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Chapter 519 The Aristocratic Family Will Never Disappear

Again, Honglu Temple is not a government agency with real power. Qianqiying's manpower is limited, so it pays very little attention to Honglu Temple, unlike officials from the other six ministries who know it as well as they do.

That's why Chu Qing came over to "incognito" him.

As he said, you don't need to go in, you can get a general idea by squatting at the door and looking around for a while.

After watching for a moment, Chu Qing roughly wanted to understand why Cao Wu said the name Yu Tianlun.

In addition to the two reasons guessed by Jiang Yuesheng, there is another reason.

The officials who come in and out of Honglu Temple are all very young, so young that their age is incompatible with the official robes they wear.

They were like two young men who had just joined the government office. They were about twenty-five or six years old, but they were wearing light purple fifth-grade official robes.

You must know that in the Ministry of Revenue or other government agencies, it is extremely rare to reach the fifth rank at the age of thirty or so. There are many people who reach the fifth rank only in their forties and early fifties.

If there are just a few officials, it is an isolated phenomenon, but the officials in Honglu Temple are all young and of high rank, so it is extremely common.

Chu Qing figured out the crux of the problem immediately, the son of the family!

The position of officials in Beijing is a carrot and a pit. The Sixth Department is the most important department. There are so many vacancies for the aristocratic families to place their juniors. Therefore, Honglu Temple, which has almost no rights compared to the Sixth Department, has become the responsibility of these aristocratic families.

First choice.

These children from aristocratic families don't even need to have any abilities. As long as they don't make mistakes, are promoted quickly internally, and the elders in the family find connections to exchange benefits, these children from aristocratic families can rise to the top.

"No wonder the Sixth Department rarely transfers people from the Nine Temples when there are vacancies."

Chu Qing burped: "It's just a place to raise idle people. It has no grades and most of them are waste."

Fu San nodded, not sure whether he understood or not.

Chu Qing looked at it for a moment and made sure.

Cao Wu gave himself the name Yu Tianlun, not because he would lead the aristocratic families in the capital to criticize him, but because the minister of Honglu Temple was like a link through which the aristocratic families carried out some tacit "plans"


A group of courtiers went to the palace to report the incident, but Qianqiying did not receive any news. The reason was found.

The aristocratic family and the courtiers would not sit in sedan chairs and go to anyone's mansion to talk. They only need to ask their descendants to ask Yu Tianlun to see what other people mean. Yu Tianlun and Honglu Temple are like a "

"Secret Forum", through which aristocratic families "communicate", account registration is not open to the public, only members of the aristocratic family can log in to the forum, and Yu Tianlun is the moderator.

After everything was figured out, Chu Qing stood up, rubbed his numb thighs, and leaned against the locust tree.

Most of these young officials who were coming in and out walked in vain, looking like their bodies were hollowed out by drinking and sex. It was almost noon when they emerged from the gorgeous official sedan. They were all yawning, and their accessories were also valuable.

, the official robes are so bright and beautiful that they want to tell the world that they come from aristocratic families. On the contrary, the senior officials with qualifications and experience only need to put a few patches on their official robes.

"Aristocratic family, aristocratic family..." Chu Qing whispered twice, feeling quite emotional.

The aristocratic family, or family, is an inevitable result of the progress of history and social development.

In fact, the aristocratic families have never disappeared, even in later generations, but the names of these aristocratic families have changed. They are not the head of the family, a direct lineage or a branch, but the old uncle, your second aunt, my fourth uncle, etc.

In the Chang Dynasty, a son of an aristocratic family wanted to go to the Imperial Academy for gold plating, so he asked his father. He told him to go to the head of the family and ask. He asked the head of the family, and the head of the family said which branch of the family was a siye. You can find this siye to enroll you.

In later generations, if a child wants to go to a certain university, he asks his father, and his father says to talk to your second uncle. He understands. When he meets the second uncle, the second uncle says that your uncle is in the admissions office, and then he goes to his uncle.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally said OK. There happens to be a quota for a child from a remote mountain village. I will write your name to squeeze him out. What are you talking about? The score is not enough. It’s okay. I’ll find your sister-in-law. Your sister-in-law is from the hospital. Let me know.

He will give you a hospital certificate saying that you are physically disabled and mentally strong, and you suffer from any disease, which can give you extra points. After you enroll in school, if you go to the cafeteria and steal a pair of headphones, you will definitely be guaranteed graduate school. After you finish graduate school, your uncle will give you some extra points.

arrange work.

Whether it is an aristocratic family or a family, the two situations are very similar, that is, a group of "relatives" connected by blood share resources, create resources, expand resources, and make profits for their own family, because when their family benefits, they themselves benefit.

This situation is an inevitable process and will appear sooner or later. Once it appears, it will never disappear. A brief disappearance will just exist in another way.

Chu Qing doesn't feel that he has the ability to make this common situation disappear, but it is not a big problem to get these so-called aristocratic families to restrain themselves.

After figuring out the situation at Honglu Temple, Chu Qing was ready to go back.

But Fu San asked curiously: "Master, why do you think these aristocratic families are always greedy and never satisfied? Whatever they see, they will try their best to catch it. Why is this?"

Chu Qing scratched his forehead: "The aristocratic families in the Chang Dynasty are actually very similar to the capitalists. When the capitalists come to the world, from head to toe, every pore is dripping with blood and dirty things. The aristocratic families call this situation '

"Family education", capitalists have the most money, and aristocratic families have the greatest interests, and money is also part of the interests, so capitalists and aristocratic families are very similar."

Fu San didn't understand, but he still said oh.

"The three views are different, and the starting points for looking at things are also different." Chu Qing turned around and pointed at the old locust tree with a smile: "Let me explain it this way, just this tree, different people will have different views after seeing it.

For example, after merchants see this tree, they will think of cutting it down and trimming it into lumber, and then sell it. Capitalists will think of bragging about this tree as a sacred tree that is rare in thousands of years, and then cut it down.

Cut it into small pieces, sell it slowly, or give it away, in short, to get the maximum benefit."

Fu San suddenly realized: "Master, although you didn't explain clearly, I understand."

"Just understand." Chu Qing asked with a smile: "Then what are you thinking about when you are standing under this tree?"

"The little one is thinking about..." Fu San frowned, and after pondering for a moment, he replied: "The little one is thinking about jumping up hard and trying to touch the topmost swaying tree branch."

"I thought so too. When the autumn wind blows and the tree branches sway, I just want to jump up and touch them."

Stretching a lot, Chu Qing said with a smile: "Go back and discuss with Chen Yan and Jiang Yuesheng. Next, we should clean up Honglu Temple."

Just as Fu San responded, the doorman came out.

I guess they saw that these two people didn't look like serious people after squatting for a long time, so they walked over directly.

The yamen servant was a dark-faced man, carrying a fire stick, frowning and said, "Why did you two stay so long outside the yamen office of Honglu Temple?"

Fu San picked up the buns on the ground and uttered one word: "Get out."

The officer looked angry: "How dare you insult me?"

"I dare to stand here and linger, and when I see you, I tell you to get out." Fu San said with an idiotic expression on his face: "It's obvious that you are the one who can't afford to offend. You don't have any fucking brains?"

The officer was stunned for a moment, then clasped his fists: "That makes sense, I'll say goodbye."

Chu Qing laughed and found that Fu San's logical thinking was getting clearer and clearer.

Just as the two were about to leave, there was a burst of yelling and cursing from the Honglu Temple. A very strong young man walked out quickly, turning his head three times, followed by a group of Honglu Temple chiefs who were yelling and yelling.

The young man's face was filled with anger, and he clenched his fists tightly, but did not dare to make a move. He was pushed and pushed out by the officials of Honglu Temple.

"Okay, I will return to the East China Sea tomorrow, and I will wait for you. After the new year, I will bring the people of the Hunu tribe to the capital to find the emperor to sue you bunch of dog officials. If I don't mess with you guys, my name is Cao Hu.

Son, write it backwards!"

This chapter has been completed!
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