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Chapter 23 Mr. Grumpy

To get involved in officialdom, you must first be well-informed.

As soon as Chen Yan came out of the main hall, many people gathered around and quietly inquired about Chu Qing's identity.

Entering the main hall, it was obvious that he was waiting for Lord Wei. His status was very important. Some guessed that he was a relative of the emperor, and some guessed that he was a junior in Lord Wei's family.

Chen Yan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he couldn't explain clearly. He didn't know how Wei Changfeng would arrange it. He could only say that he was the "sir" invited by the minister to teach everyone arithmetic. He might get a job in the Ministry of Household Affairs in the future.

Saying this made everyone think.

At such an age, no one knows anything about arithmetic, and Wei Changfeng is most tired of "going through the back door". Since he can personally arrange for a young man to come to the Ministry of Household Affairs for the first time and praise him as a professor, the origin of this young man must be extraordinary.


"In short, colleagues, please don't make random guesses. Chen doesn't know the specific details. When the boss comes to court, he should make it clear to you. However, there is one thing that the boss has explained. It is necessary to select a few leaders in the department.

, Mr. Chu will teach everyone the knowledge of arithmetic."

Upon hearing this, everyone felt very contemptuous, but they did not dare to show it.

Contempt is because he doesn’t think Chu Qing knows anything about arithmetic.

But he didn't dare to show it, just because he was making random guesses about Chu Qing's identity.

No matter what your status is, it must be extraordinary, and it is always necessary to use the opportunity of "learning" to curry favor.

Suddenly many people came forward and said they wanted to listen and learn.

How could Chen Yan not know that Xiao Jiujiu in the hearts of these people originally wanted to find a few people with whom he had good personal relationships, but he was afraid of offending others, so he could only let it go.

It is worth mentioning that Wu Kan, who has never dealt with Chen Yan but is extremely good at maneuvering, is also among them.

More than twenty officials from the Ministry of Household Affairs, all of whom were not high in rank but not low in qualifications, all entered the main hall and looked at Chu Qing with smiles on their faces.

"Young Master Chu is very young and has great potential. He is a talented person."

"I'm Long Youwei, but I don't know where Mr. Chu's fairyland is."

"Master Chu..."

As soon as a group of people came in, they were talking about each other.

Chu Qing was confused.

My lords...are you all so humble and eager to learn?

Looking at Chen Yan, Chen Yan had a wry smile on his face.

Chu Qing stood up, ignoring this and ignoring that. In desperation, he could only say: "Find a small man, bring a pen and paper, and learn outside. Learn Arabic numerals first. There are too many people."

Everyone is confused, what do the Arabic numerals mean?

But since Chu Qing said it, everyone could only go back to the class room to get pens and paper, but they didn't bring "Xiao Mazha" with them. They didn't know what Xiao Mazha meant.

Chu Qing stood outside the main hall and raised his eyebrows: "You just stand and study?"

Everyone had smiles on their faces and a lot of contempt in their hearts.

I really want to teach something, isn't this just trying to impress people?

"Okay." Chu Qing also took a pen and paper from Chen Yan's hand, wrote everything down from one to zero, and raised it above his head: "I'll memorize this first, and then I'll teach you the addition and subtraction symbols. It's easy to learn, step by step.

From the easy to the difficult, come and recite after me, one."

Everyone looked at each other.

Chu Qing pointed to the word "1": "Read it, one."

Everyone still looked at each other.

"Deaf, 1, this is one, read."

More than 20 people made a lifeless voice: "One..."

"Yes, two."

Everyone: "Two..."



In this way, from one thought to zero, Chu Qing wrote addition, subtraction, multiplication and division: "Remember after me, add."

Many people have begun to look impatient.

Are you kidding me? Don't you know what "addition and subtraction" means?

"Read it." Chu Qing did it unintentionally and pointed at a forty-year-old manager: "Come on, buddy, you come first, read it, add it."

The manager's name was Sun Yao, and he also came to join in the fun. He was a little unhappy when Chu Qing pointed his finger at him.

You must know that in ancient times, in the Chang Dynasty, it was very impolite to point fingers at others. In later generations, it was similar to "What are you worried about?"

"Young master, I don't know what the point of learning these things is for us."

"Hey, what's the point of me going? Then tell me, the water in your pond needs to be changed. Ask, it's half a meter deep. It's so high. Even if it's half a foot, it's half a foot horizontally. You can get eight feet into the water every hour.

Buckets, three buckets of water, sixty buckets can fill the pond, how long will it take to change the water."

Sun Yao frowned, but did not speak. He squatted down and wrote on the paper.

Chu Qing originally had a confident smile on his face, but Xunsi shocked everyone, and they were a little dumbfounded, because Sun Yao didn't act like he was pretending, he wrote a lot, and kept mumbling words, such as corn has words, business skills have solutions, and square fields are like it.

And what Sun Yao was talking about was "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic".

Chu Qing also didn't know that the earliest version of "Nine Chapters on Arithmetic" appeared in the early Eastern Han Dynasty. The so-called arithmetic was exactly what was in the first edition. The wisdom of the ancients should not be underestimated.

Wei Changfeng had a crush on Chu Qing, the most important thing was his "accounting profession", and the officials of the Ministry of Revenue were in charge of the world's money and food, so how could they all be a loser.

Sun Yao talked about it for a long time and wrote for a long time. Finally he stood up, looked at Chu Qing with a look of disdain on his face, and said loudly: "I...can't figure it out."

Chu Qing almost spat out a mouthful of old blood: "You can't figure out what you've been doing for so long."

Sun Yao asked: "Then can you figure it out?"

"Isn't this nonsense? You have no idea why I'm asking you."

Without saying anything else, Chu Qing also started writing and drawing.

After a while, Chu Qing laughed: "It takes exactly two hours!"

Everyone looked shocked: "Young master is really a mathematician, it's everyone?!"

Chu Qing looked proud.

His theory of general arithmetic is true, and the answers to these two hours are nonsense, but they are also true.

He even forgot what question he just asked, he just said it casually, but it didn't stop him from pretending to be B, he didn't need to calculate it, he just needed to know that everyone couldn't calculate it.

"You don't want to think about it. I was hired by Wei Shibo. If I don't understand, can Wei Shibo let me teach you?"

One sentence stirred up a thousand waves, "Wei Shibo", just these three words, have revealed a lot of information, enough to keep everyone thinking for three days and three nights after returning home.

Again, the title has its own meaning. The word "Shibo" is a general term for friends of the father's generation who are older than one's own father. It is also generally used to make good friends with the elders of one's own family.

How could Chu Qing know so much? Yesterday he just called me Shunzui casually. He didn't think much about it and didn't understand so many names.

Call me uncle. If you are unfamiliar, call me grandpa. He will look like you have six brothers. Call him old man. If you are afraid of getting beaten, call him dad. People won't recognize him, so he can only be called Shibo.

"Okay, that's all. Keep reading with me, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Come on, add."

This time, more than twenty people shouted in unison: "Add!"

"Subtract, read."


Everyone was very excited, not because Chu Qing fooled everyone into giving the answer to the pond, but because of the three characters "Wei Shibo".

After finishing the Arabic numerals, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, I started writing formulas, the formulas of the multiplication table.

Chu Qing, who became a teacher for the first time in his life, worked very hard.

However, half an hour later, Chu Qing was so angry that he roared again and again, like a driving school instructor who had been in the industry for at least eight years.

"Trash, they are all rubbish. They stare and stare and they don't understand. They learn and learn without giving up. Two sixty-two, that's right. In the end, three-six gave me a seventy-seven. Come on, how do you get a seventy by multiplying it?"

Seven, tell me, your math was taught by loan sharks?"

More than twenty people looked ashamed.

They understood the multiplication table. It was really a college question, and the calculations were correct. The problem was that memorizing it was a bit too strenuous.

Sun Yao swallowed a mouthful of saliva and asked cautiously: "Mr. Chu, I...Xiaguan is old and his back can be carried, but his body can't bear it. Can you, can you ask Xiaguan to bring a wooden stool?"


"Don't you have any shame? You can't even recite Wu, so you're returning the wooden bench." Chu Qing, who was already so angry that he lost his mind, pointed casually: "Go, each of you can get a brick to support you, and continue to recite. If you can't recite, I'll let you

Dad came to school to pick someone up... No, he couldn't carry it and he was eaten!"

A group of people looked like they were mourning for their heirs, with their heads hanging down, they went to the bonsai and one person picked up a brick and put it under his buttocks, and continued to memorize by rote.

Chen Yan looked dumbfounded on the sidelines.

Given Chu Qing's imposing manner, those who knew he was the son of the left minister of the Ministry of Industry, but those who didn't know thought he was his father, the Minister of Hubu.

Chu Qing's roar resounded throughout the Ministry of Works office.

"Today I have gained some knowledge. Come and tell me. Come on, who will tell me? How many years will it take to get a brain in your household department? Damn, with your IQ, it is easy for the traffic police to catch you while walking on the road.

Three shots are punished with a penalty of two hundred, and I will continue to carry it!"

This chapter has been completed!
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