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Chapter 236 Immortals and Princes

The young servant of the Qu Mansion was lying in a pool of blood, his eyes were lifeless and he couldn't move. He must have died.

Chu Qing knew that it was very common for such a wealthy family to kill a servant, but it actually happened in front of him, and he was still shocked.

When he was a teenager, he left his hometown and endured countless hardships. He was bought into the city, but his master treated him like a chicken and killed him whenever he asked.

Chu Qing clenched his fists tightly and squatted next to the body.

"I will try my best to seek justice for you. Rest in peace and be a rich man in the next life."

Chu Qing placed his trembling hands on the servant's eyelids and moved them downward slightly.

After sighing, Chu Qing stood up, but when he lowered his head, he was startled.

The servant's eyes were not closed.

Chu Qing knelt down again and tried hard to close his eyes for the servant who died unjustly, but he still couldn't close his eyes.

Chu Qing suddenly stood up, his suppressed anger completely bursting out, he rushed behind Qu Zhao who was nearest, kicked him over, and kicked him hard.

"If you die with your eyes closed, it depends on your mother if you die with your eyes closed. Human life is in your hands, it's so worthless!"

Chu Qing cursed and kicked, as if he was going crazy.

The eldest son of the Qu Mansion was like a dead dog, begging for mercy again and again, his face covered with blood.

The guards around Qu's family and the Qianqiying Tanma were indifferent.

After kicking Qu Zhao until he fainted, Fu San cautiously approached.

"Young master, look... is there a possibility that he is not dead with his eyes closed... Yes, he is not dead yet."

Fu San swallowed a mouthful of saliva and pointed at the servant in the pool of blood.

Chu Qing turned around and took a closer look. Sure enough, the servant's chest was rising and falling slightly, but he was speechless.

"Damn, I told you earlier, you can just blink if you're not dead." Chu Qing quickly shouted indiscriminately: "Quickly find the doctor, save people, save people."

Tao Ruolin stood quietly behind Chu Qing and said softly: "If this servant dies, as long as he publicizes it, the Qu family will be ruined and disaster will come. If he is rescued, the Li family might be able to help Qu Qing."

Make arrangements at home to avoid disasters."

Chu Qing turned around, as if looking at a monster, with a cold look on his face: "Is human life so worthless in your eyes?"

Tao Ruolin's face was expressionless: "Have you thought about saving him?"

Chu Qing pushed Tao Ruolin away very roughly: "Go away and stay away from me from now on!"

At this scolding, Tao Ruolin not only didn't get angry, but showed a look of relief on her face, a beautiful smile broke out on her face, and then she quickly knelt down beside the servant, took out a handkerchief from her sleeve, and pressed the wound firmly.

"Be patient, it's not hurt, don't cry, I'll save you right now."

The hem of her skirt was stained with blood, but Tao Ruolin just smiled and comforted the servant: "It's just a flesh injury. It's not a problem. Don't sleep. The doctor will be here soon."

"Cold..." The servant's extremely pale lips moved feebly: "Little man...little man is cold."

"It's not cold. It's summer. How can it be cold? I'm here to stop the bleeding. The doctor will be here soon." Tao Ruolin said as she opened the servant's clothes to check the wound, saying softly that it was not worth mentioning.

The servants added fuel and encouraged themselves.

Chu Qing was stunned.

This is definitely not the first time Tao Ruolin has done this kind of thing. She is very skillful. She was just testing herself just now. If she risked her life for the sake of the whole Qu Mansion, this woman would probably look down on her from the bottom of her heart!

Fu San spoke softly again: "Master, I feel something is wrong."

"There's something wrong. Human lives are at stake. What's wrong with a woman saving people?"

"The villain is not talking about Miss Tao, but Mr. Chen."

Fu San pointed at Chen Yan, who was looking for something to eat, and lowered his voice: "Master Chen just called himself a general, not an official. Let's look at those Thousand Cavalry Battalion scouts and follow their orders..."

As if telepathic, Chen Yan, who was squatting there and chewing meat, looked over and waved to Chu Qing.

"This guy is from Qianqi Camp." Chu Qing muttered with a wry smile and walked towards Chen Yan.

In fact, Chu Qing had always known that Chen Yan was not simple. When Qianqiying rushed in just now, he had already vaguely guessed Chen Yan's identity.

The thing about the property deed being suppressed by the tooth shop, Chen Yan beating up so many street gangsters by himself, and playing tricks in front of the government office, and a series of other things, Chu Qing should donate his corneas to people in need if he doesn't see any problems anymore.


But Chu Qing never asked.

Everyone has a secret, and the reason why they are called secrets is because they don’t want others to find out.

Chu Qing squatted beside Chen Yan, looked at the servants of the Qu family who were being taken away crying for their fathers and mothers, and spoke.

"How to deal with the aftermath?"

"Take them all away and put them in the prison of Qianqi Camp. They will be punished for treason and injustice."

"After all, he is the doctor of the Ministry of Etiquette, could he..."

"Your Majesty has told you that extraordinary things require extraordinary measures." Chen Yan took out a roster from his arms and handed it to Chu Qing, and continued: "It shouldn't have been so grand, and it was a little reckless, but King Wu was involved. His Majesty wanted to

Cutting the knot with a sharp knife will cause no further delay."

Chu Qing opened the roster and found that except for Qu Mingtong, the names of the other people had never been heard of.

"Who are these people?"

"The Li family is a private party. We share weal and woe with the Li family. We share the prosperity and glory of the Li family. If we lose, we will suffer."

After Chu Qing wrote down all the names, he returned the list to Chen Yan and fell into silence.

He had a lot to ask, but he didn't know how to ask.

Chen Yan is still the same Chen Yan, he hasn't even changed into the official robe of the Ministry of Revenue, but he is not that person anymore, he is no longer the stupid young man who was angry at the book business.

With cynical smiles on their faces, the thick-shouldered and round-shouldered horses from the Qianqiying camp walked around respectfully, making it difficult to relate to the head of the household department who had a serious mental illness in his impression.

Chen Yan glanced sideways at Chu Qing: "Why didn't you say anything?"

"say what?"

"Say what you want to say, and as it has been in the past, so will it be in the future."

Chu Qing hesitated for a moment, then opened his mouth and said, "Just ask one thing."


"It's a coincidence that I came to Qu Mansion, or it was arranged by you."

Chen Yan couldn't laugh or cry: "I still want to ask you, why did you come to Qu Mansion for no reason?"

Chu Qing stared at Chen Yan for a long time and breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Qu Mingtong's invitation to the Chu family was not arranged by the other party.

"I'm just making money." Chu Qing scolded, "It's bad luck. I'm thinking of making some money after get off work and asking the Qu Mansion if they want to repair the house, but they're trying to trick me."

In a few words, Chu Qing told him about his part-time job, and Chen Yan was overjoyed after hearing it.

"It was really a mistake." Chen Yan said cheerfully: "I see, but it's okay, it will save me and King Langya convincing you."

"Convince me of what?"

"I persuade you to pick someone at random from the list to stir up trouble. After all, you are the best at making enemies."

Chu Qing glanced at Chen Yan angrily and said nothing.

Chen Yan's intention was actually to trick him, but he didn't feel angry at all.

Chen Yan broke in with the troops from the Qianqi Camp, and Chang Xian also came with the guards. They were fully prepared. I can't tell if they were tricking him. If they were, they wouldn't have rushed in so recklessly.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. What grade are you in?"

Chen Yan smiled slightly: "Vice Commander."

Chu Qing was slightly shocked: "Deputy Commander of Qianqi Camp?"

Chen Yan nodded with a smile.

"It turns out to be the deputy commander, I'll go." Chu Qing looked up and down and said: "Is he mentally ill? A good deputy commander went to the household department to be the chief and stayed undercover for several years?"

"Everyone has a secret, everyone does." Chen Yan looked at Chu Qing happily: "You also have a secret, tell me, I like to know other people's secrets the most, why has your temper changed so much?

A dandy boy who was shouted at by everyone in Bei City turned into a talented man who excelled in poetry and arithmetic?"

Chu Qing rolled his eyes: "Because I borrowed a corpse to bring back the soul. I am a person thousands of years in the future. I am omniscient and omnipotent. I am asking you if you are afraid."

"Isn't that a fairy?"

Chu Qing bared his teeth and smiled: "Yes, he is a god, he is awesome."

Chen Yan laughed and scolded: "If you were a god, I would still be a fucking prince."

Chu Qing looked disdainful.

Then I am still your uncle.

The two of them looked at each other and felt that the other person was a liar.

This chapter has been completed!
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