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Chapter 623 Three things

Chu Qing was completely convinced.

How much resentment Chen Yan had towards the Supreme Emperor, not even if he died, he would have to die and be buried, and then the grave would be dug again.

With a smile on his face, Chen Yan went up and patted Ma Ang on the shoulder: "My father's bones were raised by the villagers. It's not a big deal. He came back a few days ago."

Everyone has different looks.

I have to say that Chen Yan's identity is too complicated.

Among the people sitting in the room, some thought Chen Yan was the head of the Household Department, and some thought this guy was the former deputy commander of the Qianqi Camp. In fact, this guy was the Ninth Prince, the future Ninth Prince.

This is what the Changchaotian family said. If you have a fief, you should be called a prince. Even if you are still an infant, you are still a prince. But if you have no identity, no fief, and no title of prince, then you should be called a prince, even if you are a hundred.

Even though he is old, he still has to be called the prince.

Chen Yan also just ran from the palace. He happened to hear what Chu Qing said at the door. He also learned about what happened last night from the fourth child, so he volunteered.

Chen Yan found a seat at random and sat down, looked at Chu Qing and said: "Qian Liang, you think of a way, I'll build the boat, and I'll train the boat division. How about it."

Most people in the room didn't know about "pirates" and were confused.

Chu Qing showed hesitation: "Go to Shangyun Road in the East China Sea, and you may stay there for several years. You..."

Chen Yan smiled slightly: "You don't trust me as a brother?"

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just a very hard job. Originally, I told everyone that I wanted to find someone to take charge of logistics, and I also wanted to see which general from the Ministry of War could be transferred there."

"Sir, please go ahead."

Jiang Yuesheng knew the inside story and said sternly: "If you train troops, the final general will still know a thing or two."

Before Chu Qing could speak, Fu San interrupted and said, "Master, we can't let Er Gou go. There are so many official duties in Qianqi Camp. If he leaves..."

Fu San shook his head, not quite agreeing.

Jiang Yuesheng looked slightly satisfied. He thought that Fu San had always looked down on him, but he didn't expect that he was just a tough talker, but he was still very honest in his body. He knew that Qianqiying couldn't do without him.

Looking at Fu San, Jiang Yuesheng smiled and said: "Don't worry, brother, I will explain the official matters clearly."

"No." Fu San said with a serious face: "I'm afraid that after you leave, the young master will ask me to do these bad things. If I don't do it, I will have to go to the southern suburbs to hire two people, which will cost several thousand dollars a month.


Jiang Yuesheng: “…”

Fu San chuckled, his goal was achieved.

The third brother had no interest in the so-called meeting. He didn't understand, and he didn't ask. He just wanted to find a way to bury Jiang Yuesheng, Tao Shaozhang, or Chen Yan. Anyone could do it. Anyway, he had to find someone to bury him.

In the eyes of this third brother, these three people are all scammers.

Let alone Tao Shaozhang, the king of scammers has disrupted Chu Qing's plans more than once. In the beginning, without Tao Shaozhang, Chu Qing would not have walked on this road of seeking death.

Jiang Yuesheng is the king of informants. A few months ago, no matter what Chu Qing did in Qianqi Camp, this guy would go to the palace in the middle of the night to find the fourth son to inform him.

As for Chen Yan, let alone, you think he is the chief, but in fact he is the deputy commander of Qianqiying. You think he is the deputy commander of Qianqiying, but in fact this guy is still a prince.

Thinking about this matter with the third brother's thinking, Chen Yan is not a good bird.

If this guy had confessed his identity when he was in the household department, his young master wouldn't have had to live with his tail between his legs for a long time and suffer a lot of grievances.

Chen Yan shook his head at Jiang Yuesheng: "You stay at the Qianqiying Yamen Office, I'll go to the East China Sea."

Jiang Yuesheng still wanted to say something, but in the end he just nodded.

He knew in his heart that Chen Yan was definitely more suitable to go to the East China Sea than him, but after all, he was far away in Shangyundao, and he also had to contact the Fan people of the Hunv tribe. The most important thing was that military training was not just training, but also going to the sea, which was very difficult.

It's dangerous.

Jiang Yuesheng and Chu Qing's worries were the same. Chen Yan's status was too noble and there was no need to suffer hardship.

"Charts, money, food, and ships." Chen Yan said to Chu Qing: "It's just these three things. Charts can be purchased from the three East China Sea Roads for a lot of money, and can be bought from merchants traveling between Japan and the Three East China Sea Roads. But there is another

The sea chart needs to be obtained from the Ying people."

Chu Qing's expression changed slightly: "The defense map over the East China Sea, the map of Yingdao?"


Chu Qing thought for a moment and said uncertainly: "Do they have a Japanese mission from Honglu Temple?"

Chen Yan smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know, but I can test it out. But because of the martial arts, I'm afraid you are the most ruthless among the Japanese thieves. I'm afraid it's not easy."

"I'll go." Jiang Yuesheng volunteered again: "Sir, the Ying thief envoy is all money-grubbing people. With 50,000 gu banknotes, as long as 50,000 gu banknotes are needed, we should be 30% sure of the outcome."

Chu Qing couldn't laugh or cry.

For only 50,000 yuan, this guy's game has been completely opened up. His expression is as if he wants to go to the supermarket to buy two cannons for five yuan.

Whenever the second dog opens his mouth, the third brother will definitely take a follow-up shot.

"I'm 30% sure, why do I need you?" Fu San looked at Chu Qing: "Master, please give me a hundred thousand dollars in silver notes, and I'll get the map of Yingdao."

Jiang Yuesheng's face was full of sarcasm: "One hundred thousand strings, I am 100% sure."

"I can return the hundred thousand guan in full, can you?"

"Repay in full?" Jiang Yuesheng was confused: "What do you mean?"

"I can't tell you, you don't have enough brains." Fu San looked at Chu Qing again: "Master, let the younger one do this."

The expressions of Chu Qing and Jiang Yuesheng were similar, and they were also quite confused.

He didn't doubt Fu San's IQ. In fact, the third brother's current IQ should be able to beat most people present. But Chu Qing couldn't figure out how Fu San got the map of Ying Island and put ten people together.

Will all the wealth be returned in full?

Jiang Yuesheng became anxious: "Okay, let Mr. Chu give you a hundred thousand silver notes. I want to take a closer look at how you got the map of Yingdao and how you returned it in full!"

Fu San was very happy: "How about betting a hundred dollars!"

Jiang Yuesheng slapped the table: "One thousand strings!"

Fu San rubbed his hands: "This is the first time I've heard of such a request for money. Let's make a deal."

Chu Qing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said to Jiang Yuesheng: "I'll go get a hundred thousand silver notes and give it to my third brother later."

After finishing speaking, Chu Qing looked at Nangong Ping: "The Chamber of Commerce also needs money, and we need to contact merchants. By the way, contact Mr. Fu and let him be the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. President, you come, so

If you need money and food... you can also take 30,000 yuan. If you don't have enough, ask Jiang Yuesheng for it."

"Students understand."

Chang Xian, who had been silent all this time, spoke up and asked with a smile: "Master Chu, can you also arrange some work for the students? In recent days, you don't take students with you when doing things."

"You have a special status and it is not convenient to show up for many things, but when you mentioned it like this, I remembered it. Go visit the great scholar in the capital and let Tong Gui and Tanma get to know who can teach in the Hanmen Academy, even if it is not a great scholar.

All celebrities are welcome, the only requirement is that they are scholars who are sincerely willing to teach children from poor families how to read and write, regardless of age or reputation, but they must sincerely teach children."

Changxian patted his chest vigorously: "Master Chu, don't worry, the students will definitely fight for their lives."

"Don't use power to oppress others. You can use money. Let's go to Jiang Yuesheng to get 10,000 yuan later."

"Accompanying staff" Ma Ang lowered his head and looked around, feeling a little inferior because he had no money.

No wonder the Thousand Cavalry Camp is so arrogant. Listen, if you open your mouth, you will start with ten thousand strings.

"As for these three things, everyone performs their own duties and coordinates with each other. Does anyone else have anything to add?"

As soon as Chu Qing finished speaking, Chen Yan took out an imperial edict from his arms.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically, especially Ma Ang and Lu Zhu, who knelt down immediately when they stood up.

Chen Yan smiled and said: "No need to be polite, just listen to me."

This chapter has been completed!
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