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Chapter 478 Pen

Tao Ruolin paid more attention to her health. Although she got up late, she would definitely have breakfast and took Bihua to the dining room to find something to eat.

Chu Qing walked out of the bedroom and waved to Fu San.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Chu Qing looked sneaky and whispered to Fu San: "Your IQ has been amazing recently, so Master, I have something to ask Third Brother."

"Master, please tell me."

"Tao Ruolin seems to be very familiar with the emperor."

Fu San raised his eyebrows: "So what?"

"I was just thinking, with Tao Ruolin's appearance, it is not an exaggeration to say that she is the most beautiful person in the country. Most men will not be confused when they meet her. Moreover, the emperor is a special profession, and its employees are destined to be old perverts. So the problem

Come on, since the two of us know each other, why doesn’t the emperor like Tao Ruo?”

Fu San looked strange: "Master, do you suspect that Miss Tao has a hidden illness?"

"That's not true. I don't understand women, and I don't understand men. If you think so, if you were the emperor, would you be tempted by a particularly beautiful and intelligent girl?"

Fu San was very happy: "Is the younger one the emperor?"


"Then I will grant you the title of Supreme Emperor."

"Isn't that a bad thing?" Chu Qing clasped his fists: "But thank you third brother. Let's get down to business. If you were the emperor, and you met a woman, she was very beautiful, she was so beautiful, and she was very smart.

, can you understand this assumption?"

"The young one is the emperor, and he sees a woman who is extremely intelligent and can conquer the country?"

"Yes, will you be tempted?"

Fu San asked back: "Smarter than the younger ones?"

"Yes, he's very smart and rare in the world. Will he be tempted?"

Fu San shook his head: "No."

Chu Qing was confused: "Why?"

"She is so beautiful that I am fascinated by her. That's all. This girl is smarter than me. Sooner or later, my country will be taken away by her. Don't you think so? She is not as smart as others.

, why are you still tempted? Isn’t this asking for trouble?”

Chu Qing was shocked and slowly gave a thumbs up: "Third brother, except for my uncle and Qiang, I have never convinced anyone else. You are the first person I admire. This logic is perfect."

Fu San said happily: "Young one is the emperor, the king of a country, not a cat or a dog. If you are an ordinary little person like a cat or a dog, you will be tempted. Anyway, this woman can't deceive the young one. She has made money no matter what.

But the emperor is different. The younger one has to consider the world, don’t you think so?"

"Yes, third brother's analysis is so right."

"I learned it from you, Master." Fu San scratched his head, smiled innocently, and went to play with the stone lock again.

Chu Qing also smiled, but when he smiled, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

What do you mean, cats and dogs can make you money no matter what, so why does this statement become more and more wrong the more you think about it?

But no matter what, the problem that had been bothering Chu Qing was finally solved by Fu Sandian.

Chu Qing finally found the crux of the problem.

It seems that I still haven't gotten rid of my low-level taste. I always look at problems from the perspective of diaosi and pornographic people.

Just thinking about the beauty and smartness of the parents, if I were the emperor, I would definitely be tempted. I didn’t think about whether the emperor could control the temptation. The emperor would consider whether marrying such a woman would harm his own interests, and even the relationship between men and women.

Emotional matters have to be related to the family, country and world. If there are risks, then just reject them. It is safe and don't take any risks.

This kind of person is undoubtedly more rational than emotional. This kind of emperor, even if he is not a wise king, is at least not a coward.

Thinking of this, Chu Qing was happy again.

This is what a man is, a pure man. I wish the whole world could be filled with such true men, a pure man.

In this case, there are many losers who dare to fight and have sex without fear of death, but they can pick up big deals.

Chu Qing pinched his waist and showed a proud smile, subconsciously ignoring that he was the loser who got a big deal.

Tao Ruolin came back with porridge and big cakes in her mouth. She sat on the stone table and looked at Lu Zhu and Nangong Ping with a familiar look: "Have you eaten? If not, ask Bihua to give it to you."

Get food."

Nangong Ping saluted: "Student has met Miss Tao."

After coming in for a long time, I spoke to the owner for the first time.

Luzhu also said a blessing, which is a blessing gift.

There are many and complicated etiquette in ancient times. In the Chang Dynasty, men and women were different. With different status, there were many different etiquettes. The Wanfu ceremony commonly used by women is applicable, which is to stand upright and clasp your hands with your right hand.

Place it on the left side of your waist, lean forward slightly about twenty degrees, and bend your knees slightly.

"Don't stand still." Chu Qing sat down and said to the two of them, "Sit down and talk about business."

Tao Ruolin raised her neck and drank all the porridge in the bowl, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and then wiped the back of her hand with the hem of Bihua's skirt.

After Nangong Ping and Lu Zhu sat down, Chu Qing looked excited: "I want to hold an auction."


"Yes." Chu Qing gave a rough explanation: "Yesterday I got some goods from the Zhang family, worth tens of thousands of dollars. I invited some merchants and courtiers to gather together and bid. Whoever has the higher price will sell it to whom."

Tao Ruolin was the first to understand and nodded.

Chu Qing looked at Nangong Ping: "You will be responsible for this matter. The location is in a greenhouse in the southern suburbs. It is filled with tables and chairs, with some dried fruits and tea on them. It only needs to be as high as the first few rows, and there are some stools in the back rows.

That’s it, you don’t even need to have a stool at the back. Those with money and status sit in the front, and the less money and status you have, the farther back you sit. There are three, six, and nine grades.”

"Students understand, when will the date be set?"

"Don't rush, we must build momentum first."

Tao Ruolin's eyes lit up: "It's not just the property confiscated by the Zhang family, but also glass, right?"

"Yes, I give you a thumbs up, mainly for auctioning these glasses."

"But Uncle Wu and the others just went to buy raw materials today. The glass has not been made yet. I don't know whether it can be made or what it will look like."

"I believe you can definitely figure it out, and even if you can't figure it out, we still have something else to fool them."

Chu Qing chuckled: "For the equity and sales rights, we will first build a few small workshops in the southern suburbs. We don't need to produce in large quantities, just make samples."

"Is it glass too?"

"No, it's a pencil, including joining."

"What does joining mean?"

"Listen to my husband and tell you carefully."

Tao Ruolin covered her mouth and smiled sweetly, giving Chu Qing a big wink.

Fu San looked at Chu Qing and then at Tao Ruolin, wondering if the young master had been hooking up with Tao Ruolin behind his back for a long time. This progress must have been too fast.

Chu Qing cleared his throat and roughly explained the meaning of pencil and its production process.

Regarding the pencil, he only thought of it this morning.

Early in the morning, I saw Fu San holding a piece of black charcoal in his hand, so I asked him casually.

Fu San said he was a painter of squares, and he was thinking of tricking a few horses and killing cows at night so that he could earn some pocket money. It was precisely because of this that he inspired Chu Qing.

In fact, making a pencil is very simple. It only requires three steps: the refill, the wood used to wrap the refill, and the manufacturing process.

The raw material of the pen refill is graphite, a very soft ore, which is mixed with clay in a certain proportion.

It is more common to use wood. The round wood is cut into wooden pieces, heated and dried, and then subjected to high-temperature deformation treatment until it can be softened and easily rolled.

As for the processing, it's the simplest. You can do it with your feet. Just plan out two pieces of wood and make a slot for the pen refill in the middle, then glue them together and you're done.

Not to mention pencils, Chu Qing has figured out how to sharpen pencils, just install a blade at an angle and that's it.

If it were done by hand in future generations, it would definitely be a losing business.

But in the Chang Dynasty, if a pen sold for ten guan, people would rush to get it.

After finishing speaking, Chu Qing emphasized the most important thing.

"Keep it secret, keep it secret, keep it secret. Before our Dachang Dynasty had no intellectual property rights, two words, keep it secret!"

This chapter has been completed!
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