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Chapter 554

Taichang Temple, Zhangling Temple, group worship, rituals, music and rituals, etc.

When the emperor makes a public appearance, rituals and music are indispensable. This is why Taichang Temple also came here in advance.

Chu Qing and Fu San squatted in the stands, looking at the busy officials of Jingwei and Taichang Temple, and began to make bets.

Chu Qing bet that Wu Shixun, the minister of Taichang Temple, would be dead within a month.

Fu San was even more ruthless, directly saying that it would be five days at most and three days at least, and it would most likely be the third day of the martial arts performance, which was the day after tomorrow. This old guy would be finished.

Chu Qing didn't know what Fu San used to judge that Mr. Qiu would take action within three days, but he felt that even if Huang Laosi ordered to copy Wu Shixun's entire family today, he wouldn't be surprised.

Chu Qing didn't even bother to guess what methods Qiu Wanshan would use, because he knew that he couldn't figure it out with his little brain. If Qiu Wanshan's methods could be guessed by others in advance, it wouldn't be Qiu Wanshan.

Time passed by minute by second, and as soon as the time was almost up, people traveling together arrived, and the guards began to maintain order.

In a short time, more and more people appeared, and it was a sea of ​​people as far as the eye could see.

"Look, what do you mean by common people? This is called common people. There is no firewood to burn at home in the winter. In order to cheer for the courage of our Dachang Dynasty, we have to come all the way even though we are hungry and freezing."

Fu San glanced sideways at Chu Qing and did not respond easily.

Because he didn't know if Chu Qing said this as a sincere compliment or if he meant something.

"Hey, third brother, what if... I mean what if, if this martial arts performance, to show off the power of our country, not a single commoner came, but only a group of monarchs and ministers, what do you think would happen?"

"The Chang Dynasty will be subjugated." Fu San nodded and confirmed: "Yes, our Dachang Dynasty is not far from being subjugated."

Chu Qing deeply believed this, and now he felt that the Dachang Dynasty was not far from being destroyed.

It's not that the people came infrequently, on the contrary, the crowds were so densely packed that it was as if all the people in the capital had come.

But now the wind is howling and the snow is falling. Looking at the people, most of them are wearing thick, patched clothes and have hard naan bread stuffed in their arms.

Even if you win the military performance and defeat the envoys of other countries, there is nothing to be proud of. Foreigners may not know what they are laughing at when they look at the shabby appearance of the people.

Jiang Yuesheng rode a fast horse into the martial arts arena and dismounted.

"Sir, the Holy Driver has left the city."

Chu Qing breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, when the Qianqi Battalion came over in advance, there was basically nothing to do except to check for deficiencies. Security issues were handled by Jingwei and Jingzhao Mansion. As the fourth son, the detectives used to be soldiers and scouts under their command, and a small number of them had to serve as personal bodyguards.

The remaining half stayed with the people to watch the fun, in case anyone caused trouble.

The cold wind seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, but it could not block the enthusiasm of the people. The sound of horns and drums came from far away, and the people knelt in the cold snow in patches.

Chu Qing, who was hiding under the stage to avoid the wind, cursed secretly, and Fu San also knelt down.

After kneeling for half a stick of incense, I saw the nine-clawed golden dragon flag fluttering in the wind from a distance.

The emperor travels with great fanfare. There is no shortage of jade chariots, guide covers, washbasins, whisks, spit pots, horse saddles, and important chairs. There are jade chariots and gold chariots, each with many, axes, stars, lying melons, and standing ones.

There are a total of one hundred and twelve ceremonial guards such as melons, my sticks, royal sticks, and leading sticks. Four Su guards are holding flags at the front, riding tall horses, and four quiet whips. Behind them are ten horses and ten imperial guards with waist belts.

Yi Dao, followed by a long procession of monarchs and ministers.

I don’t know how the jade chariot was fixed. The strong wind blew and it didn’t move at all.

Huang Laosi, who was dressed in fine clothes, stood under the jade chariot. He had not come in a carriage, and he was accompanied by ministers on both sides.

Today's martial arts performance is not accompanied by the hundreds of crooked melons and jujubes who go to court in the government hall every day, but all the officials in the capital must participate, regardless of whether they are on sick leave, those waiting to participate, their wives and others

Those who run away, those who have a meal at home, no matter what happens, they must accompany you.

Chu Qing, who kept complaining after arriving early, was actually quite good. As a member of the emperor's army, it was true that he had to come to the scene in advance. But the other ministers were even more miserable. They had to go to the palace to order mao at four in the morning, and the officials in each government office

After counting the roster and making sure that there were no shortage of people, Taichang Temple checked the appearance and appearance. After everything was completed, the internal affairs supervisor came and brought some higher-ranking people into the political affairs hall, not to discuss things, but to have a meal. As for other things,

The ministers can also eat it, but they have to eat it outside the government hall. It is as cold as the third grandson.

After eating, everyone can stay in place for half an hour. If anyone wants to go to the toilet, the eunuch will arrange it together. When the time is almost up, Sun An comes out to read the imperial edict and babbles for another half an hour. Finally, the emperor appears.

, wave your hand, go!

In the whole capital, apart from the people who want to watch the excitement, the one who is looking forward to the martial arts performance day the most is the Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic.

Because every year after the martial arts performance day, many high-ranking officials would spend a lot of money to invite doctors into the mansion to treat their ministers.

During the three days of Wushu Day, the younger ones were better off, while the older ones suffered from colds, fevers and runny noses, and in severe cases, they notified their families to come and have a meal. This is not an exaggeration at all. After the Wushu Day every year, many ministers ask for leave.


In addition to martial arts days, there are other major festivals or important events. Spring, summer, and autumn are stronger. In winter, it is basically just "suffering".

Therefore, to be a minister, you must not only have a good mind, but also have a frost-resistant body.

The shouts of "Long Live the Mountain" were louder than the others, and the monarch and his ministers finally entered the martial arts arena.

Huang Laosi got off the jade chariot and headed straight to the back of the general stand, which is where the stands are.

Behind the wooden fence, at least a thousand longbowmen began to set up their bows, ready to pull the strings at any time.

Whenever anyone dares to straighten up, they take aim.

Whenever someone stood up, they pulled the string.

If anyone dares to rush in Huang Laosi's direction, they will shoot.

Chu Qing, who was hiding under the stands, said cheerfully: "This is how the stars of future generations will be treated, haha."

Fu San was still the same Fu San, he didn’t understand, but he didn’t ask.

When all the ministers came to the stands, Sun An took out the imperial edict again and began to babble.

Not to mention the people outside, even Chu Qing below the stands could not hear what the old eunuch was shouting at the top of his voice.

He felt that even if the people heard it, they would most likely not understand what it meant.

Regarding this matter, Chu Qing was full of faults.

Why do those in power always rack their brains to make very simple things very complicated? Just like they are afraid that the people will understand them. The more closely related the government orders are to the people, the more complicated they are to say, with all kinds of lofty words.

All kinds of formulas, all kinds of departments that I have never heard of, all kinds of things that I don’t understand!

Sun An, who was blushing and thick-necked, shouted for a long time and finally put away the imperial edict. Only then did the subjects stand up and began to go to the stands.

Chu Qing, who was patting his trouser legs, turned around and found that this position was quite good. The emperor couldn't see him, and he couldn't see the emperor, but he could see his ministers.

This chapter has been completed!
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