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Chapter 510 Persuasion

Ma Rui liked to see the confused and unexperienced expressions on the ministers' faces.

Once upon a time, when he first met Chu Qing, he was confused for several days.

Ma Rui explained it in a few words. The general idea was that Chu Qing wanted to build a road, build the road on the south gate, directly connect to the official road, and then widen the official road.

The ministers were even more confused.

You have made money, built roads, or built officialdom. Your illness is not serious. How free do you have it?

Only Huang Laosi, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was shocked.

Back on the flower boat, Chu Qing mentioned this. If you want to be rich, you must first build roads!

Cao Wu didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Four million strings are used to build roads. Why should we build this road? I'm not saying that he is meddling in other people's business. I just don't understand the deeper meaning. Master Ma, why do you want to build roads?"

Ma Rui was a third-level official, theoretically on the same level as Shangshu. Calling him Lord Ma would give Cao Wu a lot of face.

Cao Wu is also an old fox. He knows that Ma Rui, Wei Changfeng, Qiu Wanshan, the prince's young master, and the young minister of Dali Temple are all in Chu Qing's circle. He knows that he will definitely have to fight with Chu Qing again, so he is unwilling to

Offend many people.

He was willing to give face, but Ma Rui wouldn't.

Nowadays, Ma Rui is a piece of meat. Yesterday, his wife wrote a letter and asked him if he was dead. He said he was somewhere between dead and immortal. Wife, please don't come back yet. I'll take a closer look.

So before his wife returns to Beijing, Ma Rui is not afraid of anyone and can fight with whomever he wants.

"Hey, Mr. Cao, this money is the money of the deputy commander of Qianqiying. He can spend it however he wants. I'm not his son. How can I ask so many questions? I even burned all the banknotes.

, that does not violate the laws of Chang. No matter how jealous I am, no matter how unhappy I am, I can only stare at you, Mr. Cao said, this is the truth."

Cao Wu burst out laughing and thought Ma Rui was quite humorous.

But just after he laughed for a second or two, Lao Cao was stunned and finally realized that this was not humor, it was clearly a way of burying himself.

Why are you jealous, why is he not someone else's son, why are you just staring in displeasure, aren't you talking about yourself?

Who is jealous, who wants to be someone's son, who is unhappy, you are talking about sei.

Cao Wu was angry, but he opened his mouth and didn't know how to spit.

Not to mention that Ma Rui is not a jobber. He has been ill for a long time and has become a doctor. He used to take the blame every day and was criticized every day. If he doesn't retaliate, it doesn't mean that he won't criticize others or hurt others.

Hearing the word "road construction", Huang Laosi became energetic.

"How to build this road? It's four million long..." Huang Laosi rarely made a joke in front of the ministers: "Is it difficult for Chu Qing to connect the official road from north to south?"

Huang Laosi thought he was quite humorous, but in Ma Rui's eyes, he was just a country turtle, a big country turtle, a big country turtle with four claws.

When he and Chu Qing chatted about this matter, the latter calculated that three million strings could barely cover the distance from the south gate to the official road. Ten million would be enough to complete the official road four doors away.

"Extended in all directions" in the true sense.

It also connected the north and the south. The emperor's opening made him look like a country bumpkin in Ma Rui's eyes.

Of course, Ma Rui subconsciously ignored one thing. When Chu Qing first mentioned this, Ma Rui was not as good as the emperor. He said that there were two million strings, reaching the border in the north and Weijiang in the south. There was still an extra section.

If he goes to the East China Sea, he might still have some money left to lay tiles for the capital. He might as well be Huang Laosi.

"Only build the road from the south gate to the official road, because Zhuangzi in the southern suburbs will inevitably gather more refugees in the future. If these refugees go to the city to work and take the south gate, there will be huge congestion. In addition, the road will be muddy and inconvenient to walk on, which will cause inconvenience to the people.

In addition, most caravans from Beijing and China also travel through the South Gate."

Before Huang Laosi could ask any more questions, Cao Wu began to feel uncomfortable again, and said jokingly: "It's a good deed to build bridges and roads, but it cost four million to build the road to the south gate. I'm afraid

Even one or two percent of it is useless."

Not surprisingly, Lao Cao was criticized again, and the method did not change.

"Lord Cao, what you said is wrong. I, the Jingzhao Mansion, supervise the four gates. Not to mention four million guan, it is 400,000 guan, 40,000 guan, even 400 guan, it is other people's money. I, the Jingzhao Mansion,

I, Ma Rui, am too late to be grateful, so how can I ask how this money will be spent? If I asked, wouldn’t it be shameless? Those who don’t know, still think that this money belongs to me, Ma Rui."

Cao Wu's face turned dark again, and his mouth was still open, unable to speak even a single word.

I have to say that in fact, the price of the Minister of Rites has really dropped a bit, and his business capabilities are also declining.

You must know that when he was not a minister, Cao Wu was also a good player in the field of trolling. Although he was not at the top level like Qiu Wanshan, at least he had few opponents. But when he reached a certain official position, it was like being a minister. With a wave of his hand,

Ma Zai is on the job, with almost no chance to get out personally. Over time, the professional skills on which he relies on his career become more and more unfamiliar.

Cao Wu was ashamed and angry, but Ma Rui was beating around the bush and scolding him for being shameless.

"Lord Ma." Cao Wu's face darkened: "If you take it from the people, you must use it for the people. Four million dollars. If it can be used to solve the country's urgent needs, I don't know how many people will benefit.

But if this money is allowed to be spent by Qianqiying at will to fulfill selfish desires, which is against the way of a saint and a gentleman, I, the Minister of Rites, cannot ignore it."

Even Huang Laosi, who was searching every day on the throne, couldn't stand it.

This is one of the reasons why he doesn't like civil servants.

Be strict with others, be lenient with yourself, use "standards" to demand others, but cannot do it yourself, always stand on the moral high ground and condemn others, and those who stand on the moral high ground are often people with no morals.

Because a moral person never flaunts himself.

The fourth child looked at Cao Wu more and more displeased, and coughed slightly.

After receiving the signal, the emperor's hidden number one horseman above the court went out to work.

Zhai Xiu, who looked majestic on his face, came out of the class and said loudly: "Love without leaving anything behind is the king's heart. You must first obey the teachings and follow the local customs of all people. If you take advantage of it in the morning and evening, you will be able to do the job."

Now in the prime of his life, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment spoke dozens of words as soon as he opened his mouth, and then pointed out the theme: "Although Qianqiying is the emperor's personal army, yesterday's auction house was about businessmen, Qianqiying is already

Nearly one million in taxes and silver were paid. Scholars, farmers, workers, merchants, and merchants are also people. Since they are engaged in business, they should regard the law as the first priority. The emperor is generous and treats the four people equally. If these four people are forced to accept

One million guan, teach the people of the world how to think. Mr. Cao, if you think that the deputy commander Chu Qing is a gentleman, you can convince Chu Qing with words of etiquette. If you are convinced by your minister of rites, he will hand over the four million guan.

Give in to each other, this is the intention of your Ministry of Rites, never use the name of the imperial court or the name of the emperor."

What Cao Wu said was very disrespectful.

They haven't broken the law. You don't care how they spend their money. If you are jealous, you go and ask for it. You go and use the standards of a gentleman to ask others to go. It's your ability to come. If you don't come, don't set the pace here.

, both the court and the emperor, you can only represent yourself.

Cao Wu blew his beard and glared angrily, and Ma Rui jumped out. He expected it, but he didn't expect that even Zhai Xiu would come out to confront him.

Just when he was about to start talking about gentlemanly etiquette, Huang Laosi came to a conclusion.

"What Zhai Aiqing said is absolutely true. This money has nothing to do with the court or me. How can we rob it cleverly? Cao Shangshu, you are in charge of the Ministry of Rites, and you are a moral gentleman. I know your intentions, and I allow you to persuade Chu Qing."

After finishing his words, Huang Laosi stood up, indicating that the court should be dismissed and everyone should go back to their homes to find their mothers.

Cao Wu looked shocked.

The emperor called Zhai Xiu Zhai Aiqing, but he addressed him directly by his official position. This title alone already represented a lot.

The emperor stood up and turned around, then looked back at Cao Wu and added.

"After leaving the palace, Cao Shangshu will go to Qianqi Camp to persuade Chu Qing. I will be in the palace waiting for good news from you."

Cao Wu was confused.

I went to Qianqi Camp to convince Chu Qing...Huang Laosi, if you want me to die, just say so, okay?

This chapter has been completed!
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