military skills, but with this set of tricks, he really played the Goguryeo people in circles.

Sure enough, as Lao Si expected, the Goguryeo army began to unite and move south quickly.

In fact, the Goguryeo army was unable to move faster than Lao Si thought.

Riding on the horse, the fourth man at the front kept listening to the news coming from the horse behind him.

After marching for another two days, Huang Laosi was a little confused when he saw that he was approaching the southern camp.

Because according to what Tan Ma said, the Goguryeo vanguard army and the Chinese army were in hot pursuit, and there were not many manpower left in several important cities. It was like the first wife chasing the mistress, it could be said that they were running non-stop.

"Something's wrong." Chen Yan, who was riding a horse at the side, had a look of suspicion on his face: "We have retaken the three cities on the west side. We should wait for the people at the rear to gather and the food and fodder arrangements are complete before coming to the coastal camp for a decisive battle. Why are we ignoring the beginning and the end?"

The Supreme Emperor had been fighting for most of his life, and his experience was no less than that of his fourth son. He asked Tanma a few more questions, his gray brows furrowed like an S: "The Goguryeo people knew full well that we had gunpowder and powerful fire oil, so instead of going to Erwang City, they pursued us closely.

Reluctant to give up, maybe it’s because their royal city has a royal decree and they don’t care about the life or death of the army."

Lao Chang, Dahuang, Chen Laojiu and Zhu Mingyuan, the four of them looked at each other.

"Don't get bitten. If it's a hard fight, the troops from the Second King's City may send troops in advance and speed up the march."

Lao Si made a quick decision and the whole army started running.

Chen Laojiu was a restless master, so he volunteered to inquire about the enemy's situation, and led a group of skilled guards to turn their horses and go to the rear.

Chen Laojiu, who had ready-made clothes and was the best at engaging in such dirty tricks, tried to sneak into the pursuing troops from behind.

On Huang Laosi's side, they marched in a hurry, and the coastal camp finally appeared in sight.

Instead of feeling relieved, Laochang Dahuang had a solemn look on his face.

Abnormal, so abnormal. The troops from Erwang City have also left the city. Together with the following army and the right wing, there are a total of 230,000 troops. It seems that the route is to go straight to the southern camp.

"It's strange. The Second King's City can be advanced, attacked, retreated, or defended. Why do we need to mobilize more than 200,000 troops at a time without waiting for the troops behind to converge?"

Huang Laosi had asked this question dozens of times along the way. Even Chang Ao couldn't give an answer and couldn't figure out what was going on.

After all, Chen Yandao revealed the secret, and the information finally came back. When he caught up with him, he had a confused look on his face.

"It's Lao Shi. Lao Shi's fleet not only annihilated the Goguryeo fleet, but also crossed the Gaojiang River. The Goguryeo army assembled with all the strength of the country was divided into two. The rear army, not to mention the sergeants and supplies of food and grass,

Even a fish can’t get through it!”

The expressions of Huang Laosi and Chang Ao are like this, w(°o°)w.

There were gasps all around, and Huang Laosi's voice changed: "Lao Shi... Didn't Lao Shi go to Silla to form an alliance?"

"It's over, Silla has gathered its troops and rushed to the Baekje border town."

Chang Ao grinned: "The Goguryeo fleet...was destroyed?"

"It was destroyed, not a single ship was left, and more than ten tongues were captured. It's absolutely true."

Chang Ao kicked Huang Laosi on the thigh: "Didn't you say that the fleet army was a tough guy? They were arranging their troops and spending several nights thinking about countermeasures. How could they be destroyed so easily?


Huang Laosi: "This..."

"What the hell, the fleet and army have all been destroyed, and Gao Jiang has been taken over by Lao Shi. What else is there to do? Kill them back!"

Huang Laosi closed his eyes in pain, fearing that tears would fall.

After struggling for half a year, he suddenly felt like a fool.

Sun An couldn't bear it anymore and said cautiously: "Your Majesty, how about... how about you fine me a few more years of salary?"


Roaring angrily, Huang Laosi suddenly opened his eyes: "No, hahaha, I still have a use. I have a use and a use. I have to fight defensively. Yes, that's right. How can I waste food and grass like this? It's cold.

Dong, guard the camp on the south side, wait for the good news of the soldiers, and attack from both front and rear, in order to..."

Directly in front of the camp on the south side came a light cavalry, galloping over. The cavalryman turned over and knelt down on one knee, his tone full of excitement.

"Your Majesty, the East China Sea supply fleet has arrived. The leader is named Bai Jie. He is named the commander of the Qianqi Camp and has raised countless grains and grass. According to what Bai Jie said, just to gather grain and grass in Guocheng of the East China Sea, a large ship is needed.

Hundreds of ships have been transported more than ten times day and night, and this is just the food and grass that has just been mobilized, only one or two out of ten!"

Huang Laosi's smile froze, Chang Ao looked at him slightly, with disgust on his face: "You tell me what you are doing out of the capital, you just fucking know how to mess around, with Lao Shi here, Chang Chengyou, Chang Chengyou, you are so redundant


Chen Yan looked complicated and nodded subconsciously.

Sun An didn't quite understand what he heard. He looked at Zhu Mingyuan with a dull face and asked: "General Zhu, our family has no access to the battle formation, and the commander-in-chief has occupied Gaojiang...what do you mean?"

"Yes...yes...as long as the troops of Erwang City are defeated, the south of Gaojiang can be regarded as...the territory of our Chang Dynasty."

Sun An lost his voice and shouted: "The commander-in-chief is really majestic!"

Huang Laosi cursed loudly: "It's up to you to fucking punish me..."

Sun An's face became serious, and he asked someone to share his worries, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, calm down, I am willing to be fined a hundred years of salary!"

"A hundred years of shit, I want you to pay back all the salary you owe before you return to the capital!"

Sun An grinned widely, and his heart felt cold to his intestines.

This chapter has been completed!
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