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Chapter 318 Calm wind and rain

One of the most common excuses used by many famous scholars and scholars who do not want to serve as officials in the court is that the court is a whirlpool and they are mostly people who are unwilling to associate with it.

The first half of what you say is true, the middle is also true, the second half of what you say is still true, and the last half of what you say is the most true.

It cannot be ruled out that there are really moral celebrities and people with high aspirations, but they just don't want to be officials.

But most people are not unwilling to be officials, nor are they unable to be officials, but they are afraid of death.

You will die if you fight politically, you will die if you do the wrong thing, you will die if you stand in the wrong team, you will die if you offend Tianyan, and you will die if you say the wrong thing.

Will die, will die, will die, the powerful boss will die, and the transparent little person will die too.

He died inexplicably, and there was never any warning before his death.

Li Wenli, Zuo Shilang, Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, his father was a veteran of three dynasties, his family has been standing for hundreds of years, and his disciples and former officials are all over the world. Looking at it now, so what?

When the new king came to the throne, he still looked arrogant and thought he could reverse the general trend of the world.

Just after the Yuan Dynasty, don't you still think that the Emperor De, who was born as a general, is not worthy of his position?

Two months ago, didn't you still think that the Li family could do whatever they wanted in Beijing?

An hour ago, did you also think that you would trample the deputy commander of the Emperor's own army, the Qianqi Battalion, to the ground?

Look now, he is on the ground, lying on the ground. He has experienced so many winds and rains, and has killed so many people. Now, he is lying on the muddy ground. His originally spotless official robe is so dirty, and his eyes are closed.

, fainted, but the courtiers around him seemed to be avoiding him.

No one called out to the accompanying imperial doctor, no one helped him, no one even called him out, as if even mentioning the name Li Wenli would cause him to be infected like an epidemic.

Zhou Youwei's slightly fat body was shaking like a sieve. His body was brighter than the ground, his eyes were darker than the night, and his heart was heavier than Mount Tai.

Li Ke, the patriarch of the Three Dynasties and the Li family's Dinghai Shenzhen, was captured. He was captured thousands of miles away from Liuzhou County, the birthplace of the Li family. 2 Chu Wensheng, who captured him, came back with evidence of his crime.

Li Ke is finished, Li Wenli is finished, Li Wenli is finished, and he, Zhou Youwei, is finished.

The emperor's cold and merciless eyes swept back. Sun An came, taking several guards with him. Under the watchful eyes of the officials, he roughly lifted Li Wenli up and handed him over to a general wearing armor.

This general was a little thin, had an ordinary appearance, and was not of high rank, but he was always accompanying him, and he thought he was just an ordinary guard.

But this general just threw Li Wenli onto his horse, led the horse, and entered the city.

Only then did everyone realize that this person should be a member of the Qianqi Camp.

Yes, this man is Jiang Yuesheng. From the beginning to the end, from the time the emperor left the city to the time he entered Zhuangzi in the southern suburbs, he has never spoken to him, not even a word. Even though he understands the situation of the refugees better than Changxian, he has never spoken to the emperor.

After introducing something, I just followed silently, watched, and observed, and then took Li Wenli away alone.

The emperor also rode away on horseback and came to the prison cars. He looked at Li Ke, who was looking like a zombie with disheveled hair.

"Li Ke, Li Ke, hehe." Huang Laosi looked down at the ancient old man in the prison car, and said softly: "How do you compare me to the King of Wu?"

This is what Huang Laosi wants to ask, how do I, the Emperor Chang Chengyou, compare to Wu Wang Chang Chengke? Now, I am still the 95th noble, standing in front of you, but you are waiting to die in a prison car.

Li Ke, who almost lost half his life due to torture along the way, raised his eyelids slightly and said nothing.

As a veteran of three dynasties, this old man who looks thin and weak knows better than anyone else that his only fate is death. No matter what he says or does, nothing can change this outcome.

The honor of the previous generation head of the Li family did not allow him to utter words of begging for mercy.

Li Ke twitched the corners of his dry mouth, straightened his shackles with his thin shoulders, and raised his head with great effort.

"It's so lonely on the road to Huangquan. Three generations of the Li family live together. Choose a day and I'll hit the road together. Good."

"I agree."

The sound of "I agree" was still so light, almost gentle. This "I agreed" disappeared without a trace in the night wind, deciding the fate of the Li family and the fate of three generations.

Huang Laosi entered the city with a pinch of his horse's belly, without even looking at the ministers in the distance behind him.

No one knew what the emperor was thinking, except that he returned to the palace without explaining anything.

Naturally, the ministers entered the city and returned to their respective mansions. Tonight, the courtiers could not sleep.

As for Chu Wensheng, Xing Tian was holding Head and Shoulders, looking confused.

Old Chu was really confused. Sun An wanted to take away those letters about the Li family's collusion with the Fanmen. Everyone went back to their homes to find their mothers. When Old Chu saw that no one was paying attention to him, he waved his hand and twenty armors were covered with

The blood-stained cavalrymen unpacked their bags and took out various uniforms. After putting them on, they entered the city, walked in all directions, and disappeared into the moonlight.

Carrying the burden, Chu Wensheng led the army horse towards the Chu Mansion.

When he was approaching the Chu Mansion, Chu Wensheng let go of the reins, walked to the side door against the wall, and knocked lightly several times, three long and three short, then paused, and then three long and three short.

After a while, an inaudible voice came from inside: "Is this the master?"

"It's me."

The side door was opened, and Housekeeper Bao had a look of surprise on his face: "Sir, you are indeed still alive."

Chu Wensheng grinned and was about to laugh, but quickly lowered his voice: "Is Qing'er in the house? Is he asleep?"

"Go to bed, go to bed."

"That's good." Chu Wensheng breathed a sigh of relief, took off his armor, and quietly slipped into the house.

After taking a shower and changing clothes, Chu Wensheng entered the bedroom, found a picture scroll from under the bed, looked at it for a few times, and recalled his youthful and short-lived youth. After lying on the bed for a moment, he let out a thunderous cry.

of shouts.

This is Chu Wensheng, the useless left minister of the Ministry of Industry, a frontier general who created countless battlefield legends, and an ordinary father.

If it were a civil servant, Chu Wensheng would call Chu Qing up and ask how he was doing recently, whether he had gotten into trouble, and whether he was living well.

If it was a general of the border army, Chu Wensheng would ask the housekeeper to open the middle door wide, enter the house with a loud laugh, pick it up for Chu Qing, open his mouth and start bragging about how he killed the enemy thieves and captured the general alive.

But Chu Wensheng doesn't care about these identities, he is just a father.

It would be fine if his son was in the house and sleeping. Just like countless days and nights, as long as Chu Qing was in the house and sleeping, that was the only thing he expected and cared about. Chu Qing did the rest.

It doesn't matter what you do, it doesn't matter at all.

Chu Wensheng is like a mountain, tall and majestic, but also a pool of water, which cannot be leaked. It is also a pair of hands, covering Chu Qing's head. His palms caress Chu Qing's head, rubbing it gently, and spend every spring.

Summer, autumn and winter, but the back of the hand was covered in flesh and blood, resisting all the wind and rain, and there was even a drop of tear, a tear containing warmth, pampering Chu Qing in his own way.

The glint of swords, the fight of life and death, corpses everywhere, the blend of blood and fire will never be brought back to the Chu Mansion by Chu Wensheng and brought to Chu Qing.

Chu Qing is lucky and happy. He is ignorant, but also lucky and happy. In his sleep, he has no idea what happened today and tonight.

In the court, Tao Shaozhang spoke up for him.

Amidst the flash of swords and shadows, Qiu Wanshan defended him against open spears and hidden arrows that should not be resisted.

In the bloody storm, Chu Wensheng fought for him and the Chu government to find a way out.

In the treacherous situation, Tao Ruolin helped him find a way to turn danger into disaster.

Chu Qing, who was sleeping, had no idea about everything.

This chapter has been completed!
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