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Chapter 569

The war drums sounded again, and the main event, the last martial arts performance, finally began.

As before, representatives of the Chang Dynasty first came to the stage to salute.

As a result, when Su Wei and a group of generals pretending to be Su Wei arrived, they were a little confused. Huang Laosi and other emperors and ministers were also confused.

Because the scouts from Qianqi Camp haven’t arrived yet.

After waiting for a long time, a group of people came running from the distance of the stands. It was a chaos, as if they were going to a market.

There were about a hundred people chasing each other, all wearing armor, but it gave people a particularly ill-fitting feeling, swaying back and forth, some were barefoot, and the most speechless thing was that they didn't even have wooden swords or swords.

Huang Laosi's face turned red.

The Tanma in Qianqi Camp were all his former personal guards and subordinates. This is too undisciplined.

The uninformed common people were also confused, thinking that the people who made up the place were palace guards.

Is this the imperial guard who guards the palace? This is too... not like a imperial guard.

With this formation, everyone thought it was tough enough to win.

Fu San was the fastest runner, but as he ran, he noticed that the old ladies from the lake were screaming and rushing towards the north, which was the direction of the Liangrong people.

"Wrong, wrong, wrong, salute the emperor first, salute first and then fight."

Jiang Yuesheng, who was wearing a face-shielding helmet, was also very anxious and quickly asked Cao Hu to form a team.

Cao Hu scolded his mother: "Just hit someone. Where did all these stupid things come from!"

"Do you still want any money?"

"You have to pay more to salute."

Jiang Yuesheng gritted his teeth and said, "I'll give you ten strings from my own pocket!"

Cao Hu looked contemptuous.

No wonder he is the commander-in-chief and you are just a follower.

But ten strings are also money. Cao Hu turned around and shouted: "Brothers, come back and salute, or you won't give me the money."

After yelling a few times, the wailing old ladies from the lake ran back.

Outside the martial arts arena, there was silence.

Looking at the "guards" on the field who were chasing ducks, my heart dropped to the bottom.

Lords and ministers of the Chang Dynasty, you really don’t want to win at all.

Huang Laosi was also confused.

This guy Chu Qing...how did he lead my soldiers to look like such a bear?

Arriving in front of the stands, Jiang Yuesheng hurriedly organized his team, but after calling for a long time, about a hundred old ladies from the lake looked around and looked at each other.

Many people couldn't understand Chinese at all. Cao Hu knew some rules and knelt down after seeing the guards kneeling down.

When the old cousins ​​saw Cao Hu kneeling down, they also knelt down on the spot.

As a result, this time I knelt down, something happened again.

If you're facing in the wrong direction, you can kneel down.

Some kneeled down to the generals, some knelt down to the ministers, some knelt down to the common people, and some knelt down in the direction of the foreign missions. What was even more disturbing was that a few old cousins ​​even knelt in the direction of the foreign missions.

The foreign missionary directed Bang Bang and kowtowed several times.

Huang Laosi took a closer look, his face was dull.

Because he doesn't know most of them.

No, he didn't know anyone, not a single familiar face, except Jiang Yuesheng.

Although these old ladies from the Lake wore loose helmets that covered their faces, their dirty eyes made it clear that they were not detectives or those who had served in the army. They looked just like thieves.

Huang Laosi felt something was wrong, but the eunuchs playing drums in the distance didn't know that they were far away and couldn't see what was going on here, so they just blew their whips. With this whip, the drums sounded more intense and the battle flags were raised.

Got up.

The generals who were among the guards also knew that something was wrong, but they had already suppressed their anger. Each of them was more reckless than the other. With a wave of his hand, he just said one word, kill!

The emperor said that winning or losing is not important, just kill Tuoba Ying.

They were probably afraid that the emperor would stop the martial arts performance, so before the astonished emperor could say anything, they had already rushed out with the guards.

Then a very funny scene happened. More than eighty guards and generals rushed into the martial arts field, and more than a hundred old Hu women were still kneeling there.

This scene completely confused everyone.

Tuoba Ying was also confused, but when he saw that only a few people were rushing over, it was just what he wanted. With an order, two hundred Liang Rong Silver Wolf Guards actually formed a battle formation, an infantry battle formation, ready to respond to the enemy.

Again, boba jump... In short, accidents happened one after another. No one expected that the Liangrong people fighting on horseback would actually form a formation.

Seeing that a fight was about to start, Fu San didn't care anymore, he put his foot on Cao Hu's butt and shouted: "Fuck you!"

Cao Hu turned his head and suddenly realized.

It turns out you can fight.

Without saying a word, Cao Hu stood up and waved his hand, and the old cousins ​​also stood up.

Then, the scene completely got out of control!

The Dachang Dynasty performed martial arts no less than a hundred times, and something that had never happened before happened.

More than a hundred old ladies and cousins ​​from the lake began to charge as soon as they said Yazi.

If it's just a rush, that's fine.

It was mainly these old men who took off their helmets and held them in their hands while rushing.

In addition to their helmets, they also took off their armor, including the boots that Chu Qing specially asked them to change into.

It was snowing heavily, and all the old ladies from the lake were almost naked.

This was just the beginning, something unexpected happened again.

The old ladies of the lake ran very fast, like sprinting for 100 meters, and in the blink of an eye they caught up with the guards who were forming formations as they advanced.

The old men don't know how to form a formation. They only know one thing. The guards in front of them are delaying them from making money.

One after another, they kicked out. There were tens of thousands of people in the martial arts arena, and not a single one of them was innocent. Almost all of them fell to the ground.

Big Flying Kick showed no mercy at all. Each and every one of the guards was hit by Big Flying Kick.

After kicking down the guards who were blocking the way, those with helmets held their helmets in their hands, while those without helmets directly picked them up with the wooden sticks in the middle of the martial arts arena.

There was no formation, no structure, no plan, just like a straggler, they rushed towards the Liangrong people.

Tuoba Ying in the middle of the formation had a dull look on his face.

No one knew what was going on. Only Tao Ruolin next to Chu Qing, who was also confused, was laughing.

The scene she expected finally appeared.

This is what she wants.

Nothing else, just trying to be happy.

More than a hundred old women from the lake were running extremely fast, and their running postures were very weird. They were almost on all fours, and they were all running forward with their waists bent, giving people a feeling that they would fall down in the next second.

The illusion of ground.

As soon as the Lakers veterans took action, their teammates lay down immediately. They didn't even have weapons in their hands, only big wooden sticks and helmets.

One hundred steps, fifty steps, thirty steps, the helmets were all thrown out.

Like snowflakes all over the sky, the helmet hit the Liangrong man's shield with a sound of breaking through the air.

Cao Hu roared: "Get rich today, clansmen, kill them!"

After saying this, the old cousins ​​accelerated again and rushed in front of the shield-wielding man.

In front of him was a shield, but his speed didn't slow down at all.

Lake ladies from all directions jumped up high and hit the shield directly.

What is even more exaggerated is that the veterans behind them climbed directly up their own bodies, climbed over the shield, and entered the Liangrong battle formation.

The scene got out of control again.

There is only one sound left in this world, the sound of people sucking in cold air.

Lake Girl Tribe, tell them with the facts, why on earth did they forcefully extend the lives of the Dachang Dynasty seventy years ago!

This chapter has been completed!
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