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Chapter 586 Fishing Bait

With Nangong Ping's explanation, many merchants finally understood and understood.

After comparing the workshop with production and shop operation, the expenditure seems to be high, but the output can be increased, because many commodities are in short supply, and even if the expenditure is high, the profit will increase accordingly.

Moreover, this growth rate is very high, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an explosive growth.

Especially for the three pillar industries of floor heating, pencils, and soap, Fujia Escort Bureau has mobilized a lot of manpower to constantly transport goods to other places and hand them over to "specialty stores" for sale and distribution. The manpower is simply not enough.

They are all merchants and don't understand the Four Books and Five Classics, but they can understand this kind of thing at a glance.

After Nangong Ping finished explaining, he pulled off the yellow paper and stood behind Chu Qing again.

Chu Qing still had that smiling expression, so the businessmen naturally sang praises and flattered him.

But as soon as Chu Qing opened his mouth, everyone couldn't be happy anymore.

"I wonder how everyone has considered the tax deduction for establishing a poor academy."

No one said anything, and the merchants began to try to stick their heads in their crotches again.

Making money is certainly a good thing, but you have to spend it with your life.

In fact, this matter has been discussed at the auction, and there is also a book contract.

But now that they are really making money and making a lot of money, these businessmen are hesitant again. No, it is not hesitation, but they are pretending to be deaf and dumb. No one dares to really open a poor academy.

In fact, logically speaking, Chu Qing could have turned against him, took out his dagger Qianji and killed a few of them to scare the monkeys.

However, Chu Qing knew that when dealing with businessmen, he used both soft and hard tactics, first soft and then hard, hard then soft, soft then win. If he was blindly soft, he would be regarded as incompetent waste. If he was blindly hard, he would not have the energy.

"Master Chu."

Fu Youcai, who was the shabbiest in clothes but probably the richest among the merchants, said with a smile: "As a businessman, you must be honest. My Fujia Escort Bureau has already begun to hire teachers. Let's open a dozen or two first.

Ten academies.”

The merchants took a breath of cold air.

Or it could be said that Lao Fu is a ruthless person, and others are afraid of the wolf before opening a store, so Fu Youcai decided to open a "dozen or twenty store" first.

In fact, the Fu family was not "invited" to the last auction, but Fu Youcai sent money to Chu Qing. Fu Youcai didn't say he would buy shares, but that's not how things work.

He became the second largest shareholder among many workshops.

To describe it in one sentence, Fu Youcai really means that he has money but no place to spend it.

Not only do you want to open an academy, but you also pay taxes normally. You don't care about the so-called tax deduction for the academy. You just have money and do whatever you want.

Fu Youcai is not a fool. Even a fool cannot hold on to such a huge property.

Who is Chu Qing? He is the emperor's personal soldier. He has nothing to do and goes to fight against the nobles of aristocratic families?

Of course that's not the case. The emperor's own army must be under the emperor's instructions.

Since it is the emperor's order, there is nothing to worry about, just leave. Anyway, if someone is looking for trouble, Chu Qing and the emperor will take care of it. If they can't handle it anymore, just continue to work in the escort agency and it will be over.

Chu Qing was also surprised. He didn't expect Fu Youcai to be so happy. He reached into his arms, took out a blank roster, walked up and handed it to Fu Youcai.

Fu Youcai didn't open it, but asked in confusion: "Master Chu, what is this?"

"Go back and find five juniors who have studied and take the imperial examination in the spring."

Fu Youcai suddenly stood up: "This..."

Chu Qing did not explain immediately, but looked at the other merchants and said with a smile: "By the way, I took on a new job a few days ago. I am the inspector of the Ministry of Rites. What is your name?"

Nangong Ping interfaced: "My lord, the Ministry of Rites supervises the study of learning, and supervises the examination and evaluation of recommended officials in Beijing."

"Yes, it's about recommending officials to learn Taoism." Chu Qing sat back on the stool and looked at the shocked expressions of the merchants, feeling very satisfied.

The recommendation of officials to learn Taoism in the Chang Dynasty was not actually an official position, but a responsibility of the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

Recommending an official to promote a son does not mean promoting a scholar, but rather a scholar who is recommended as an official.

In the earliest times, there was no examination method for selecting scholars. The imperial court ordered the governors of the prefectures and states to recommend talents, and after going through an examination similar to an interview, they could become officials in the imperial court.

In the later period, scientific examinations appeared, but this recommendation system was not abolished.

The Ministry of Rites has this privilege. If you are a virtuous person, you don't need to take the local exams, you can directly take the final round of exams in Beijing. However, this exam is different from others and has to be conducted in the palace.

This is where the weight of the Ministry of Rites' words lies. Every year there is a scientific examination, and every year someone takes the back door.

A few days ago, Chu Qing found Cao Wu, stretched out his hand, and asked for a quota of twenty candidates.

Cao Wu almost vomited blood out of breath. In previous years, there were only ten places, ten at most. Chu Qing asked for twenty as soon as he opened his mouth. Where could he get ten more?

After knowing that there were only ten places, Chu Qing entered the palace. In half a day's work, he came to the Ministry of Rites again and brought a decree. A decree stamped by the Shangshu Province said that there were not twenty places, but thirty.


Cao Wu didn't even fart, so Chu Qing directly became the recommended official for learning Taoism.

There are thirty places, which means that Chu Qing can find any thirty scholars to participate in the "interview" in the palace. Once someone passes, he can join the court as an official, without having to have thousands of troops and single-plank bridges like other candidates.

When taking various exams, go straight to the last step and get straight to the point.

Fu Youcai's hands, which had held at least millions of banknotes, were trembling.

Looking at Chu Qing, the old man trembled and said, "How about I open fifty academies for poor families?"

Chu Qing laughed loudly: "If you open fifty more businesses, I will have to give you the twenty-five places left in my hand. This is not possible. Other merchants..."

Before he finished speaking, Bai Jie suddenly stood up: "Not many, three, I want three. Mr. Chu, please tell me, I will open as many restaurants as you want, and I will open three places!"

Looking at the other businessmen, Chu Qing waved his hand as if he was a big liar: "Don't say that I, Chu Qing, won't give you the chance to rise to the top. Those who have studied, follow the normal procedures. Those who have not studied, use some tricks."

, you also know that if the emperor is a military general, if he can't become a civil servant, he can't become a military general, and...hehe, this position is in my hands, and it comes from the emperor. The emperor will definitely relax the standards for talent selection.

, in short, you understand."

The merchants were excited, completely excited.

Being in business is easy, being in politics is difficult.

For ordinary people to become businessmen, as long as they have money, brains, and vision, and these three prerequisites are met, the success is basically half done.

But if a common man becomes a minister, a toad makes a swan, and he is ugly but beautiful, it will be useless even if he reads the Four Books and Five Classics to be full of economics, and he will not have a chance to take the scientific examination, because in order to participate in the scientific examination, someone must be a "guarantor", not who

Those who want to take the scientific examination can take the scientific examination, be it a scholar, an official, an elder, or a college or a private school.

Not to mention the children of scholars, farmers, workers, merchants, and merchants, their status is not as high as that of ordinary people. They can study and take scientific examinations, so there is no need to discuss them.

But it's not absolute. If you are really determined and spend a lot of money, there is a chance.

But even if you take the exam, you still can't pass it, because you can't get on the list, and you're a carrot and a pitfall. Officials from aristocratic families are reviewing the questions. They have many young people, and the quota is given to you. How do you deal with their children?

In short, if a merchant's son wants to become an official, there is no way for him to do so.

But what if you take part in the palace examination directly instead of the palace examination? As long as you perform well and show your talents, what if the emperor falls in love with you at a glance?

The most important thing is that if Chu Qing can give a quota, it is definitely not without purpose, and it is impossible to fool everyone into vain. They have said that the emperor will "relax" the requirements and standards, which is obviously to give everyone official positions.

How can a businessman who earns only a small amount of money not want to join politics? This is the human heart, and it is not uncommon in future generations. Moreover, many foreign politicians are originally businessmen.

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