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Chapter 183 Lonely Cold

The incident happened so suddenly, no one expected that the prince would memorize the idea like this, and no one cared about Wu Nanfeng, who also fainted and fell to the ground.

In fact, in this situation, Wu Nanfeng might as well just bang the back of his head on the ground and hang up to queue for soup.

Sun An was so anxious that he almost cried, and so did everyone else.

The only one who was calm was Chu Qing. He picked up a dagger, cut his sleeve with a sharp stab, and then threw it to Sun An.

"Tie it to the top of the thigh." Chu Qing pointed: "The tighter the tie, the better."

Sun An had lost his soul for a long time, and shouted: "Imperial doctor, where is the imperial doctor? Come over here, someone is coming, imperial doctor..."

"Pa", a loud slap hit Sun An's face.

"You are as big as your mother, so tie her up quickly!"

Sun An's eyes were dull and he was mumbling as if he was demented.

Tong Gui rolled around and hurriedly tied the cloth strip to the prince's wound.

Chu Qing was kicked down by Tong Gui again: "Pressure to stop the bleeding, why are you tying the wound?"

"But in the battle formation, it's like..."

"You're just a big watermelon, you just do whatever I say, hurry up!"



After scolding and grabbing the broken sleeve, Chu Qing had no choice but to go into battle himself. He turned around and shouted: "Find another piece of clean cloth, fold it up, fold it into a square and press it on the wound. Go quickly."

Changxian was the first to react and ran away.

Chu Qing looked at Sun An and shouted: "Go find a wooden board and stop the bleeding for a while. Carry His Highness back to Taowu Hall. The hemostatic cloth will be loosened every half an hour."

"Chu... Mr. Chu, do you really know medical skills?!"

"Do you believe me if I give you another big mouth?"

“We’ll go here, we’ll go here!”

Chu Qing didn't know medical skills, but he knew how to give first aid to stop bleeding, but that was all. He couldn't even tell where the bleeding point was.

The prince's face turned pale, and he began to lose consciousness: "It's cold...it's so cold...it's so cold to be alone."

"Don't be afraid." Chu Qing tightened the tourniquet again: "I'm here."

"Chu...Chu teaches me..."

"Breathe slowly, it's okay, it's just some blood. Don't be afraid, I will definitely save you."

The prince forced a smile.

Although he fell to the ground, everything just happened was witnessed. Everyone was in a panic. Only Chu Qing calmly helped him.

Looking at Chu Qing's anxious but calm face, the prince suddenly felt at ease, as if his cold body had gained some warmth.

"Jiaoxi Chu, I miss you...you are like my father. When I was sick when I was a child, my father would hug me like this and say..."

Chu Qing was frightened and yelled: "I risked my life to save you, and now you still want to harm me?"


Chu Qing turned around and shouted: "What are you doing, Du Nima? Go and hurry up. Where did that dead eunuch Sun An go? Where's the wooden plank!"

Soon Changxian and Sun An both ran back. Chu Qing knelt down and took a deep breath: "Eunuch Sun, you and Tong Gui lift the upper body, and I lift the lower body and lift it to the wooden board. Do you understand?"

Changxian, who was holding the wound, was already bursting into tears: "Jiaoxi Chu, Jiaoxi Chu, brother Huang..."

"The prince hasn't fainted yet. Don't worry. If the bleeding exceeds 20%, he will go into shock. If the bleeding exceeds 40%, he will not be saved. If the bleeding exceeds 20%, he will not be saved."

Sun An's lips trembled: "How could this happen? How could this happen..."

Chu Qing's face was expressionless: "Eunuch Sun, otherwise, you go away and let the guards carry it. Otherwise, you and Tong Gui come to carry it. Don't waste time here."

"Carry it." Sun An gritted his teeth and said, "We will carry it!"

"Three numbers, one, two, three, start!"

After the three of them worked together to lift the prince onto the wooden board, Chu Qing looked at Changxian: "Press the wound and run along, do you understand?"

Changxian nodded vigorously.

Just as the imperial doctor also came over, Chu Qing shouted: "Go to Taowu Hall, first go to Taowu Hall and then treat me."

The imperial doctors didn't even hear what Chu Qing was shouting. When they saw the prince lying on the wooden board covered in blood, several of them collapsed to the ground in fear.

Chu Qing cursed "trash" and directed Tong Gui and others to quickly carry the prince and run to Taowu Hall.

After entering the Taowu Hall, they placed the prince on the big heart-shaped round bed. Tong Gui, who had been on the battlefield, immediately found styptic powder, skillfully sprinkled it on the prince's wound, and then bandaged it with medical cloth.

Looking at the medicine cloth soaked in blood, Chu Qing frowned fiercely.

It should have been an artery cut, which was bright red and spray-like, but the actual amount of bleeding was not too exaggerated. It was probably a small artery. As for whether the bleeding could be stopped and what to do after the bleeding was stopped, he didn't know.

After the initial panic, everyone calmed down. Sun An left two imperial doctors behind and quickly ran out of the palace to inform Huang Laosi.

The imperial doctor knelt on the ground, big beads of sweat dripping down his chin.

Tong Gui yelled and cursed: "Why don't you go make some medicine quickly?"

The imperial doctor got up and ran away in a hurry.

Chu Qing secretly shook his head.

This is the reason why we look down on the so-called imperial doctors in the palace.

He does not deny that Chinese medicine is profound and profound, and it is not an exaggeration to even say that it is “miraculous”.

But in fact, 90% of ancient doctors were waste, and the remaining 10% were all professional counterparts. They did not cure all diseases, but were only proficient in a certain field. Even so, such doctors were very few.

If you want to study medicine, you must be literate and able to read medical books.

If you can read, you are considered a scholar. What kind of doctor do you think you are?

Ancient people treated diseases, and when they were cured, the patients thanked them profusely. But if they could not be cured, the doctor said that God wanted to accept the patient, and it had nothing to do with him. Anyway, he tried his best.

And the weirdest thing is that patients and their families really believe this.

Let’s go back to medical books. Medical books are all handwritten. Many medical books have been passed down for tens of hundreds of years. They are just a few words and have a general meaning. The rest is all guesswork. Therefore, the real famous doctors are through practice time and time again.

To put it more simply, you gain medical experience by killing people over and over again.

So here comes the question, when choosing a doctor in the palace, will you choose a doctor who has treated people to death?

Of course not, so I would look for famous folk doctors.

And these famous doctors who have never "cured anyone to death" are not high in gold content, but quite high in water content.

This is the imperial doctor in the palace, who is nominally the most skilled doctor in the entire country, but in fact is mostly just a fool.

It's not that all the people in the palace are fools, but that the nobles in the palace rarely get sick, and even if they do get sick, it's just a minor illness, and they can be fooled by some innocuous decoction.

But if there is an emergency, especially trauma, they are not even as good as some barefoot doctors.

To use the simplest analogy, if the emperor lets a truck traveling at 160 miles per hour hit his head directly, the first words of this group of imperial doctors will be "Oh my God", and the second words will be "How can I fix it?"

, the third sentence will involve professionalism, that is, "go and make soup and medicine"!

That's right, the big truck hit me in the face, and the only thing they can do is to get some decoction, which can improve the quality of sleep.

Chu Qing looked at the unconscious prince, an inexplicable look flashed across his face, and then quietly exited the palace.

He was a little not optimistic about this matter. He could stop the bleeding and still have to heal himself. It was difficult. He had already tried his best. The next thing to do was to stay as far away as possible.

Just as he quietly stepped back, the prince, who fell into a coma, began to murmur again.

"Chu... Professor Chu, you have to save Gu... Gu is so cold."

As if Chu Qing was struck by lightning, he immediately... stepped back and ran out of the palace as soon as he exited the screen.

This chapter has been completed!
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