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Chapter 304

Every time he communicates with Qiu Wanshan, Chu Qing always gains something.

Whether it’s the fact that a woman will always be eighteen years old, or the fact that she is no longer the one who breaks the situation, she can’t really guide the lost, but she can sort out many things that are like a mess, straighten them out, and straighten them out.

Yes, my father's whereabouts are unknown. The incident took place in Liao'an. It is so far away that there is no point in worrying. Instead of worrying, it is better to do the things at hand.

Back in the south of the city, Chu Qing could always smile.

When a person wanders around in the maze, his heart is full of irritability and shrouded in black mist. Every step he takes is filled with palpitations and disgust, and all he sees is darkness.

But when facing the light, under the sunshine, it seems that there is a lot more kindness in the world.

Liu Xun came again, with an old face like a donkey, followed by a group of noisy Ministry of Industry officials. Behind the Ministry of Works officials were all bullock carts, and on top of the bullock carts were all kinds of work materials, all kinds of work materials.

, and tools.

As soon as the materials and tools were unloaded, Liu Xun glanced at Chu Qing, snorted heavily, and left. He was still cursing when he entered the city gate. He didn't know whether he was cursing Chu Qing or the group of officials behind him. Anyway, those groups of trash

The same officials from the Ministry of Industry all lowered their heads.

As soon as Liu Xun left, an official sedan fell in front of Chu Qing, and Ma Rui, who looked like a Fuwa, walked down.

Chu Qing was in an inexplicably good mood. He walked forward and Ma Rui bent down to salute.

After giving the gift halfway, Chu Qing went up and hugged Ma Rui's chubby body heavily.

"Master Ma."

This "hug gift" frightened Ma Rui, and he smiled bitterly after Chu Qing let go of him.

"Commander Chen is a very sweet-tempered person."

Chu Qing smiled and said nothing.

Ma Rui was a light in the officialdom. This light did not illuminate Chu Qing's path forward, but it dispelled some of the haze in his heart.

In the court, not all officials like Qiu Wanshan are good at dancing, not all are death-seeking masters like my father, and not all are strong talkers like Liu Xun. Of course, most of them are

A bastard like Li Wenli should be blamed for his evil intentions.

But above the officialdom, there is also Mr. Ma Ruima, the Yin of Jingzhao Prefecture. With his chubby but extremely immature arms, he stretched out his arms like an old hen protecting her young.

The people guarded the dragon behind them, and even though they knew there was an evil dragon in front of them, they still fluttered their wings and went up to take a bite or two.

Ma Rui looked at the large construction sites around him, nodding his head.

The refugees who originally looked good-looking were sweating profusely. Although they were still very thin, they looked like a human being. They were tired, but they had never been hungry again.

"Okay, okay, okay."

After saying three good words in a row, Ma Rui's face lit up.

Chu Qing smiled.

The first scapegoat in the court said three nice words, which made him very happy.

But if the ministers of various deployments, even if the prime minister comes, even if they praise him to the sky, he will only despise him.

He invited Ma Rui into the tent and chatted casually.

Chu Qing was very attentive in talking about planning and construction deadlines.

Ma Rui came from a poor family, and was a proficient reader of the Four Books and Five Classics. He knew nothing about civil engineering, but he still listened, very hard, and very attentively, listening to things that had nothing to do with him.

Lao Ma left, looking aching as he left, and took out twenty coins. Chu Qing believed that these twenty coins should be Lao Ma's coffin.

Chu Qing accepted it, and as soon as Lao Ma left, another adult came, Mr. Tan, and his son Mr. Tan.

General Tan stayed with his son Tan Shangyi. Old Tan laughed loudly and patted Chu Qing on the shoulder, saying that he was like a father. Then he pointed at his good eldest son and said that Tan Shangyi also had a bit of a father.

The general meaning of "Zhi Feng" is to leave Tan Shangyi as a hard worker.

Chu Qing was confused until after seeing Old Tan off, Tan Shangyi rode to the west side like a magic trick. When it was almost nightfall, a group of men who were obviously from the army came, about two hundred of them.

They were hard laborers. After asking, I found out that they were soldiers from the Beijing camp who had recently taken a rotation.

Chu Qing was still confused, but Tao Ruolin finally solved his confusion.

Now there are rumors in the capital. Chu Wensheng was forced to rebel in Liao An, and then fled in fear of crime. The rumors came from the scholars. In addition, there were many scholars

Scholars began to say that Chu Qing was an invitation to buy people's hearts, and his generosity to others bought people's hearts. The ministers who had been extorted money from him before had begun to extort all their money, and they were living without rice, which was miserable.

Liu Xun came with a lot of tools.

Ma Rui came and left the money.

Tan Zhongping came and left his men behind.

So this means that one day, when Chu Qing was criticized by the court officials for helping the refugees, Liu Xun, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, Ma Rui, the governor of the Jingzhao Prefecture, and Tan Zhongping, the general of Yun of the Dachang Dynasty, would also be scolded.

If you are punished, you will also be deeply involved in public opinion.

The three people used different ways, very high-profile ways, to express their love for Chu Qing. They did not love Chu Qing, the deputy commander of Qianqiying, but they loved a stupid young man in his early twenties.

After hearing all this, Chu Qing sighed.

Tao Ruolin was puzzled. She didn't know why Chu Qing sighed. This kid should be very moved.

Chu Qing sighed because he was upset.

There is no one with real power who is willing to help him, damn!

Tall buildings rise from the ground, and glory can only depend on oneself. As time goes by, Chu Qing no longer cares about what happens behind the towering city wall every day. He only cares about what is in front of him, and the bricks and tiles in front of him.

The bricks and stones were made, the foundation was laid, and the strange-looking house was built brick by brick.

It wasn't until the weather started to get colder that people in Beijing, including the refugees themselves, suddenly realized that something was wrong.

This house looks so evil.

The building is not high, with three floors and a courtyard, but there are twenty-five rooms in one courtyard, and it is very small. It's not that the refugees are picky, but they don't know what kind of house it is.

As for the people in Beijing, they felt that Chu Qing was completely fooling around and had never seen a house like this.

Chu Qing didn't need to explain to outsiders, he just focused on building his own house.

The rumors in the capital became more and more intense. Chu Qing, the deputy commander of Qianqiying, wanted to buy people's hearts, not for Tianjia, but for himself.

To use the words of Zhou Youwei, the left minister of the Ministry of Rites during the previous dynasty, the refugees now only know Chu Qing and not the Emperor.

Zhou Youwei in the government hall cited scriptures, what period of time and which treacherous official did what, what the etiquette and laws were like, what the house was like, what the ancestral laws were and who said what. In short, Chu Qing revealed that something was wrong everywhere, and it was Shilin who criticized him.

, saying that this kid has ulterior motives for helping the refugees, and Chu Wensheng. It has been a month, and Liao Anfan has retreated into the mountains and forests, but he has also put down his harsh words. Justice must be given to them, and justice is Chu Wensheng.

, instead of letting Chu Wensheng get the "punishment" he deserved, they continued to go down the mountain to cause trouble.

Zhou Youwei said that spitting stars were flying, but he didn't know that the emperor, who was watching with a cold eye, had long known that this guy had taken refuge with the King of Wu and was the same as the Li family.

[The author has something to say]

I’m talking about something very important. I hope everyone can encourage me and give me a good review. Just light up the “good-looking” icon. If you have extra votes, please vote for me. Thank you.

The last thing I want to do is to sell poorly, because I think writing a book is quite fun, and readers who are willing to read it will also be happier.

But the current data in this book is so bad that I want to cry. I am not exaggerating, but it is extremely bad. Let alone the middle and upper reaches, I am basically wandering between death and immortality. It has been so long since I wrote a book that this is the first time I have been so weak.

And Hesitation, I hope readers who have read this far will support me, comment, vote, thank you, thank you very much.

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