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Chapter 395

Even a layman like Chu Qing could see it. The eight detectives kicked him so hard that nothing happened to the two brothers.

It looked like they were covered in footprints, but they just protected their heads, and there was no real damage at all.

Fu San stopped in front of Chu Qing with his left hand, and grabbed the short knife on the back of his waist with his right hand.

"Master." Fu San said with a wary face: "Master, this is a master."

Chu Qing also noticed that if he wasn't a master, he would have been lying on the ground calling daddy.

"Protect my young master!" Fu San waved his hand, and the eight detectives stopped kicking and formed a human wall to block Chu Qing.

The two brothers were still thinking about nagging. The second brother squatting on the ground looked at the eldest brother: "Brother, I haven't been back for half a year. Why are the people in Beijing so barbaric?"

"Isn't that right? I got beaten twice in four days."

"Five meals. Dad has been beating us once every day for the past three days. You forgot."

"Yes, that old guy also beat us three times, six times in four days. It's so damn unlucky."

"Hey, they don't seem to be fighting anymore."

Fu Baobao raised his head and saw that all the detective horses were protecting Chu Qing. He stood up, patted his butt and legs, pointed at Chu Qing, and sneered: "Boy, wait, we will report to the official when we return to the city."

The second brother also stood up and cursed: "Fuck you, you, you, and you. The second master has remembered you. In a moment, the second master will go to the Jingzhao Mansion Newspaper Office to catch you idiots.


Fu Baobao said softly: "Second brother, it's almost noon. After returning to the city, you should go and have a meal before reporting to the official. Otherwise, my aunt will scold me again."

"Okay." Fu Yongkang pointed at Chu Qing and shouted: "We brothers will report to the official after dinner. If you can, don't run away."

Chu Qing was completely stunned.

I've been out for so long, and I've beaten up a lot of people, for reasons and without reasons, for provoking oneself, for provoking others, for all kinds of reasons.

But like the two Fu brothers, I am afraid it will be difficult to meet another couple in this life.

If you stand on the other side's side, you will be beaten for no reason.

What would happen if a normal person was beaten? They would either beg for mercy or be violent.

Looking at these two brothers again, they didn't beg for mercy. It was over and done with. They were beaten as if they were commonplace. They stood up, patted their butts, and wanted to go back to eat first, and then report to the official after finishing the meal?

Looking at the two brothers, Chu Qing was no longer angry, but became deeply interested.

When you go out to pick up girls, you carry tens of thousands of dollars in your pocket. You obviously know kung fu, but you don't fight back. You must be from an extraordinary background. You get beaten up, but you say you want to report to the police?

You must know that any young master in Beijing will never report to the Jingzhao Mansion if he is beaten. He would rather receive a beating in vain than report to the official, because it is embarrassing.

These two brothers are not taking the usual path.

The two of them acted like normal people. After saying the "harsh words", the eldest knelt down and stretched out the trouser legs of the second son. He also breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed the stain hard. The second son also bent down to help the old man straighten it.

A slightly messy hairstyle.

The two of them cleaned each other up, turned around, and started to leave side by side.

Chu Qing was really interested.

This was the first time he had ever seen a big brother who could be kicked for at least thirty seconds without any fuss.

"Wait a minute."

The two brothers turned around.

Chu Qing squinted his eyes and said, "You want to report to the official, right?"

The boss, Fu Baobao, laughed: "You must be scared."

The second oldest brother, Fu Fu Yongkang, shouted: "Brother, he is scared, haha, he must be scared."

The boss stretched out his hand and said, "It's okay if you don't report to the official. Just pay for the soup and medicine. You are not my father, so you can't beat me in vain."

The second child pinched his waist and said: "If it's ten thousand guan, I won't report it to the official."

Chu Qing took a breath of cold air: "You two are made of gold, and the soup and medicine cost 10,000 yuan?"

The second child also imitated Chu Qing's look, squinting his eyes and looking at Chu Qing from top to bottom: "Then how much do you have?"

Chu Qing rolled his eyes: "It's always money, how about making friends."

"A lot of money?" The boss grinned: "There are so many of you, how much money do you have for your whole body?"

The second child turned his head and spat on the ground: "He, pei, brother, let's go, let's not argue with a bunch of poor people."

The boss's face was full of contempt: "I have money all the time, but I still have the nerve to go out."

"It's not like that, a group of people would dare to go out and beat people with only a small amount of money. People who don't know it would fucking think they have a hundred thousand yuan."

"Reporting to the official, right?" Chu Qing pulled down the Qianqiying badge from his waist with a half-smile, and waved it in his hand: "Look what this is."

The second child stretched his neck, stared at the waist badge, his expression changed slightly, and then raised his head to look at Chu Qing: "What do you mean?"

Chu Qing almost stopped scolding his mother: "You don't know how to read?"

"Second Master, I have memorized seven hundred ancient poems since I was a child. How dare you say that Second Master can't read?"

"Then you don't know the words on this badge?"

"Oops." The eldest brother spoke, and looked at the badge: "My second brother memorizes ancient poems from all over the world, but he is really illiterate, but I am different, uncle. I have been reading and literate since I was a child, and this badge is written


"It's...fuck...fuck you, you can just say it..." After Fu Baobao finished reading from top to bottom, he raised his head and looked at Chu Qing: "What do you mean?"

Chu Qing was stunned. He turned around and looked at it for three seconds, then cursed loudly.

"Qian, what the hell is Qian, not Qian, read in succession, it's Nima Qianqiying, what the hell is this, Caokoukou, do you call this literacy?"

"Qianqi Camp?" The boss looked at the second child: "Does this name sound so familiar?"

"My second brother also feels familiar. This name sounds annoying, Qianqiying, Qianqiying, I think I've heard of it somewhere."

Fu Baobao slapped his forehead: "Hey, are you one of those bastards in Beijing?"

"It must be them. What's the name of the camp? A group of Qiu Ba."

The eight Thousand Cavalry Battalion scouts were getting anxious. It was estimated that as soon as Chu Qing gave the order, these people would circle up and kick the two brothers again.

Fu Baobao's expression changed slightly and he looked at Chu Qing: "Are you from Qianqi Camp?"

"Brother, you finally came to your senses." Chu Qing had a look of helplessness on his face. He turned his badge over and pointed at the three words "Deputy Commander" on it: "Not only am I from Qianqi Camp, look at these three words again.

I’m going to read them together this time.”

Fu Baobao squinted his eyes and looked over, looked at it for two or three seconds, and then looked at Chu Qing: "There are too many six-character gestures. I don't recognize them. Please try something simpler."

"Three words, three words, three words, holy shit, deputy commander, deputy commander of Qianqiying." Chu Qing was about to have a cerebral hemorrhage, pointing to his nose: "I, I am the deputy commander of Qianqiying, now you know


Fu Baobao said expressionlessly: "Oh."

Chu Qing: "..."

Fu Yongkang looked at his eldest brother and asked softly: "Who is bigger, eldest brother, deputy commander, or Jingzhao Mansion?"

"Let's go to Jingzhao Mansion."

"Then shall we still report to the official?"

Fu Baobao looked thoughtful: "Dad said not to provoke civil servants. Qianqiying is not considered a civil servant, right?"

"Don't count, they're just a bunch of people who lean against the wall."

Fu Baobao hugged Chu Qing and said, "Forget it, we won't get to know each other without fighting. We meet each other in the mountains and rivers. Let's say goodbye."

"Stand right there!"

Fu Baobao asked angrily: "What's wrong?"


Chu Qing was stunned for a moment, hey, I just stopped these two things, what were you doing?

Fu Laoer laughed and took out a silver note from his arms, one hundred coins.

"I understand, I understand, let's spend the money together, right? Let's take it to a drink."

Chu Qing looked at the hundred strings in front of him and was speechless for a long time.

He was very curious, wondering how much money the Fu family had to make these two things so exciting?

This chapter has been completed!
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