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Chapter 227 Amateur Princes

After Chu Qing returned to Chu Mansion, she was in an inexplicably good mood.

As for Fu San, it was just the opposite. He kept begging along the way and asked him not to go to Taojiazhuangzi in the future. He was afraid.

According to Fu San, when we were in the main hall just now, the eldest daughter of the Tao family was always "touching and touching" her eyes, and her eyes were scary, as if she wanted to eat Fu San alive. She started chatting "whispering"

Okay, I brought up the previous incident in the border army again.

Fu San didn't think much about it, so he just blew it. It's just idle time. It doesn't matter how many people he killed, how many knives he received, and how many scars he left.

Then the "eldest lady of the Tao family" got excited and insisted on seeing Fu San's scar.

Fu San had quite a few scars on his body, but the fat girl couldn't look at anything else but the most "dangerous" one.

That scar was caused by an arrow, and it almost caused Fu San to lose his descendants. Let others look at that scar, and the two of them were tugging at each other, which made Fu San scared.

Chu Qing just comforted Fu San on the road. After all, she was a widow. She had killed two husbands. Just by looking at the stone lock, she could tell that he could suck up earth like a wolf and a tiger. Seeing a pure person like Fu San who was "capable of literature and martial arts"

You handsome man must be in love with you.

On the way, Chu Qing casually talked about King Wu, and unexpectedly discovered that Fu San also knew something about King Wu.

When the Eight Dragons fought for the second time that year, King Wu tried to win over Chu Wensheng. Of course, he failed to win over Chu Wensheng. My father has always stood firmly in the referee camp, quite resolutely.

Although Chu Wensheng was the left minister of the Ministry of Industry with no real power, he was a good character. Many of his close friends served in the Ministry of War. In addition, he also had great influence among the border troops. King Wu tried his best to win over him.

one of the objects.

At that time, Fu San met the King of Wu several times in his palace. He was a courteous, virtuous, and dignified gentleman. Folk scholars also called him a virtuous king. Whether in the fiefdom or in the capital, he was extremely loved by the folks and scholars.

On the contrary, today Huang Laosi is not that interesting. It is not that Huang Laosi has a problem with his popularity or character, but that everyone is not familiar with him.

Although Wu Wang Chang Chengke was not a prince, he had lived in the capital for a long time and had countless ministers who were friends with him. In addition, the fiefdom was rich, this guy was also rich, and he was very generous in order to make friends with ministers.

Looking at Huang Laosi again, he rarely returns to Beijing and mostly mingles with the military, either killing Liang Rong at the border or taking his younger brother to quell the chaos. His military exploits are outstanding, but why is it that he naturally kills people when he has excellent military exploits?

Yes, in the eyes of civil servants, he is an old killer.

In the early days of the Eight Dragons seizing the throne, the reason why Huang Laosi did not have core competitiveness in the market was because everyone recognized him as a seasoned veteran killer. The Chang Dynasty was not just founded, and the country has continued to this day.

The person on the dragon throne should be a wise king with the ability to govern the world, not an expert in killing people.

Even in the later stage, when the Eight Dragons' struggle for the throne entered a fierce stage, Huang Laosi gradually stabilized his basic market. Even so, it was not because of his political talents or how many civil servants he had made friends with, but because of his peers.

set off.

Let’s talk about the most competitive prince first. He went crazy and killed him. He was originally a gentle person, but in the later stage he wanted to either mess with me or kill your whole family. I don’t know if he was forced to become anxious or if his true nature was exposed. He was particularly unscrupulous.

People are waiting to be seen.

The second son who is in charge of Changjing's capital camp is even more special. He brought more than thirty personal followers into the palace in the middle of the night. He insists on asking the Supreme Emperor to write some kind of edict. The general meaning is to abdicate immediately and make him the new king.

, otherwise he will kill his father out of justice.

Then... then there was nothing more. The sword in the hand of the loving father was slashed on the body of the wanderer. According to rumors, the emperor, with a long sword in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, chased him from Zhengyang Palace to Nanping Gate alone, with two weapons and no shirt.

More than thirty of Er's personal followers died all the way. In the end, Er's right leg was kicked off by the Supreme Emperor, and he was demoted to common people, imprisoned in the palace, and retired early.

After all, the third son Chang Chengke, also known as the King of Wu, was supposed to be the biggest winner, but as a result, his right and left hands, both civil and military, fell into the hands of the eldest lady of the Tao family. He returned to the pre-liberation period overnight and was forced to fight.

Lost all my money.

As for Huang Laosi, the other four princes were just making up the numbers.

Lao Ba is a little brat. He was only thirteen at the time, and he had to hold his nose even if he farted in the palace.

Lao Qi was a coward. He kept waiting and watching without daring to take a stand. He was just thinking about the fisherman's profit. As a result, he just waited and watched and it ended. He didn't participate at all. Did it start? It's over. He was on the bench the whole time.

Lao Liu has been frail and sick since he was a child, like a medicine jar. The brains of his elder brothers who are fighting for the throne are all knocked out, and he is looking for doctors all over the world to treat his illness.

The only one with some competitiveness, Lao Wu, was also a coward. He had a very good reputation among the scholars, but he was too arrogant at the beginning. At the banquet, he insisted on saying that he was a wise king and told others to step aside and not block his way.

Then the fourth child, the third child, the second child, and the eldest brother pushed him to the ground and beat him until he was half dead. He lay on the bed for almost a year.

Even if four sons beat up one son, the Supreme Emperor would not be able to trigger four of them because of one. In the end, the matter was settled. Therefore, the fifth son was the first to be eliminated. It was not that his influence was no longer enough, but that his body did not allow it.

Can't get out of bed.

So the second time the Eight Dragons won the heir apparent was quite dramatic. We can’t say that Huang Laosi won on his own. It could only be said that it was all due to the support of his peers. Huang Laosi hadn’t even exerted much effort yet. Several brothers pulled their crotches one after another.


Compared with the first time when the Supreme Emperor and the Eight Dragons seized the throne, Huang Laosi's generation can be summed up in one sentence. Each generation is not as good as the last.

When the Supreme Emperor was seizing the throne, the four gates of the capital alone were closed twelve times. There were eight murders in the palace. Twenty-one ministers of the previous dynasty died. There were at least fifty assassinations of court ministers in the capital.


At that time, it can be said that everyone in Beijing was in danger, and the city was full of bloodshed.

The common people were so frightened that they dared not leave their houses. In the court hall, as soon as they went to court, the courtiers would quarrel with each other. It was not uncommon for them to roll up their sleeves and challenge father and son for a one-on-one fight.

Even now, many ministers are filled with fear when they mention the first eight dragons seizing the legitimate son.

Looking back at the second battle of the Eight Dragons, the only thing that impressed everyone the most was the specious rumor that the Supreme Emperor was naked, chopped off his penis, and chased him from the east side to the south side of the palace.

Chu Qing thought this was quite funny. The eight dragons seizing the throne can also be called the eight dragons seizing the throne. But after hearing this from Fu San, he chatted with Bao Guanjia for a few more words, and finally felt that the two eight dragons seizing the throne were not at all

There is no comparison.

For the first time, it was a true eight-dragon battle to seize the heir. All eight princes went into battle. They were hard to guard against, with open swords and hidden arrows. There were endless tricks and tricks, and I don’t know how many people died.

The second time I watched it, it was just eight funny guys fighting each other.

When I got this throne today, I didn't see any level of professional players or felt there were any technical difficulties because my competitors stretched their hips too much.

The boss who loses his mind, the second brother who is not smart, the third brother who is unlucky, the fifth brother who drank too much and was beaten into a disability by his brothers, and the sixth brother who is not in good health. From the beginning to the end, he wants to benefit from the fisherman's profit, but the result is always watching.

The seventh player who did not participate in the drama, and the cowardly eighth player, these few contestants could not even be considered amateurs. In the end, Huang Laosi became the biggest winner.

"Eight dragons seize the throne?" Chu Qing, who was lying on the bed, thought about it more and more amused: "Looking at the throne, it must be the generation of the Supreme Emperor. When there are eight sons, it is just for fun."

It was only then that Chu Qing understood that it was no wonder that his father suppressed the referee. It was not because he had no brains, but because he was sober in the world. It would be better to hope that the Supreme Emperor would come back to his glory if he expected these eight brothers.

Why bother to win back the eight dragons for the heir apparent? Let the eight brothers work together to play rock-paper-scissors. Whoever wins will become the emperor. It saves time and effort. It's great, and you don't have to be embarrassed.

Thinking about it this way, Chu Qing originally looked down on the current emperor, but now he basically started to despise the emperor.

This chapter has been completed!
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