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Chapter 438 Surprise Comes Soon

Zhang Songling was completely dumbfounded.

I thought about it all night, connected all night, didn't sleep all night, and planned the solution that I came up with all night long. In Qiu Wanshan's hands, I solved it easily.

It would be fine if it was just to resolve it, but Qiu Wanshan, in a few words, actually gave Chu Qing a trump card, a trump card that was similar to a gold medal to avoid death.

Chu Qing, who was kneeling behind, raised his head and looked at the thin figure with a dull expression.

He finally remembered that after checking the Li family, Qiu Wanshan had asked him if the Li family's letters had been kept.

The Li family is not stupid, there must be letters, but they are all daily greetings, including letters between Li Mu and others, all of which are insignificant.

Chu Qing also told Qiu Wanshan that those letters were useless and had been sealed. Lao Qiu said that Chu Qing must not tell anyone that those letters were useless and that no one should ask.

At that time, Chu Qing didn't know what Qiu Wanshan had in mind, but now he finally knows.

He knew that the Li family burned all the key letters, but others didn't know that. Maybe some people would suspect that the Li family was not that stupid and couldn't keep the letters, but who would dare to bet?

Just like the people in the court who are trying their best to excuse Chu Qing, they don't dare to gamble.

And Qiu Wanshan captured the hearts of these courtiers. He knew very well that the courtiers did not dare to gamble.

After watching the good show, Huang Laosi wanted to stand up and laugh at these courtiers.

What are you doing? What are you doing? Where did the attitude of fighting Chu Qing just now go? Now I know it was wrong. They are a bunch of cheap bones!

After whispering a few words to Sun An, the old eunuch said loudly: "The emperor has something to say. Since it is an insignificant letter, it naturally cannot prove anything."

The ministers breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up in cold sweat and returned to the class.

Zhang Songling, on the other hand, looked unwilling.

There were only two confrontations in the court. Both times, Chu Qing almost didn't speak, and there was only one Qiu Wanshan.

Looking sideways at the ministers of the Ministry of Rites and the figure with his head lowered, Zhang Songling suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness.

Chu Qing was kneeling behind him, within sight and touch.

But there seemed to be a big mountain separating him from Chu Qing. Any violent storm would be blocked by this big mountain, making it impossible to cross or cross. It seemed to stand between heaven and earth, forever protecting the young Qianqiying.

Deputy Commander.

Zhang Songling's feeling of powerlessness slowly turned into a feeling of fear.

Qiu Wanshan couldn't possibly know what he was planning.

This means that what he had planned for a long time was solved by Qiu Wanshan in the blink of an eye. Not only did he solve it, he also stabbed his own horse with his own gun.

Seemingly noticing Zhang Songling's gaze, Qiu Wanshan raised his head, looked at Zhang Songling, and smiled slightly.

The smile was so calm, and there was even a hint of care in the calmness.

But Zhang Songling clearly saw a trace of ridicule, a trace of disdain, and a trace of sarcasm in Qiu Wanshan's eyes, as if the right minister of household affairs, who had rarely spoken in recent years, had never taken him seriously, as if

, looking at myself like a three-year-old child playing a childish game.

It's as if, as long as you are weak enough, no matter what you do, you will always be so cute in the eyes of some people.

Qiu Wanshan's eyes seemed to be looking at a very cute and ridiculous person and thing.

A strong sense of humiliation filled Zhang Songling's heart.

With red eyes and anxious heart, Zhang Songling almost growled.

"Your Majesty, the prisoner Tao Weiran is just outside the palace. He has personally confessed his crime. He should be sent to the palace to confront the deputy commander Chu Qing!"

Tao Weiran was indeed outside the palace. Everyone saw it when he just went to court, so it was not surprising.

When Zhang Songling took out the last trump card, he did not look at Sun An or even the emperor, but at the right minister of Hube who looked as if he was about to fall asleep.

The right minister of household affairs still lowered his head and looked down, as if he hadn't heard anything, but the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. Although it was only for a moment, Zhang Songling still keenly captured this change in expression.


Qiu Wanshan just moved the corner of his mouth, but Zhang Songling was panicking, very panicked.

Huang Laosi was also curious about what was going on with Tao Weiran, so he asked Sun An to bring Tao Weiran in from outside the palace.

After Sun An walked out, Huang Laosi, whose face was hidden under the jade crown, was both angry and funny. At the risk of being exposed, he said to Chu Qing in a different voice: "Chu Aiqing, please be flat."

Chu Qing, who had knelt for a long time without farting, stood up and returned behind the pillar. He was secretly surprised that his grandson's voice sounded like that of a eunuch.

Sun An was quickly brought in by Tao Weiran. Chu Qing turned his head and looked over, startled.

Fatty Tao, why have you lost so much weight?

Her belly was gone, there were two dark circles under her eyes, and there were two heavy bags under her eyes, making her look like her body had been hollowed out.

Tao Weiran was wearing underwear with some stains on his body. He walked in and knelt down on his knees.

"The humble magistrate of Xiao County, Tao Weiran, has met Your Majesty."

Zhang Songling sneered and said: "A person who bullies and harms the people like this dares to speak to me and has no shame!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Songling glanced at Qiu Wanshan subconsciously.

I don't know why, but now Zhang Songling is afraid when he opens his mouth, afraid that Qiu Wanshan will say anything. Whenever Qiu Wanshan says a word, he feels that he is going to be unlucky.

Sun An said loudly: "Yesterday when Yu Chengfeng, the head of the Ministry of Personnel, and Jiang Bugao, the head of the Rites Department, went to Xiao County, the people complained and yelled, scolding you for bullying the people and harming them. Is this possible?"

Tao Weiran's face remained normal: "Yes."

Zhang Songling couldn't wait to say: "That would be a confession in person."

Tao Weiran smiled bitterly: "My lord, the public sentiment in Xiao County is different from other counties. You must not..."

"Shut up, I'm only asking you, but I'm bullying the people."

"If we talk about oppression, there is indeed some, but..."

Tao Weiran was interrupted for the second time, and Zhang Songling finally gave up and almost lost his mind.

"I would like to ask you whether you have any friendship with Deputy Commander Chu."

"Xiaguan and Commander Chu..."

"I'm asking you if you have it."

"Your Majesty..."

"What you did in Xiao County was ordered by Chu Qing!"

Tao Weiran raised his head and fell silent.

There was a hint of joy in Zhang Songling's eyes: "The people of Xiao County were tortured like this. You, a mere county magistrate, cannot be excused by being dismissed from your official position. If you explain who ordered it, your guilt will be reduced."

A few minutes, tell me, is it Chu Qing’s instruction?”

At this time, the officials were a little angry.

Don't you motherfucker drag Chu Qing, do you insist on bringing up the letter matter again? If you want to die, don't drag us into the water!

But anger is the result, the evidence of Tao Weiran's crime is all there, and no one can say anything.

Everyone looked at Tao Weiran, fearing that this guy would nod and admit his relationship with Chu Qing.

Tao Weiran was in this situation when he went to court for the first time, still looking like he was dying.

Zhang Songling scolded: "I asked you something, why didn't you answer it?"

"The official is just remembering."

Zhang Songling's eyes lit up: "Recall how Chu Qing gave you instructions?"

Tao Weiran looked at Zhang Songling with confusion on his face: "No, I am thinking, who is the Chu Qing that this gentleman is talking about?"

Zhang Songling almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

You really think you’re quite humorous, don’t you?

A young eunuch came in, looking panicked.

"Your Majesty, the Imperial Guards are here to report."

Sun An's expression changed slightly: "What's the matter?"

"Outside the palace, more than a thousand people gathered outside the palace, claiming to be people from Xiao County, and came to complain."

Huang Laosi suddenly stood up and looked at Tao Weiran coldly.

If eyes could be replaced by sharp arrows, Tao Weiran would have already been pierced by thousands of arrows.

Zhang Songling had a look of ecstasy on his face.

Surprise, did it come so quickly?

This chapter has been completed!
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