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Chapter 576 Mr. Qiu is waiting

Chu Qing felt that his father was bragging b.

But looking at it, it doesn't look like it.

Chu Wensheng felt so painful in his heart that he couldn't drink anymore. Even though Chu Qing said that he was a rich man now, and a few thousand coins was nothing to him, Chu Wensheng was still upset, scolding the prodigal son, and

I went back home feeling very sad.

Lao Chu took out the portrait from the box and started to cry. He said I was sorry to my mother-in-law for raising a prodigal son who has no chance to shine.

Chu Qing was helpless, extremely helpless, and didn't quite understand.

Fu San understands very well. If you don't become a family member, you don't know how expensive firewood and rice are.

So he knew how troubled this poor guy Chu Wensheng was.

But Fu San also knew that Chu Qing was not short of money at all, and it wouldn't matter if he spent a few thousand guan.

At the same time, he felt that he could not explain to the old master the current situation of the young master, nor could he explain to the young master how the old master was afraid of poverty.

The explanation was unclear, so Fusan chose to remain silent.

Since the third brother upgraded for the second time, he feels that life is extremely short and he should not do such meaningless things. The two of them can be upset as much as they like. He has to go and gamble with the housekeeper.


Chu Qing returned to the bedroom.

Whenever he had to make an important decision, or when he had to commit suicide without hesitation, Chu Qing would always go back to the Chu Mansion to take a nap, or go back home to take a nap.

Returning home will remind him constantly that he no longer lives for himself, but for "home" and the people around him.

If he hadn't had a drink with the Supreme Emperor, if he hadn't known the true circumstances of the Supreme Emperor's abdication, and if he hadn't known how much the Supreme Emperor cared about his father, he wouldn't have dared to offend the emperor and his ministers like he did now.

Doesn't Chu Qing know that it is dangerous to open some thick sores? But now there are Changxian, Chen Yan, General Huang Si who is always in disguise, and many, many people who are protecting him. There are also the Supreme Emperor who will protect his father. He

Only then did he dare to uncover the thick sore.

Even deep down in his heart, Chu Qing was looking forward to losing his official robe and his father losing his official robe. After losing his official robe, he could take his father, Tao Ruolin and Fu San to where they wanted to go, or

Go to the East China Sea, or go to a place with many mountains and forests, live in seclusion, become a rich man, no longer disappointed, no longer despairing, no longer powerless, no longer look at the ugly faces that you are tired of seeing.

Build a big yard where others can't find it. You and Tao Ruolin live in the side room, your father lives in the master bedroom, and Fu San lives in the side bedroom. After a few years, he has a child, and Fu San also has a child.

If he and Tao Ruolin gave birth to a child with mediocre aptitudes, and they married Fu San's child, then his grandson must be an extremely smart child.

Fantasizing and laughing, Chu Qing slept soundly, lying on the bed, not even thinking about the consequences of tomorrow's unveiling of the country's first scandal, even in his dreams.

He had always been unable to understand things about worth and worthlessness before.

Many people would rather die and be exterminated than take a bite of the enemy's flesh and blood. If they can't take the bite, they would just spit out a mouthful of saliva. Even if this meaningless spit will cost them their own lives and exterminate their entire family, they still want to fly.

A moth flies into a flame.

Now, Chu Qing understood.

This is a kind of powerlessness, so powerless that as long as you spit out a mouthful of saliva, it doesn't matter even if you die, because at least you have set an example and started a beginning.

On the second day, Chu Qing changed into noble clothes, washed, ate, and after asking about his father's recent itinerary, went to the palace.

At the same time, hundreds of detective horses also ran out of the Qianqiying Yamen Office, wearing shackles and carrying long knives, and headed for Honglu Temple.

Jiang Yuesheng was stubborn, but not stupid. He did not take people to various mansions to pick up people, but stayed outside Honglu Temple, catching them one by one and catching them all.

Chu Qing entered the palace and stood behind the generals, with his head lowered and his shoulders covered with snow.

The civil servants all cast strange glances.

Chu Qing still lowered his head, and when the drumming started, another minister came slowly.

"Why are you here?"

Wearing the official robe of a civil servant, it was Qiu Wanshan who came behind Chu Qing.

Chu Qing turned his head, was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and asked quietly: "Can't help it anymore?"

Qiu Wanshan smiled slightly: "It's not very interesting. During these few days, I drank wine and looked at the snow scenery, but I felt that this court is suitable for Brother Yu."

Chu Qing looked at the group of civil servants, looking for the figure of Wu Shixun, the minister of Taichang Temple.

He never doubted Mr. Qiu.

Wu Shixun dared to take the initiative to impeach Mr. Qiu. From the moment he came up with the idea, he was sentenced to death.

Today, Mr. Qiu's appearance outside the political hall means that it is the day of Wu Shixun's burial.

Qiu Wanshan asked curiously: "To cause trouble, or to kill one's heart?"

"Getting into trouble."

"Yu Tianlun?"


Qiu Wanshan raised his eyebrows: "Will it happen tomorrow?"


"After all, he is the minister of the temple. It doesn't matter if Brother Yu knocks down one of them. If he knocks down another one, it would be too public. It's better to do it tomorrow."

Chu Qing was overjoyed.

Look at Mr. Qiu and the Minister of Jiu Temple. In this guy's mouth, they are like fish bellies, ready to be slaughtered by him. He will knock them down at will, one person a day.

"Brother Qiu, from what you say, you have already planned to help me kill Yu Tianlun?"

"That's not true." Qiu Wanshan shook his head: "Yu Tianlun is your business. If you can't handle it, Brother Yu will take action."

"Then what are you bragging about? I thought you had already planned to help me get rid of Yu Tianlun."

Qiu Wanshan said cheerfully: "You can think about it after you go back to court."

Chu Qing gave a thumbs up.

If someone else had said this, he would definitely not believe it, but Qiu Wanshan, he believed it a hundred times.

He is just a minister of the temple. He can think about it when he goes back next morning. If he thinks about it this afternoon, he will die tomorrow morning.

Qiu Wanshan added: "Are you in a hurry? If so, Brother Yu will give you some ideas now."

"No, Yu Tianlun, I'll do it myself!"

"Which comes first, the wise brother or the foolish brother?"

"Brother Qiu, come first. This matter to me is a bit big."

"Sure, if you can't get off the stage, just turn your head and look at me. Brother Yu will do everything for you."

Qiu Wanshan didn't even ask what would happen and just said he would deal with it.

Chu Qing turned around and swept the snow off Qiu Wanshan's shoulders: "It's getting cold. I'll have someone install a floor heater in your house later. It's very warm and I won't charge you any money."

Qiu Wanshan smiled slightly, did not ask what the floor heating was, sleeved his hands, ran to the civil servants, and happily nodded to the officials of the Ministry of Household Affairs, not like an official waiting to be invited.

Wu Shixun naturally noticed Qiu Wanshan's figure. He frowned and turned around to see that Mr. Qiu was still smiling and even nodded with a smile.

Mr. Qiu has always been such a "gentleman". He never curses the San Zi Jing and looks like he is going to fight for his life with anyone. He always has a gentle look when dealing with people. He is more like a civil servant than all civil servants. He is unhurried and unhurried.

Neither sick nor slow, neither arrogant nor impetuous.

The sound of drums and whips was heard, and hundreds of officials entered the palace.

This chapter has been completed!
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