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Chapter 474: Benevolence and Inhumanity

The atmosphere was very awkward, and the soldiers and Cao Tan, the head of Honglu Temple, were confused in the wind.

Chu Qing kicked the soldier on the butt: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Just laugh."

Soldier: "Ha, ha, ha, ha."

Fu San's face was full of pride.

He didn't do it on purpose;

This is what people who have been in the military know the difference between right and wrong.

The Ying people burned, killed and looted in the East China Sea, and even Fu San, who was still at the border back then, had heard of it.

Those who are not envoys, in the eyes of Fu San, there are only four kinds of people, those who are from Chang, and those who are not from Chang. As long as they are not from Chang, it is best to kill them all and leave no one alive.

Cao Tan had also heard of Chu Qing's name. This guy had been in the industry for four months and was "talked about" by people in the capital for destroying one minister every month on average.

According to everyone, Chu Qing seems to be "addicted" to grooming the assistant minister, and it seems that he has a plan.

In the first month, the right minister of the Ministry of Works, Hiroshi Shang, who had no real power, was assassinated.

At the end of the second month, they began to attack the powerful Ministry of Rites, and Zhou Youwei, the left minister of the Ministry of Rites, collapsed.

At the beginning of the third month, this guy had already begun to challenge the officials, and brought down Li Wenli, the left minister of the officials.

In the fourth month, this boy obviously felt that the left minister was not challenging, so he did a big job, and Zhang Songling, the right minister of the Ministry of Rites, failed.

Now the boss of the Ministry of Rites is Shangshu Cao Wu, and there are no ministers below him. What a problem.

Looking at Chu Qing who was laughing loudly, Cao Tan started to feel cramps in his calves.

Could it be that this guy is no longer satisfied with running the Six Ministries and is ready to change his taste and toss the Nine Temples?

Fortunately, Chu Qing was in a particularly good mood today, so he didn't embarrass him and left with Fu San.

Originally, Chu Qing just couldn't stand it, so he rode into the city and was whipped a few times.

But after all, they were foreign guests, and the dignity of the country was involved. Chu Qing did not want to cause trouble. In addition, no people were injured, so it was all right.

But before leaving, Chu Qing took a deep look at the bullfrog on the horse and remembered the Ying man's face in his mind, thinking that he would take care of these bastards if he had the opportunity in the future.

"Didn't you say that the Ying thieves are always burning, killing and looting in the East China Sea?" Chu Qing asked Fu San as he walked: "Why are you still licking your face and running to Changjing to be an envoy?"

Fu San was also considered to be a know-it-all in the capital. After a little explanation, Chu Qing understood.

It is true that the Japanese thieves always crossed the sea to burn, kill and plunder the coastal towns on the three roads of the East China Sea. It is also true that the envoys sent by the Japanese island became foreign guests.

Because Yingdao officials did not admit it at all, saying that those Yingdao thieves had nothing to do with them, and even licked their faces and said that if Chang Chao had the ability to catch those Yingdao thieves, they would just kill them, since it had nothing to do with their officialdom anyway.

But in fact, everyone feels like a mirror.

Those Japanese thieves who burned, killed and looted were indeed dressed like rogue bandits, in tatters and not like regular soldiers.

The problem is that there is a sea between the Japanese Islands and the East China Sea. If they are really rogue pirates, where will they get the ships, and they are all large ships?

Another reason is that Chang Dynasty's Donghai Marine Corps was not strong enough. It was not that they had no combat effectiveness, but that the three coastlines of the East China Sea were too long. This group of bastards took advantage of the darkness to land ashore and then broke into pieces. They did not pick important towns and went specifically to the county and the

The villages and towns started to attack, and many of the garrison guards were auxiliary soldiers and militiamen who had never been on the battlefield, so there was almost no resistance.

The Donghai Navy was also helpless. Let's go to sea. The Japanese pirates' ship was sunk. The Japanese pirates who had landed on the beach completely became rogues. If they burrowed into the deep mountains and old forests, there would be no place to catch them. Let's go on land. It's too late.

, the ice cream was melted when we went there.

While sending people to burn, kill and plunder, at the same time sending envoys to praise the Chang Dynasty, the court was clearly disgusted, but could only endure it.

After Chu Qing heard this, he couldn't say he was angry or angry. He just felt that this matter must be resolved, and Chang Chao had only one result if he wanted to resolve this matter, which was to destroy the Ying people in the East China Sea. He would not accept surrender or accept surrender.

To be a minister, don't let even a single chicken go. Kill them all to avoid future troubles.

Of course, Chu Qing just thought so in his heart, and he couldn't say this nonsense. You must know that the whole dynasty was full of Confucian experts, and what they believed in was benevolence and moderation.

This group of people who are full of benevolence, justice and morality, if they encounter foreign enemies who kill their own compatriots, even if they slaughter tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, as long as they say I'm sorry, I was wrong, they will immediately smile and admit their mistakes, which will greatly improve the situation.


But if their compatriots massacred tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of foreign thieves in revenge, they would immediately turn red with excitement and curse three times as beasts, wishing they could chop off the heads of their compatriots to make amends to the foreign enemy.

"How can you repay kindness with kindness?" Chu Qing said angrily: "Why is it that the only sentence left in the mouths of the courtiers is "repay kindness with kindness," and the last four words are eaten by them?"

Fu San didn't know why Chu Qing suddenly mentioned this matter, and scratched his head: "I don't know what you mean."

"Didn't you learn the language from Bao Guanjia before? Confucianism always emphasizes the word benevolence?"

"Of course not." Fu San said happily: "If you want to ask about the language, I know it very well, but I have forgotten the original words. It was Zigong who asked Confucius, what should I do if I kill my mother, and what is the purpose of being the enemy of my parents?

I can’t remember clearly what happened, including sleeping in a thatch and having a dry pillow, not being an official, etc.”

Chu Qing became interested: "You don't have to recite the exact words, just say how you understand them."

"The boy Zigong asked Confucius what he should do if someone was killed by his mother. Confucius said, don't think about being an official and enjoying the blessings. When you sleep, you put your shield on your head and think about it.

How to kill your enemy? If you meet your enemy in the market, you don't even have to go back to get the weapon. You just go up and fight for your life with your shield."

Chu Qing was dubious: "Is that what you mean?"

"Yes, it's true. I also asked the housekeeper, and he said the same thing."

Chu Qing felt that he should study Confucianism carefully, just like he studied Changlu before, and he would definitely be able to use it.

In fact, Chu Qing has always wondered about Confucian classics.

It is true that Confucius was the first to put the study of economics at its core with the word "benevolence". However, Confucius was particularly strong-willed. He also said that the enmity between one's father and his father should not be shared, the enmity between brothers should not be turned against the enemy, and the enmity between friendships is not the same as between countries.


The general meaning is that if you kill my father, I will chase you to the end of the world and kill you. If you kill my brother, I will carry weapons every day to prepare for revenge. If my brother is killed by you, either I will kill him.

I'll kill you, or I'll leave this country and stop living in the same country as you.

Including Mencius, he also said that no matter how many thousands of people go to the way of Taoism, he will be so bloody and fearless.

As a result, in the later stage, the more it was changed, the more nonsense it became. Many of the words were taken out of context. In order to make the people obedient, not fight privately, be bloodless, and facilitate management, it was just one word: benevolence, benevolence, be tolerant, and not be disrespectful.

In the later period, the word "benevolence" became larger and more exaggerated. The common people were benevolent, and the court was benevolent to other countries. It's okay for you to massacre my people, but you have to apologize. When will you retaliate?

To repay evil with kindness and still be inspired, what kind of "benevolence" is this?

"Bah." Chu Qing spat: "If I take over the military power in the future, young master, I will be the first to destroy Yingdao."

Fu San scratched his head again.

I feel that with my young master’s promotion speed and hard work, he might one day be able to take charge of the military.

This chapter has been completed!
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