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Chapter 545

Chu Wensheng, who came to see his son, left. Some time ago, the emperor asked him to investigate the embezzlement of food and pay in the army, but there has been no progress. He walked around the camps every day and could not find a hair.

I originally wanted Chu Qing to give me some advice, but when I heard that Fu San had been fucked and mentioned the Emperor and Concubine Hua, I was no longer in the mood to ask about it and left with a sad face.

After Chu Wensheng left, Chu Qing was not idle. He continued to explain, and the detectives began to investigate three targets. In addition to the Honglu Temple and the Yingren Mission mentioned before, there was also Taichang Temple, which was almost blank.

Wu Shixun, the minister of Taichang Temple, focused on climbing the walls of his house.

But what Chu Qing didn't know was that he wanted to be patient and wait until the martial arts day was over before dealing with Honglu Temple and Yu Tianlun, but Yu Tianlun took the initiative to seek death in the court.

At this time, in the political hall, Yu Tianlun was asked by Chu Qing, and there were many courtiers who seconded the proposal.

On the dragon chair, the jade crown blocked the anger on Huang Laosi's face.

Last night, he was afraid that Chu Qing would cause trouble for Yu Tianlun, but Yu Tianlun actually dared to take the lead in criticizing Chu Qing in the court!

Sun An kept secretly looking at Huang Laosi's face, fearing that Huang Laosi, who had become increasingly unable to suppress his anger recently, would lift up the imperial case and throw it out to be beaten to death by Yu Tianlun.

Yu Tianlun, who had no idea that the emperor had murderous intentions, was still talking.

"Japan regards our Dachang Dynasty as the suzerain state, pays tribute every year, and bows its head as its vassal. The seventh prince of Japan, Uchishin Qilang, admires Han culture even more. He is a humble gentleman who is well-informed and knowledgeable. However, he went to the south of the city to play, but was captured by the deputy commander of Qianqiying.

Qing Zongnu broke his leg. In the past few days, the Japanese envoys in the hall have complained about injustice every day. Even the envoys from other countries are quite dissatisfied. If this matter is not resolved through discussion, I'm afraid... I'm afraid

This is detrimental to the dignity of the country and the majesty of the Heavenly Family."

The veins on Huang Laosi's forehead popped out.

Recently, for some reason, the fourth child has become increasingly intolerant of courtiers and those aristocratic families.

Ever since Chu Qing entered the palace and drank with the Supreme Emperor twice, the fourth child would go to accompany the Supreme Emperor in the evenings even if he had nothing to do, and listen to what the Supreme Emperor said about the affairs of the border army back then. Both of them had been in the border army.

, you had a cup and I had a cup, drinking and chatting, laughing weirdly until late at night.

Recently, the fourth child has been thinking about the bloody battles at the border.

But look at these courtiers, these aristocratic families, in the pass and in the capital, giving advice every day, confusing right and wrong every day, enjoying themselves, cheating people and squeezing the people every day, they are so disgusting.

The soldiers at the border put their heads in their belts and fought bravely to kill the enemy, but these losers and losers only knew how to scheming all day long and were of no use to the court.

Yu Tianlun impeached Chu Qing and the Qianqi Battalion, and those Qianqi Battalion scouts were his personal guards and scouts when he was in the frontier army.

Yu Tianlun and other courtiers were acting arrogantly and arrogantly, but the ones who were really arrogant and erratic were the courtiers in front of them.

I made an appointment with Chu Qing, ambushed others, wanted to cripple them, and now I dare to come out and criticize them.

Even Huang Laosi did not expect that the courtiers could be so thick-skinned.

Huang Laosi breathed slowly, trying to calm down the anger in his heart.

After the martial arts day, he will definitely use thunderous means, not to say that he will get rid of all the noble families in the world, at least, he will make these noble families in the capital work hard and keep their tail between their legs.

To be honest, Huang Laosi has always maintained a generous and benevolent image, treating civil servants well and aristocratic families kindly, but as time goes by, he increasingly realizes how disgusting the faces of these civil servants and aristocratic families are.

Huang Laosi glanced at the more than a hundred officials who had gone to court and found that if he really wanted to make the country look new, he would have to replace at least 50% of them... no, more than 70% of them.

Yu Tianlun was still criticizing in the palace, but Huang Laosi's thoughts were already far away.

Chu Qing's figure appeared in Lao Si's mind.

An academy for children of poor families, an academy for children of poor families, yes, it is called a poor family academy. It will cultivate truly loyal and patriotic courtiers who come from poor families. It will be a great event. I will definitely create great prosperity with these courtiers from poor families.

prosperous times.

"Yu Zhengqing." Huang Laosi finally spoke and said calmly: "Commander."

Yu Tianlun and other officials looked confused.

Huang Laosi corrected: "Chu Qing, the emperor's personal army, is the commander-in-chief of the Qianqi Camp. I made a decree some time ago, and Chu Qing is now the commander-in-chief of the Qianqi Camp."

Only a few, very few, knew about Chu Qing's promotion. When Huang Laosi said this, the officials had different expressions.

Although Yu Tianlun was shocked, he was also confused.

I am still impeaching Chu Qing here, and the emperor suddenly corrected Chu Qing's official position. What does this mean? Does it mean that Chu Qing has gained the emperor's absolute trust, or does the emperor mean that he clearly trusts Chu Qing so much that Chu Qing

Qing, but still dare to get so close to the Supreme Emperor?

I have to say that Yu Tianlun really has no brains.

If he hadn't come from the Donghai family, if he hadn't always warmed Chang Chenghui's bed when he had nothing to do, if there hadn't been many people who had to give face to the Yu family, if there was any old fox in the court who wanted to mess with Yu Tianlun, this guy would have died a hundred times over.

He didn't even think about it. In the palace, the emperor's palace, when Chu Qing entered the palace and went to Zhaoyang Palace to find the Supreme Emperor, could the emperor not know?

Among the ministers, Wu Shixun, the minister of Taichang Temple, who was standing in the middle of the class, looked at Yu Tianlun with a faint smile on his face, as if he were looking at a clown.

Wu Shixun didn't go out to impeach Chu Qing because he knew he couldn't get rid of him. He just wanted Yu Tianlun to be cannon fodder. After Qianqiying killed Yu Tianlun, the Yu family would take over Qianqiying. Then he and other aristocratic families would

It can be a fisherman's profit.

As for what I said last night about showing Yu Tianlun a path, it was not a clear path, it was a dead end.

Yu Tianlun, who had no brains, ignored him and asked: "Your Majesty, how can we appease the Ying envoy?"

Huang Laosi remained calm: "Tomorrow when I go to court, the envoys of the Xuanying people will enter the palace and confront Chu Qing, the commander of Qianqi Camp, in the palace."

The time just happened to arrive. After Huang Laosi finished speaking, he stood up and Sun An shouted "dismissal".

Not to mention how Yu Tianlun made preparations, Huang Laosi did not go to the Yizheng Hall to continue processing the memorial, but went to the Taowu Hall to change into regular clothes.

Tonight, he will leave the palace, see Chu Qing, have a showdown with Chu Qing, and reveal his identity as a prince.

He wanted Chu Qing to be the sharpest sword in the emperor's hand.

He also wanted to let Chu Qing know that the emperor would hold on to this long sword tightly and never give up, slaying all the demons, monsters, people and swords in the world, overcoming thorns and thorns, and carving out a prosperous dynasty!

Huang Laosi, who had changed into regular clothes, asked Sun An to get a simple short knife.

This is the gift he wants to give to Chu Qing, a short knife. It is not a gift, but a gift.

When the fourth prince Chang Chengyou fought on the battlefield, he used a long sword and a short sword. The long one was a three-foot green peak, named Wanmin, and the short one was a short sword, named Qianji.

After ascending the throne, the emperor gave the long sword Wanmin to the prince Chang Yu and the short sword Qianji, originally intending to give it to the second prince Changxian.

Looking at the plain and simple Qianji, Huang Laosi sat cross-legged.

He had imagined countless times how surprised Chu Qing would be when his identity was revealed, and how interesting the scene would be.

But now Huang Laosi only wants to entrust him with important responsibilities and is willing to reveal his ambitions to Chu Qing.

This chapter has been completed!
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