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Chapter 571 Warriors at work

The Liangrong people resisted, but they failed. Their resistance aroused the fierceness of the Lake women.

The Goguryeo people did not resist, they even squatted on the ground and surrendered.

It's a good thing to squat down, because then you can be hit on the head by the Lake Girl Tribe.

The Ying people are somewhere between resistance and non-resistance.

But the old ladies in the lake hate this kind of birdman the most. Either they fight back, or they lie on the ground and get beaten. Damn, they say fight back but don’t fight back, and they say surrender but don’t surrender. You are a bitch, right? Beat me to death!

The brutal beatings began.

If we say it was a fight with the Liang Rong, it was a beating with the Ying thieves. As for the Goguryeo people, it was just a beating of a drowned dog.

One hundred people, fighting in three formations, Liangrong, Goguryeo, and Yingren!

Yes, they also kicked Su Wei and several generals.

In the martial arts arena, they beat up everyone who came in.

The people who remained silent finally broke out.

There were shouts and cheers.

Victory comes so quickly, so unexpectedly, so pleasantly surprised, and so heartily satisfying.

All the fun, shame, and unwillingness were swept away.

So what if you win in riding, and no matter if you win in archery, they are vulnerable to our Chang Dynasty soldiers!

Look, look, there are only a hundred people, only those one hundred people, they even threw away their armor halfway and had no weapons. With their bare hands, they beat you all to the ground. They not only beat the cold thieves, but also the Ying dogs and Goguryeo people.

, hit everyone.

These are the soldiers of our Dachang Dynasty, rude, brutal, bloody and violent. It is they who protect us and our country!

Huang Laosi stood up, the generals stood up, the courtiers stood up, even the guards waving flags, the eunuchs beating drums, everyone looked at the old lake ladies who represented absolute violence.


Watch them use the most primitive method, punch after punch, to regain their lost face and dignity!

One hundred people fought against six hundred people, three times in a row. In the face of this kind of victory, everything that happened in the previous two days can be ignored.

The Goguryeo man ran away with his head in his arms, but was knocked down by the female cousins ​​from the lake, pinned to the ground and beaten repeatedly.

After the Ying people were initially stunned and unwilling, and after trying to fight back and being beaten so hard that they didn't even recognize their own father, the Ying people surrendered so completely that they even wanted to kneel on the ground and wag their tails to beg for mercy.

The funny thing is that Ying people speak Ying dialect.

If they didn't speak Ying dialect, then the most the Lake ladies could do was knock them unconscious and make sure they couldn't get up again.

But they spoke Ying dialect and showed their identities.

If there is anyone in Zhongzhou who knows the true face of the Ying people besides Chu Qing, then it must be the Hunv tribe!

The Ying people may have forgotten that more than seventy years ago, their ancestors were defeated in the East China Sea and were defeated in the East China Sea.

But the Hunv tribe remembers that they had no writing, no books, and only oral traditions. Their grandfathers and fathers died in the East China Sea, by the swords of the Ying people.

The most important thing for a nation is its inheritance. Once it loses its inheritance, it really has no backbone. It is like the medical and beauty powers of later generations, which will only plagiarize everywhere. This is theirs, that is theirs, and the universe was created by them.


The Lake Girl tribe has nothing, they only have inheritance.

Inheritance, including hatred, no matter you are poor or humble, no matter you live and work in peace and contentment, some inheritance must not be lost.

The hatred of our parents will not disappear with the passage of time. Some hatred will never die and will never be forgotten.

The Hu female tribe did not kill anyone, they just broke the arms of the Japanese thieves and smashed their lower legs.

Because the Hunv tribe is very poor, they believe that a disabled person consumes more food than a dead person. This is the most vicious method they can think of, and they will maim all the Ying people.

The scene became bloody again. Yinggu was not a Liangrong. Huang Laosi was afraid of causing "diplomatic disputes" and quickly asked Sun An to notify the imperial guards to enter and end the martial arts performance.

There is no need to continue practicing martial arts. If you win, you will be very happy and win openly.

When the Imperial Guards tried to stop them, half of the Ying people had been killed. Even if the Imperial Guards tried to come over, the members of the Hunu tribe turned their heads coldly and continued to beat them.

Fu San knew what was going on, and shouted a few words to Cao Hu, and even threatened not to pay him. Then the members of the Hunv tribe stood up and silently gathered in the direction of Cao Hu.

The people's shouts and cheers were loud, but every Hu female tribe member seemed to turn a deaf ear.

Their ancestors had heard this sound.

But now, now they are hiding on the high wall in Lake City, hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, with good weather and dew, and the Han people have already chilled their hearts.

With this group of tribesmen who had returned to their listless appearance, Cao Hu did not go to the stage, did not accept the emperor's praise, did not even take another look at the people, but came to Chu Qing in silence.

Chu Qing cheered for joy, took out a handful of banknotes from his arms, and stuffed them into the hands of the smiling Cao Hu without hesitation.

The women of the Lake tribe cheered and finally looked like human beings instead of silent beasts.

Tao Ruolin looked in the direction of the stands, tugged on the rabbit's ears, and walked away like a big sister, leading her fellow warriors to leave the martial arts arena and go to work.

This is Tao Ruolin, even if it is the emperor's face, she will not give it.

Tao Ruolin was a little angry, because Huang Laosi was very useless and lost people for two days in a row, so Tao Ruolin was too lazy to teach the Hunv tribe some etiquette, how to meet the emperor, make a quick buck, earn some face for Chu Qing, and leave after making money.


She did it on purpose because she wanted to express her dissatisfaction. Huang Laosi failed to do anything he promised her.

Just like that, under the astonished gazes of the monarchs and ministers, and with the common people crowding the streets to see them off, the old ladies of the lake, barefoot and wearing single clothes, left the martial arts arena.

The emperor and his ministers went from being stunned to embarrassed.

They have realized that these people are definitely not the Qianqi Camp Tanma, not the imperial guards, not the dormitory guards, and not the soldiers of any large camp.

But who they are, no one knows the answer.

Chu Qing also realized that the ending was not perfect, and quickly ran to the stands and knelt down on one knee.

"Your Majesty, the detective horses of the Thousand Cavalry Battalion have not read books. They thought it was a melee, so they attacked the other two missions. The detective horses were seriously injured and need to go back..."

"Chu Qing!" Huang Laosi stood up and interrupted loudly: "Stop covering up, tell me who they are."

"Donghai, Shangyundao, Hucheng, and the Hunu tribe were the first Fan tribe to join our Dachang Dynasty seventy years ago. Over the past seventy years, they have been our Chang people for generations!"

"Okay, all of the Hunv tribe are from Chang!"

Huang Laosi had obviously guessed the answer. He glanced at the complicated-faced ministers and frowned: "Do the ministers have any objections to the Hunv tribe, which has been calling themselves Chang people for seventy years?"

The civil servants were speechless, and no one dared to say a word.

It was the first time for many ministers who rarely went to court to hear the words Hu Nu Tribe.

On the contrary, the generals echoed and praised the Lake Girl tribe.

The Emperor Longyan was delighted.

I have regained my face.

There was just a hint of regret in Chang Chengyou's eyes.

If I lose again today, maybe I can go to Zhaoyang Palace and enjoy a few years of happiness.

Huang Laosi asked with a smile: "Why did the warriors of the Lake Girl tribe leave, and where do they live now?"

When it comes to Fan people, Huang Laosi never expects any extravagant etiquette. He likes this kind of warriors with high standards.

Chu Qing raised his head: "Get to work."

"Go to work?"

"Yes, let's go to work. They have been building roads in the south of the city these days. In order to make money, they only have two hundred coins a day."

The faces of the emperor and his ministers turned red again, redder than yesterday and the day before yesterday.


Outside the martial arts arena, several tents were connected together.

More than twenty imperial doctors and more than forty doctors are administering medicine to the diplomatic missions from various countries and the guards.

When performing martial arts, casualties and accidents are inevitable, so these doctors have been on standby outside the martial arts arena for the past three days.

The wounded were brought in one after another, all the work of the Lake Girl tribe.

In one of the largest tents, Tuoba Ying, who was almost crippled, was lying on a straw mat while an imperial doctor was helping him.

Tuoba Ying lost too much blood and fell into a coma. The imperial doctor tried to stop the bleeding while setting his bones.

A figure sneaked in, looked around, and came to the straw mat.

The imperial doctor turned around: "Who are you?"

Fu San looked at the imperial doctor and then at the Tuoba Eagle on the straw mat, hehehe.

"My young master said that this boy will not survive."

Before the imperial doctor could react, Fu San suddenly drew out his short sword from behind and stabbed the imperial doctor in the thigh.

The imperial doctor was caught off guard and sat down on the ground, screaming in pain. Fortunately, it was either a fatal injury or he could not stand up.

Fu San clasped his fists: "I'm sorry, this person is a serious problem and must be eliminated."

The imperial doctor lying on the ground was going crazy.

I understand the truth. As for the little prairie prince, neither the king nor the ministers want him to live. But the question is, why the hell are you stabbing me?

"You...you bastard!" The imperial doctor, covering his wound, yelled, "Then why didn't you kill him? Why did you hurt me?"

Fu San shook off the blood on the knife.

"If I stab you, you won't be able to save him. He's dead. Afterwards, the most you can do is go to Jingzhao Mansion. I'll pay you some money and that will be the end of the matter. If I stab him..." Fu San put back his knife and said, "Wouldn't that be an assassination?"

Are you an envoy?"

The imperial doctor opened his mouth and said nothing for a long time.

This explanation is so damn logical!

Shrinking his neck, Fu San got out of the tent, hiding his merit and fame.

After half a stick of incense, the ambitious and resourceful little prairie prince Tuoba Ying ended his sinful life because no one could stop his bleeding.

This chapter has been completed!
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