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Chapter 366

Chu Qing was frothing at the mouth as he recounted the story, which brought back his long-gone memories.

Chang Chao was very good, and Chu Qing was also very satisfied, except for this aspect.

When it comes to charcoal-grilled lamb kidneys, it is inevitable to talk about shabu-naohua.

"The clear lines on it are bloodshot, oval, eight minutes, don't cook it too long, don't dip it in sesame sauce, you have to use seafood soy sauce, tsk tsk tsk..."

"There are also couple's lung slices, oh, it's also delicious..."

"After eating hot pot, the waiter will also serve you a plate of cat ears, crunchy and crispy..."

"Sometimes I also give my wife cakes, that is, my mother-in-law, madam. Do you understand? It can also be called lady cakes. I press them into a cake shape, smear them with oil, and bake them..."

"Big Pan Chicken, no, that's what we call it in the border army. When we get to the pass, we should call it Big Pan Brothel Girl. Chop it into pieces, blanch it in water first, and skim off the foam and blood..."

"Children are also delicious. You must choose those that are fresh and hairless..."

With a sound of "Wow", one businessman couldn't listen anymore and turned around and started to retching. The other businessmen also turned pale.

Chu Qing scratched his chin, why did he still feel like vomiting?

Zhang Songling was also frightened. He looked at Chu Qing and kept swallowing his saliva, frightened and horrified.

My own mother-in-law will not let go of the brains, cat ears, and couple's lungs. After eating my own mother-in-law, I will also harm the brothel girls...

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, Chu Qing was the Hannibal of the Great Changchun. His little eyes, little expression, and that endless aftertaste look really frightened a group of people, their hearts were pounding, and they didn't dare to think about it.

That's the picture.

Chu Qing pointed to the exquisite dishes on the table and said with a smile: "The food here is just not good, but it is still as good as the ones we had before. There are all kinds of things..."

"Master Chu, Master Chu..."

Zhang Songling didn't dare to call his nephew anymore, and waved his hand quickly: "I won't talk about your years at the border today. I won't talk about it. I will only talk about the romance, the romance..."

Then I thought about it, chatting about romance and romance is about brothels and flower boats, chatting about brothels and flower boats, maybe it's a big deal again.

Zhang Songling quickly changed his words: "Let's talk about the affairs of the capital, yes, let's talk about the merchants, let's talk about the merchants."

Chu Qing turned the wine glass in his hand, knowing that the drama was coming.

Zhang Songling winked at the nearest merchant, who quickly came to Chu Qing with a wine glass in his hand, his attitude was particularly respectful, mainly out of fear.

"Chu, Mr. Chu, it's actually not easy for me and other merchants. Let's just say that I make a living in the carriage business. Today at noon, the housekeeper at home went to fill up more than two hundred bones. It's not that I have a heartache. If it's like this every month

,Would not it be…"

Chu Qing looked at the merchant's abdomen with a half-smile, and licked his lips.

"If it's like this every month, wouldn't it be... wouldn't it be... my mother, Mr. Chu, I am old and frail, and my kidneys are not fresh and tender."

The merchant's face turned pale with fright, and he ran back in panic and sat down, not daring to continue talking, because it was not worth losing that little money.

When Zhang Songling saw how unsatisfactory this old guy was, he could only clear his throat: "Mr. Chu, what I'm saying is, is this business tax matter handled by Jingzhao Mansion a little... a little too much?"

What is the old fox? This is, instead of mentioning Qianqiying, he talked about Jingzhao Mansion. However, he mentioned it with Chu Qing, the deputy commander of Qianqiying.

Chu Qing is no longer the amateur who just debuted back then. He can tell the color of his silk threads by touching them, whether they are fleshy silk or white silk. He can tell immediately that as long as he nods, the other party will definitely bring a group of people to spray Ma Rui into the government hall tomorrow.


"Is it too much?" Chu Qing picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp at the merchants.

The merchants all looked away, not even looking at Chunibal.

Chu Qing's face darkened: "Don't give me face?"

The merchants grabbed the wine glasses and drank without saying a word.

Chu Qing smiled slightly and looked at Zhang Songling again: "But I heard from Mr. Ma that this inspection of merchants' taxes and money was ordered by the emperor, wasn't it?"

"That's true. It's just that the emperor said to check on this illegal merchant, but Mr. Ma seems to be indiscriminate and checked all the shops in the north and south cities."

"Oh, that's it." Chu Qing touched the cup again. This time, the merchants took the initiative to drink, one by one faster than the other.

"What do you mean, you guys are drinking before I drink."

Chu Qing became sullen again, and the merchants did not dare to breathe.

"Don't be anxious. Let's start again. I'll drink one first. You can do whatever you want."

Chu Qing drank it all in one gulp, and so did the merchants.

"Yes, I have deep feelings and a dull mouth."

The merchants were dumbfounded.

Whoever has a deep relationship with you, if they really have a deep relationship, they will be cut off by you.

Zhang Songling cleared his throat again, trying to attract Chu Qing's attention: "Master Chu, as Mr. Pu said, it is not easy for merchants to earn some money, which is enough to pay the wages of the servants in the house. Ten draws, two, ten

Drawing 20%, it’s not just drawing 20% ​​to earn money and food, but 20% of the amount sold, how can there be any way for merchants to survive?”

When it came to money, the merchants became more enthusiastic and were no longer afraid of Chu Qing. They all turned red in the face.

"Yes, Mr. Chu, there are more than forty people in the family, and the monthly salary alone is enough..."

"Jingzhao Mansion is like a robber. When he enters the shop, he asks for the account book. If he doesn't have it, he will check it..."

"I am suffering, I am suffering deeply, it is unspeakable..."

"Merchant is humble, but he is also..."

Chu Qing listened with a smile, and the contempt in his heart became even stronger.


Where is the pain?

Is it too hard to count money?

"But I heard that the labor materials alone have increased more than seven times in just five years." Chu Qing looked at Zhang Songling and asked with a smile: "Is this possible?"

"Oh, my Lord Chu, you are a general on horseback, so naturally you don't understand the business of merchants. The labor and materials have increased, but the same is true for other goods, including rice, flour, salt and iron, chariots and horses, including hiring people.

The coolies and the dental industry are going to have to increase, and they are all going to increase.”

Chu Qing almost wanted to curse.

Yes, prices have gone up, including rice and noodles, which are indispensable goods for the common people. They have gone up. It’s true. I don’t deny this. The question is who raised the price? Isn’t it because of you people?

As for salt and iron, carriages and horses, and the intermediary fees charged by tooth shops, don't you have the final say? You can raise it yourself for fun?

Yes, everything has gone up, but the people's wages have not gone up. It's embarrassing to lick your face and cry about poverty.

This is like three capitalists sitting together, one sells mobile phones, one develops mobile phone software, and the remaining one builds factories.

The person who sells mobile phones said, "Oh, the cost is high now, and the price for developing software is high, so the mobile phones have to be sold at a higher price, otherwise they will not make money."

The person who develops software is scolding me because he has a bad relationship with me. The person who runs the factory has raised the rent, so I don’t have to charge you more money.

The factory owners are not happy either. I usually use my mobile phone for transactions. The price of mobile phones has increased, so I have to increase my rent.

The last person who bought a mobile phone slapped his thigh and said happily: "Okay, then my mobile phone will continue to rise. People must use mobile phones anyway."

I happened to pass by a man who called the common people and asked, "Will my salary be increased?"

The three capitalists said in unison: "You look like a wage earner!"

In the end, there is no end. All three people have seen their money go up, but ordinary people are footing the bill. This is called a monopoly!

Chu Qing said with a smile: "If you don't make money, then you shouldn't do it, right?"

[The author has something to say]

There are only six chapters today. It’s too late. Let’s eat something and go to bed. Thank you for your support.

This chapter has been completed!
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